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Tens of thousands sign petition to get 'My Mate Nate' booted out of Thailand


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The Thai mob dislikes media that does not reflect their rule. He could have got away with everything he did, but the stupid ass made videos and posted it. He is a real dumbass! We all say and do some stupid things in Thailand, some worse than others, but we never make videos about it.  :post-4641-1156693976: For your foolish actions, goodbye my mate nate!

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30 minutes ago, sambum said:

Yes Sir!

               Have done but can't see anything about "Non Thailand monarchs or regents".

Where did you get your information from so that I can look it up?




Apologies for short reply, had to nip out :). This is an English translation of section 133 of the lese majeste law in Thailand: Insult against the Head of State of foreign countries or lese majeste. Insulting or threatening the King, Queen, Consort, Heir-apparent or Head of State of foreign countries (Section 133), which is an offence against the friendly relations with foreign states, is punishable by one to seven years’ imprisonment or a fine of 2,000-140,000 baht, or both.


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22 minutes ago, douglasspade said:

The Thai mob dislikes media that does not reflect their rule. He could have got away with everything he did, but the stupid ass made videos and posted it. He is a real dumbass! We all say and do some stupid things in Thailand, some worse than others, but we never make videos about it.   For your foolish actions, goodbye my mate nate!


You do make videos if you make your living on YouTube, FaceBook, or other social media.  It'd be stupid if he wan't getting paid for the clicks.  


As it is, he's supporting himself in Thailand doing something he enjoys.  Which is what really pisses off so many here on TVF.


Edited by impulse
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4 minutes ago, Knee Jerk Reaction said:

Apologies for short reply, had to nip out :). This is an English translation of section 133 of the lese majeste law in Thailand: Insult against the Head of State of foreign countries or lese majeste. Insulting or threatening the King, Queen, Consort, Heir-apparent or Head of State of foreign countries (Section 133), which is an offence against the friendly relations with foreign states, is punishable by one to seven years’ imprisonment or a fine of 2,000-140,000 baht, or both.


Thanks for that! I couldn't see anything on Wiki about it at all! But now I've found it under Criminal Code.

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1 minute ago, joecoolfrog said:

His public persona I find obnoxious but 3 million YouTubers obviously dont agree. To be honest the petition smacks of Xenophobia to me , easy to blame Johnny foreigner for all  the ills of Thai society.

Perhaps 3 million +1 plums out there....

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We got the finger pointing.

We got the wai.

We got the appology (in coat and tie!)

We got the promise of helping behavior.

Are we sure this punk isn't Thai?

Only thing casting doubt are the facts that he accepted responsibility and apparently his mother didn't go with him.


I might suggest My Mate Nate visits Death Island.

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23 minutes ago, Knee Jerk Reaction said:

Apologies for short reply, had to nip out :). This is an English translation of section 133 of the lese majeste law in Thailand: Insult against the Head of State of foreign countries or lese majeste. Insulting or threatening the King, Queen, Consort, Heir-apparent or Head of State of foreign countries (Section 133), which is an offence against the friendly relations with foreign states, is punishable by one to seven years’ imprisonment or a fine of 2,000-140,000 baht, or both.


Woow even harder, for his sake i hope he had coins of countries which arent favourable to Thailand

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8 hours ago, Saraphee said:

He's 30 something - why does he behave like a 10 year old?

He is in all probability just acting a part , 3.2 million followers suggest he is doing it rather well. I have never watched any of his videos , doubt I ever will , also doubt that many commenting here have either.

I get shouted down by the young crowd when I put Bowie or the Stones on in a bar , its a generation thing . Better to accept what you cannot comprehend rather than huff n puff , that just makes you seem older lol.

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The wife just told me that on the a Facebook news page that immigration finally got a hold of this idiot. 

Apparently it said they checked for work permit from him and it expired in December. 


Let's all take a moment to pray it's true and pray for a deportation 


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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Sanook quoted an expert from a Lat Krabang engineering institute - Mongkhol Mongkholwongjot - as saying that while coins on the tracks could not derail a train, over time they could cause damage to the wheels and tracks limiting their lifespan.


I don't condone what he has done but I am sure coins are made of much softer metal than train wheels or tracks and would need a LOT of coins to start doing damage to tracks and wheels. 

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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

Not only thrown out, but also blacklisted from Thailand for life.


Thais don`t particularly like westerners but we are tolerated. Expats don`t need this kind of negative publicity, get rid of this jerk.

If a tree fell with nobody around and nobody said as much about it, would  there be sound?

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I have never seen a bigger bunch of cynical bigoted hateful old farts ever, somehow always making it about themselves. You are just fossils roaming around thinking you are all knowing, but those days are long past.


The guy is a genius and a celebrity. In 2.5 years he has made 591,792,891 views and low end estimates that's 40,000,000b high end is 4x that. With whatevers left from the US$1.2 million dollars I would just call it a day and move to the next country minus legal fees.


Have you never seen what thai youths are like with borrowed/stolen motorbikes and 40 degrees (or worse) in their system? Compared with that he is tame

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14 hours ago, jbob said:

I have never seen a bigger bunch of cynical bigoted hateful old farts ever.


The guy is a genius and a celebrity. In 2.5 years he has made 591,792,891 views and low end estimates that's 40,000,000b high end is 4x that. With whatevers left from the US$1.2 million dollars I would just call it a day and move to the next country minus legal fees.


Have you never seen what thai youths are like with borrowed/stolen motorbikes and 40 degrees (or worse) in their system? Compared with that he is tame


To be honest this guy annoys me to no end and I would love to sign a petition.


However, this would scream hypocrisy on my part as there are so many real pests living here and "Nate" is nothing in comparison.



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2 minutes ago, jbob said:

I have never seen a bigger bunch of cynical bigoted hateful old farts ever.


The guy is a genius and a celebrity. In 2.5 years he has made 591,792,891 views and low end estimates that's 40,000,000b high end is 4x that. With whatevers left from the US$1.2 million dollars I would just call it a day and move to the next country minus legal fees.


Have you never seen what thai youths are like with borrowed/stolen motorbikes and 40 degrees (or worse) in their system? Compared with that he is tame

"The guy is a genius and a celebrity"


As John McEnroe would say "You can not be serious"!



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5 minutes ago, jbob said:

I have never seen a bigger bunch of cynical bigoted hateful old farts ever.


The guy is a genius and a celebrity. In 2.5 years he has made 591,792,891 views and low end estimates that's 40,000,000b high end is 4x that. With whatevers left from the US$1.2 million dollars I would just call it a day and move to the next country minus legal fees.


Have you never seen what thai youths are like with borrowed/stolen motorbikes and 40 degrees (or worse) in their system? Compared with that he is tame

"I have never seen a bigger bunch of cynical bigoted hateful old farts ever."


Probably that comment might explain your popularity rating!

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