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Tens of thousands sign petition to get 'My Mate Nate' booted out of Thailand


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2 hours ago, douglasspade said:

The Thai mob dislikes media that does not reflect their rule. He could have got away with everything he did, but the stupid ass made videos and posted it. He is a real dumbass! We all say and do some stupid things in Thailand, some worse than others, but we never make videos about it.  :post-4641-1156693976: For your foolish actions, goodbye my mate nate!

you clearly don't understand how internet works :smile:

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21 minutes ago, petedk said:

I don't know why this particular episode has sparked the petition to get him deported. He has done much worse things which could get him into trouble.

The article says he placed "foreign coins" on the tracks, so there is no question of Les Majeste.


 Lese majeste law section 133. Insult against the Head of State of foreign countries or lese majeste. Insulting or threatening the King, Queen, Consort, Heir-apparent or Head of State of foreign countries (Section 133), which is an offence against the friendly relations with foreign states, is punishable by one to seven years’ imprisonment or a fine of 2,000-140,000 baht, or both.

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3 hours ago, balo said:

The latest rumors is that he will marry his girlfriend Wanlapa Thongpal after their holiday in Europe in August. They are already engaged.  He will probably "escape" any troubles in Thailand if he get married. 




Really, he might find that his troubles have only just started after he says I DO

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Don't wait - humiliate, excommunicate, medicate,  sedate,  castrate, flagellate and amputate your mate Nate, crate then donate, extricate, isolate and freight him as an irate inmate straight to a  strait close to Kuwait.

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6 hours ago, HooHaa said:

persoanlly, i find it difficult to understand why somebody could be so petty as to sign such a thing.

i also think its wrong to participate in a social media campaign attempting to to take immigration matters into its own hands.


id be more worried about keeping my own house in order.

Not petty I just think he's an idiot, a simple online petition, no big deal, it won't determine the outcome.

My house is OK and in order thanks.


5 hours ago, sambum said:

For <deleted> substitute "pillock"!

T**t, not that rude.


5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Migjt be kinda hard to get booted out before the authorities get him?

Thats why I said after. :smile:

Edited by davethailand
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He said  “I don’t understand Thai society and why I get criticized so much.”


he doesn't understand because he is stupid ; just look at his face, you understand that Inside his skull, the brain is small 

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2 minutes ago, mikosan said:

Ooops, sorry, apparently the word I used is blocked.  I didn't think it was offensive, so I apologise.  OK, I'll try again.  What a stupid young man.



You have to be creative sometimes

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10 minutes ago, oldlakey said:
13 minutes ago, mikosan said:

Ooops, sorry, apparently the word I used is blocked.  I didn't think it was offensive, so I apologise.  OK, I'll try again.  What a stupid young man.



You have to be creative sometimes

Richard Head comes too mind... :biggrin:

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5 minutes ago, Echo Tango said:

All the expats on here supporting the deportation of another expat should be careful for what they ask for.

Perhaps it will be you that is next.

They are coming for all of us.....you will see soon enough.

Many expat will not take kindly to being tarred with the same bush. 

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2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

10 bht coin was in the mix as the Thai news showed tonight. 

Was it?






Nate may be an idiot, but I doubt he would be that stupid. If it turns out that he was that stupid, I pray forgiveness for my questions..................:jap:

Edited by chrisinth
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Funny how envy can influence peoples'opinions and blind them to reality. Of course Nate is an offensive (possibly greedy) person with little integrity to his character. Remember he sprung fully-formed in his current distasteful guise from a training ground as a "missionary" of a modern US 100% commercially-driven  religion/cult.  He's just following his natural instincts.

The sad thing is that Thais of a certain age (a huge market, as internet figures show) are so eager to help him prosper at the expense of their own image or reputations.

His operation and financial success depends on his own skills in the snake - oil market.

He's not the first and won't be the last, because some "businessman" will always spot such opportunities and exploit them. The temptation is hard to resist as long as you lack empathy with, or compassion for, your fellow man.  Perpetuating a colonial attitude long past its use-by date. If dimwits keep throwing money at you, why would you feel obliged to discourage them?  His approach isn't clever, simply cheap and nasty.

Does that make him any different to the snake-oil salsemen that abound in Thailand in the current environment?  Admittedly Thailand would be a vastly different place if expulsion applied to all of his ilk (native or foreign).

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I think making him a scapegoat is unseemly. 

Do his actions rise to the level of justifying an online LYNCH mob?

Think about it.

Think about your better self.

Is this really OK.

As far as Nate being called a moron, well, the bar for American intelligence was lowered substantially last November. 

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51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I think making him a scapegoat is unseemly. 

Do his actions rise to the level of justifying an online LYNCH mob?

Think about it.

Think about your better self.

Is this really OK.

As far as Nate being called a moron, well, the bar for American intelligence was lowered substantially last November. 

This guy is not going to be president of anything.

Live by the internet and die by it...

I hope I never see his face again.

If anything he should face lese majeste charges for  damaging the image of King Rama 9. (If the coin isn't a ฿10, I hope it was a €2...)

As Benny Hill put it "Stupi' irriot!."



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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2 hours ago, Aforek said:

He said  “I don’t understand Thai society and why I get criticized so much.”


he doesn't understand because he is stupid ; just look at his face, you understand that Inside his skull, the brain is small 

But not too stupid to speak fluent Thai which a lot of us cannot manage !

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3 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Is that  any  justification  for  being an immature  prat?

I only know his online persona , the one that makes money from being controversial, clearly you know him personally.

He may well be an immature pratt , which explains his popularity with young Thais , but stupid I doubt very much.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't like him, don't watch him.

That really shouldn't be so hard if you're not a Thai teeny bopper. 



I  do  not  watch  him. Do  you?

The  reality is  that  he is  an embarrassment  to  people  Thai   and  all.

It  is  that  which  attracts  you  and I   alike  to comment  here. Not for  his  content but  for  his  insults !

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