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Some tourist visa holders being asked to show 20,000 baht in CASH when entering Thailand


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  • 3 months later...

This all stems from cultural differences. Most Thai people simply do not comprehend the concept of savings themselves, they spend every penny they earn in a given month and then demand that their children feed/support them like adult babies for the rest of their lives.


Consider this, a low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer looks at a passport and sees a foreigner without a work permit staying in Thailand for more than 1 year on tourist/ED visa? They think, wow how does this person buy room/food/misc every month? They must be working, probably doing illegal tutoring online or something! Let's put him in jail! 


The economies of the world today are very wealthy now compared to 20 years ago, producing a lot of engineers and children of somewhat rich families (trust fund kids) who can afford to stay in Thailand without working(anywhere, including online) for years. Thailand is still be behind by a wide margin to the west though, but they too have grown as well, but not enough to culturally understand "gap-year" money or trust funds. So consider the fact that an engineer who works for a company that sells Nuclear powered submarines to the most powerful entities on earth probably has earned enough "gap-year" money to afford himself or his children the ability to easily live in without work/abroad for years, let alone be able to afford living in a rice-selling based area. These immigration officer interrogations are just very misplaced power tripping.






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36 minutes ago, greenbottle555 said:

This all stems from cultural differences. Most Thai people simply do not comprehend the concept of savings themselves, they spend every penny they earn in a given month and then demand that their children feed/support them like adult babies for the rest of their lives.


Consider this, a low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer looks at a passport and sees a foreigner without a work permit staying in Thailand for more than 1 year on tourist/ED visa? They think, wow how does this person buy room/food/misc every month? They must be working, probably doing illegal tutoring online or something! Let's put him in jail! 


The economies of the world today are very wealthy now compared to 20 years ago, producing a lot of engineers and children of somewhat rich families (trust fund kids) who can afford to stay in Thailand without working(anywhere, including online) for years. Thailand is still be behind by a wide margin to the west though, but they too have grown as well, but not enough to culturally understand "gap-year" money or trust funds. So consider the fact that an engineer who works for a company that sells Nuclear powered submarines to the most powerful entities on earth probably has earned enough "gap-year" money to afford himself or his children the ability to easily live in without work/abroad for years, let alone be able to afford living in a rice-selling based area. These immigration officer interrogations are just very misplaced power tripping.






Your comments are dripping with a demeaning distaste for the Thai "low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer," and smack of how dare they question me, I'm God! Have you tried other Country I/O's including your own because they would be the same, ask the same questions be identical in every way even though they have a well earned and superior degree, just like Thailand all Country I/O's are trained to not care about the visitors self important stature, Country of origin etc. You're right Thailand has some catching up to do but I'm confident it will get there, meanwhile try to be a little more sensitive and appreciate the Country the I/O has allowed you to enter, remember the Country belongs to him/her not you and permission is not automatic just because you have a higher IQ (ahem)...

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On 6/20/2018 at 8:29 PM, Shiver said:

There are other scenarios though.  For example I spend most of my time here because my girl is here.  I've just turned 49 so not eligible for retirement, but have adequate cash for pretty much any eventuality, and don't need to work any more.  I really don't want to go to UK.  I came here to not be there, after all.  In the end elite visa was my only option.  That riles, but I had little choice other than to relocate us both and take her away from everyone she knows. 


If you are an asset to the country and add to the economy, don't cause issues and have a clean record, is it too much to be asked to be left alone?  Apparently yes.

Stop crying. You'll be eligible in one year. It's quite reasonable, especially in this economic times that people should be gainfully employed in their home countries until 50yo. The bulk of your countrymen will never retire!


They don't want you before 50. They don't care about your long distance 'relationship' or you for whatever reason don't want to be in your own country.


Why don't you teach for two years instead of being idle at 49?

Edited by ozmeldo
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21 hours ago, greenbottle555 said:

This all stems from cultural differences. Most Thai people simply do not comprehend the concept of savings themselves, they spend every penny they earn in a given month and then demand that their children feed/support them like adult babies for the rest of their lives.


Consider this, a low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer looks at a passport and sees a foreigner without a work permit staying in Thailand for more than 1 year on tourist/ED visa? They think, wow how does this person buy room/food/misc every month? They must be working, probably doing illegal tutoring online or something! Let's put him in jail! 


The economies of the world today are very wealthy now compared to 20 years ago, producing a lot of engineers and children of somewhat rich families (trust fund kids) who can afford to stay in Thailand without working(anywhere, including online) for years. Thailand is still be behind by a wide margin to the west though, but they too have grown as well, but not enough to culturally understand "gap-year" money or trust funds. So consider the fact that an engineer who works for a company that sells Nuclear powered submarines to the most powerful entities on earth probably has earned enough "gap-year" money to afford himself or his children the ability to easily live in without work/abroad for years, let alone be able to afford living in a rice-selling based area. These immigration officer interrogations are just very misplaced power tripping.






555 they're cops, and especially in Thailand they should look at everything with a jaundiced eye.


Fact is very few people have this sort of money. The average Briton and American has almost no savings, little if any hime equity and not nearly enough to retire on.


I teach and I've been through four schools. Myself and two other teachers make three out of fifty that have their retirements planned out. The balance are hand to mouth.


Both nations, the world is swimming in debt. Thailand as well


The evidence is also most likely empirical. People here are as broke ass and sketchy af.


If i we're running immigration policy i would have just done the 400/800 accounts long ago. It's simple, b/w done!


And I just know the majority are just gaming the system. Embassy no longer wants to be party to it.


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On 1/12/2018 at 3:24 PM, VBF said:

Not wishing to be insulting, but unless the IO asked to see your boarding card (for which I've never been asked), how would (s)he know you've just arrived on Business Class?

You are supposed to present your card and the flight is recommended in your PP.



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1 hour ago, ozmeldo said:

Stop crying. You'll be eligible in one year. It's quite reasonable, especially in this economic times that people should be gainfully employed in their home countries until 50yo. The bulk of your countrymen will never retire!


They don't want you before 50. They don't care about your long distance 'relationship' or you for whatever reason don't want to be in your own country.


Why don't you teach for two years instead of being idle at 49?

Or get married and an extension based on marriage (or work, as you say). There are plenty of options. 

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2 hours ago, ozmeldo said:

You are supposed to present your card and the flight is recommended in your PP.



Duh back at ya! 


What do you mean recommended in your passport?   Doesn't make sense in this context (I've always filled in the TM form long before I get to immigration)


And I repeat, I've never been asked for my boarding card when entering Thailand which is what this thread (some-tourist-visa-holders-being-asked-to-show-20000-baht-in-cash-when-entering-thailand)  concerns. It's usually placed in my carry-on from the moment I board the plane, "just in case" I might need it, but never have.


One shows it when leaving, of course (as is common the world over), but it's tucked into my passport at that stage anyway.   

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On 7/17/2017 at 12:22 PM, rkidlad said:

Shouldn't be showing proof of funds when applying for the actual visa be enough? Instead of cluttering up immigration queues with baffled tourists wondering why they should have 20k in cash on them.


Every time me and my missus fly back to England, they never ask her to show them cash. That's because that's ridiculous, she's already shown her money when applying for the visa, and this is 2017 where people use debit and credit cards and don't usually carry round large amounts of loseable cash. 

STOP stating the "bleedin obvious".............u know it makes sense

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When you travel to any country it's your responsibility to ensure you comply with all requirements, and not the immigration departments' to facilitate any of this. Even with the current poor exchange rates this is only around £450 equivalent and it can be foreign currency equivalent. You are not forced to spend it as you can take money (with restrictions) back out on departure. I'm back in the UK at present and have 25000 bht, for my return. I don't see any of this as a hardship, just need to be prepared.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 hours ago, stevemac said:

When you travel to any country it's your responsibility to ensure you comply with all requirements, and not the immigration departments' to facilitate any of this. Even with the current poor exchange rates this is only around £450 equivalent and it can be foreign currency equivalent. You are not forced to spend it as you can take money (with restrictions) back out on departure. I'm back in the UK at present and have 25000 bht, for my return. I don't see any of this as a hardship, just need to be prepared.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

in CASH?

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4 hours ago, VBF said:

Duh back at ya! 


What do you mean recommended in your passport?   Doesn't make sense in this context (I've always filled in the TM form long before I get to immigration)


And I repeat, I've never been asked for my boarding card when entering Thailand which is what this thread (some-tourist-visa-holders-being-asked-to-show-20000-baht-in-cash-when-entering-thailand)  concerns. It's usually placed in my carry-on from the moment I board the plane, "just in case" I might need it, but never have.


One shows it when leaving, of course (as is common the world over), but it's tucked into my passport at that stage anyway.   




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On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

Your comments are dripping with a demeaning distaste for the Thai "low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer,"

Absolutely. After having to deal with power-tripping I/Os, I have acquired a "distaste" for them, and a reasonable one at that.



On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

and smack of how dare they question me, I'm God!

I have no problem with the police performing an investigation, but only one that warrants looking into a crime. I think the core issue is that some I/O officers are just bad at their job, are themselves playing god by power tripping via nepotism. In Thailand, I've seen it happen unrelated to border issue but related to a passport stamp update issue, I think she was being difficult because she wanted tea money and knew she had something I lawfully needed. It's this corruption that really turns me off.


On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

meanwhile try to be a little more sensitive and appreciate the Country the I/O has allowed you to enter, remember the Country belongs to him/her not you


The I/O isn't sitting on a golden chair determining who can enter "his/her" country. That is just bizarre. When you go back to your home country, do see the I/O there as owning that country and allowing you to enter? They are just glorified gate guards who must follow protocol. And yeah the ones back in America are certainly stupid and poorly educated as well. I had one imply that I should hook her up with a high paying silicon valley job after an bag search. So corruption and I/O pleading with entrants for cash and prizes isn't just isolated to poor countries. Pretty much all I/O's are low IQ and low empathy in order to do their job. It's not a thinking nor job for those with feelings or a sense of right or wrong.

Edited by greenbottle555
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On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

Your comments are dripping with a demeaning distaste for the Thai "low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer," and smack of how dare they question me, I'm God! Have you tried other Country I/O's including your own because they would be the same, ask the same questions be identical in every way even though they have a well earned and superior degree, just like Thailand all Country I/O's are trained to not care about the visitors self important stature, Country of origin etc. You're right Thailand has some catching up to do but I'm confident it will get there, meanwhile try to be a little more sensitive and appreciate the Country the I/O has allowed you to enter, remember the Country belongs to him/her not you and permission is not automatic just because you have a higher IQ (ahem)...

Whooa!  He's saying (if I understand) that just because they can't understand your procedures it can't be true!

"Any technology sufficiently advanced will appear as magic" (or 'summink' like that).

I say he's right, that they can't understand (and that includes farang) so they stick to their trusted ways of yesteryear because they believe their forefathers and not what's coming down the tracks to run them over because they're too busy saying "I want a swimming pool like that, but it has to be bigger" (without earning it).  I'm a crypto eejit and made a chunk doing that amongst other businesses that nobody paid attention to prior, at the time at all because it wasn't on CNBC or some such.  Even today in late 2018 everyone thinks I'm some kind of weirdo with too much cash (I can still run out if I help too many people and then where would I be in this land of smiles and gossip?), when the reality is they weren't paying attention, so to defend themselves they pick on the innocents to deflect from their own guilt or lack of attention to what's going on around them.

I could easily live on an average teachers wage (actually I do!) and my missus says "why you keep giving money to other people" and I say "You....are the other people.  You cost me more (emotionally, and likely in fiat) than all of the other gifts put together whereas I spend very modestly" - I don't have a house, I don't have a car, or even a scooter anymore (she has all of that) - it's all gifted.  I don't have gold, I don't have residence/citizenship or passport here (She has that too), I'm a 2nd class citizen that can meet their best class in every respect, like for like) I don't have a gbzmilizon in the bank (she's doing pretty good by me though - but in fairness she met me as a potential, not a result, so not a gold digger or any other derogatory term) - I keep that out of danger thank you very much, and even with a gun to my head and Ps & Sh streaming down my leg and full of fear, they cannot win...because I thought about tomorrow before it happened.  As you might imagine that doesn't go down well at all (nor did I expect it to).  If you earn it you can give it or spend it (which is ultimately giving anyhow).  Then they say "don't talk about money like that" and I say "I don't, but you do!".  It get's worse, then there's a breakdown, confusion (and I do a take away and go for a 'walk') and then finally we reach parity and caring.

Life is full of 50/50's (givers and takers).  I'm a giver and a giver again, and I give a lot away for free, but I don't do nothing for nothing (anything for nothing).

So back the f off and let the guy speak, please....

That was my detour which was nothing at all to do with the posters point of view, but his point of view is just as valid as anyone else's here.  And... his point of view is right (because it's an opinion...not that it would need pointing out, would it.).



So go on... bring on the hate mail...

Edited by Shiver
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Whooa!  He's saying (if I understand) that just because they can't understand your procedures it can't be true!

"Any technology sufficiently advanced will appear as magic" (or 'summink' like that).

I say he's right, that they can't understand (and that includes farang) so they stick to their trusted ways of yesteryear because they believe their forefathers and not what's coming down the tracks to run them over because they're too busy saying "I want a swimming pool like that, but it has to be bigger" (without earning it).  I'm a crypto eejit and made a chunk doing that amongst other businesses that nobody paid attention to prior, at the time at all because it wasn't on CNBC or some such.  Even today in late 2018 everyone thinks I'm some kind of weirdo with too much cash (I can still run out if I help too many people and then where would I be in this land of smiles and gossip?), when the reality is they weren't paying attention, so to defend themselves they pick on the innocents to deflect from their own guilt or lack of attention to what's going on around them.

I could easily live on an average teachers wage (actually I do!) and my missus says "why you keep giving money to other people" and I say "You....are the other people.  You cost me more (emotionally, and likely in fiat) than all of the other gifts put together whereas I spend very modestly" - I don't have a house, I don't have a car, or even a scooter anymore (she has all of that) - it's all gifted.  I don't have gold, I don't have residence/citizenship or passport here (She has that too), I'm a 2nd class citizen that can meet their best class in every respect, like for like) I don't have a gbzmilizon in the bank (she's doing pretty good by me though - but in fairness she met me as a potential, not a result, so not a gold digger or any other derogatory term) - I keep that out of danger thank you very much, and even with a gun to my head and Ps & Sh streaming down my leg and full of fear, they cannot win...because I thought about tomorrow before it happened.  As you might imagine that doesn't go down well at all (nor did I expect it to).  If you earn it you can give it or spend it (which is ultimately giving anyhow).  Then they say "don't talk about money like that" and I say "I don't, but you do!".  It get's worse, then there's a breakdown, confusion (and I do a take away and go for a 'walk') and then finally we reach parity and caring.

Life is full of 50/50's (givers and takers).  I'm a giver and a giver again, and I give a lot away for free, but I don't do nothing for nothing (anything for nothing).

So back the f off and let the guy speak, please....

That was my detour which was nothing at all to do with the posters point of view, but his point of view is just as valid as anyone else's here.  And... his point of view is right (because it's an opinion...not that it would need pointing out, would it.).


So go on... bring on the hate mail...

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

How could anyone in their right mind come for a holiday with only $600?


A lot of people use ATMs and credit cards while travelling so they don't need to bring thousands of dollars with them.


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22 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Even a dreadlock kee nok backpacker could scrape together $650.

What's the fuss all about?

Its not the actual money , its having to have it in your pocket on arrival .

If you are doing a visa run , you have to carry that cash around with you for the duration of your trip .

   Many people these days use cards for payments & withdrawals instead of carrying large amounts of cash around and theres no ATMs before immigration 

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17 hours ago, rott said:

I can remember a time when people were admonished not to repeat a long post just to add a line or two.


In this case though I do see the point.


Load of self-serving, smug waffle.

"Happy Thursday everyone."

That short enough?

If you can do lossy compression of information then please do tell.  I just wrote what I wrote long hand and nothing more/less.  Apologies if it was wordy, but I was defending the writer (who I do not know), and not "self serving smug waffle" at all.  Next time you need support, write on a Visa forum or something and see how many come to your rescue in real world.  I'll be in the background watching with interest.

I would be *nothing* without people who trusted me.  They would have failed later without me, and I without them, them without I etc.  Do you want me to call them smug and report back? - nah, fruitless exercise as it would only be talk, any which way, as people I enjoy the company of are mild and gentle, not thugs.

They'd probably just laugh and say "forget about it".  If someone did that to me then I'd likely do the same, but tonight..... My Missus said something about my friend and knee jerk I defended him over her.  I was shocked (as she is pretty awesome to me), she was, and he I guess was too.... (much respect gained on all sides later on)  I'm not for sitting down though, and not for making issues either.  As a 'keyboard warrior' it's easy to pretend, but IRL I'm just saying I want a quiet magnolia life, but if backed into a corner then weird sht would not be unexpected (friendly but a bit weird - that's how it appears to people with a different drum beat).

No issues with any readers, of Wifey, or friend.  I hope you are able to understand....

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 1:13 PM, mangpono said:

Just curious, as I can't remember - are there ATMs at Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi after you get off the plan and before immigration, so one can hit up the ATM before getting in the immigration queue if you feel the need or for peace of mind?

As far as I can remember there are no ATM's at either airport on the airside of immigration.

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