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White House spokesman Spicer out as Trump seeks to fix image


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1 hour ago, LannaGuy said:

Not sure where you get your percentages from but 90%?  doubt it but it's true that it will shape what and how they do things. Fundamentalists are the curse of the world.  

I don't know where you post from, maybe secular western Europe where the percentage of religious believers is indeed comparitively low (another reason I don't get why they want to allow in hoards of fervent Muslim migrants). However, in most of the rest of the world, I'd guestimate 90% or more of most people profess some sort of supernatural belief. It's just a fact that to some degree or another, these beliefs will be reflected in the respective government and societies.

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42 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You are aware of Steve Bannon?  A serious nut job who's Trump's chief strategist.


He's as racist as they get. 

Not apologizing for Western civilization and wanting to preserve and defend what is best in it is hardly "racist."

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42 minutes ago, simple1 said:

I guess Gorka is Off Topic, but has he come forward to refute his prior support for a neo-fascist group in Hungary and sympathy for some other European far right leaders.


In a 2007 video, Gorka declared his support for the Magyar Gárda (Hungarian Guard), a paramilitary group described by The Forward as neo-fascist.[85] The Guard was later banned by the European Court of Human Rights as a threat to racial minorities

I prefer to live in countries where thought isn't policed.

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39 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Kushner may be Jewish, but I suspect his and the entire Trump family's real God is Mammon. If teaming up with neo nazis brings in the greens, why the heck not?


All praise to Mammon.



So now your repeating the anti-Semitic slur that Jews are money-grubbers... who's the Neo-Nazi now.

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2 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

I prefer to live in countries where thought isn't policed.

If the far right gains power there will no longer be freedom of expression, in fact the reverse, extensive oppression, so rather odd comment.

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6 minutes ago, CutiePi said:
46 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Kushner may be Jewish, but I suspect his and the entire Trump family's real God is Mammon. If teaming up with neo nazis brings in the greens, why the heck not?


All praise to Mammon.



So now your repeating the anti-Semitic slur that Jews are money-grubbers... who's the Neo-Nazi now.


Very clever deflection. But not really. Note that I'm referring to one particular person and his immediate adult family, not all Jews.


Try harder.



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17 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

I prefer to live in countries where thought isn't policed.

In a fascist society, you will be free to say/think whatever you want—as long as it's also what they want.



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29 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Not apologizing for Western civilization and wanting to preserve and defend what is best in it is hardly "racist."


"defend what is best"


Your wholesale abhorrent deflection is despicable.



Fortunately, you are of a very small minority .

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30 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

Not apologizing for Western civilization and wanting to preserve and defend what is best in it is hardly "racist."

Not sure I understand that?  Western civilization is a diverse on.  In Europe and North America.  Which is a great!  These nuts want to kick out minorities.  Trump's talk about Mexicans, women, Muslims, etc, is outdated and disgusting.  No defending that.  He's outdated.

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

Having to defend the indefensible did him in.

Can we hope for the same from his congressional defenders? Oh I hope so. They are maybe more despicable than 45 is for allowing/condoning his attack on our democracy.

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1 minute ago, selftaopath said:

Can we hope for the same from his congressional defenders? Oh I hope so. They are maybe more despicable than 45 is for allowing/condoning his attack on our democracy.

We were speaking of Spicer. I responded to a post which said Melissa McCarthy of SNL did him in. I said having to defend the indefensible did him in. What are you saying?

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Spicey will write a book, make millions and nobody will say a word, but woe betide Obama if he writes a book and makes money (has anyone complained about Ivanka being paid 2.75 M to write a book since she entered 'office'?).


Spicer has thrown his integrity down the drain. There will be a flurry of invites for him to appear on talk shows after he quits in August but it's a pity the media will not do the honourable thing and just turn their backs on him.My guess is he will be on some sort of retainer from Trump to continue to talk about him in a positive light.


As for Scaramucci, the swamp is  continuing to fill up.


And Spicer can go and find sympathy in the dictionary, somewhere between s**t and syphilis. 

I wonder where the outcry was when 45's daughter was given ????? big money..... not sure how much but millions right after her Father went to Saudi Arabia to suck up? The (R) party ( stands for Russia) are such hypocrites. Boy they bitched and moaned at EVERYTHING Obama did. Now..... not a peep. Man I despise them.

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Scaramucci deletes old tweets bashing Trump


"President Trump's new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci went on a Twitter purge Friday,

deleting years-old tweets bashing his new boss and supporting positions like gun control."


"One of the deleted tweets referred to the Trump campaign as a "spectacle," which was pointed out by a reporter who was swiftly blocked by Scaramucci."


"Another deleted tweet praised Trump's eventual challenger, Hillary Clinton. In a now-deleted tweet from 2012,

Scaramucci calls the former Democratic secretary of State "incredibly competent." 



Whitewashing his recent past now that he is the bootlicker and sychophant of the inept one.

Principled and credibility :   -0 

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Anthony Scaramucci once called Donald Trump “anti-American” and a “hack” on Fox


"I’ll tell you who he’s going to be president of — and you can tell Donald I said this: The Queens County bullies’ association."


"You gotta cut it out now and stop all this crazy rhetoric, spinning everybody’s head."


"The politicians don’t want to go at Trump because he’s got a big mouth and he’s afraid he’s going to light ’em up on Fox and other places, but I’m not a politician. Bring it."




Shreds the inept one on Fox, now he's his mouthpiece.

Would you trust this guy?

Edited by iReason
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2 hours ago, CutiePi said:

So you are seriously arguing that a "Neo-Nazi" is employed in President Trump's White House...someone who has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. Again just goes to show why Trump is President and Hillary isn't...most people see right past such silly bluster.

Yes, he is a Neo Nazi. You have not taken the least bit of time to actually look into the life of the person you defend have you?




1 hour ago, CutiePi said:

I don't know where you post from, maybe secular western Europe where the percentage of religious believers is indeed comparitively low (another reason I don't get why they want to allow in hoards of fervent Muslim migrants). However, in most of the rest of the world, I'd guestimate 90% or more of most people profess some sort of supernatural belief. It's just a fact that to some degree or another, these beliefs will be reflected in the respective government and societies.

Ah so now we have a 'guesstimate' from you. In an age when all the facts you could wish for are at your finger tips (with some good filtering), you now offer us a guesstimate. And we have gone from a belief system to 'supernatural belief'. Thinking there are ghosts and fairies at the bottom of the garden is a belief in the supernatural. Not walking under ladders or being concerned about Friday 13th is a belief in the supernatural . So what exactly are you talking about? Indeed it is widely accepted that the term supernatural can be exchanged with 'paranormal', so are you also including people who can bend spoons?

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Mean while, on the Trumptanic;

First mate, Mike Pence; Captain Trump, wake up.... There is a huge iceberg in front of us!

Captain Trump; No, don't worry, you had to many nothing burgers last night.

First mate Mike Pence; But captain Trump, please come to the bridge and see for your self!

Captain Trump; Don't worry it's a fake iceberg, just go full ahead!

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2 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

Mean while, on the Trumptanic;

First mate, Mike Pence; Captain Trump, wake up.... There is a huge iceberg in front of us!

Captain Trump; No, don't worry, you had to many nothing burgers last night.

First mate Mike Pence; But captain Trump, please come to the bridge and see for your self!

Captain Trump; Don't worry it's a fake iceberg, just go full ahead!

That reminds me, the amount of sound coming from Pence in the last 10 days has been similar to that made by tumbleweed.

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                              He had one of the yuckiest jobs in the USA.  He had to parrot the president's lying.  Sometimes, there was a slight grin on his face, as he said the words the president told him to say - but that grin dissipated when the president would contradict himself (and the spokesman) hours later.  





Scaredmucus sounds like a complete horses butt hole - the exact type of person Trump wants.  When he's no longer useful, Trump will kick him out the upstairs window, like he eventually does with all the others who preceded him.


Spoiler alert:   Kushner will be out of the Oval Office very soon.  There's just too much of a tide against him - even for the Dufus in Chief to keep him by his side. 

Trump would throw his own mother under the bus just for disagreeing with him, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kushner were to be sacrificed soon. Trump already threw Sessions under the bus a few days ago because he distanced himself from the  'Russia-investigation' and Trump said he would never have appointed Sessions if he had known that beforehand. And it turns out now (who would have thunk it!?) that Sessions did discuss the Trump campaign at length with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. So guess who's going to be booted out next ...

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Well if Spicer ends up cleaning toilets at the local homeless shelter he will at least get some job satisfaction and sense of achievement.  Everyday while working for Trump he must have lived in dread of which screw up or outright lie he was expected to spin that day.

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6 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Obama to Wall Street Scaramucci :


You see when you see Obama debating and then compare it to Trump blustering....  actually you cannot compare it at all.  No matter what you think of Obama , he was intelligent and a persuasive speaker whereas Trump is quite simply a moron.  Don't take my word for it, ask Spicer!

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4 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

""Trump seeks time fix image""?

Let's all have a bloody good laugh at that one.

Yeah really, how can he better his image by hiring and firing top positions on a weekly basis. I wouldn't think the hiring of Defense lawyers for the family would do much for image either.

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Scaramucci deletes old tweets bashing Trump


"President Trump's new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci went on a Twitter purge Friday,

deleting years-old tweets bashing his new boss and supporting positions like gun control."


"One of the deleted tweets referred to the Trump campaign as a "spectacle," which was pointed out by a reporter who was swiftly blocked by Scaramucci."


"Another deleted tweet praised Trump's eventual challenger, Hillary Clinton. In a now-deleted tweet from 2012,

Scaramucci calls the former Democratic secretary of State "incredibly competent." 



Whitewashing his recent past now that he is the bootlicker and sychophant of the inept one.

Principled and credibility :   -0 


NEW: Scaramucci gave $5,000 to Obama and $4,600 to Hillary campaigns





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Trump shit on Sean Spicer constantly. On Trump’s first big foreign trip, he wouldn’t even let Spicer, a devout Catholic, meet the pope, even though it was literally the only thing Spicer ever wanted:



Sean Spicer didn’t get to meet the pope. Even reporters feel sorry for him. (Headline)


“Trump is a cruel boss,” said New Republic senior editor Jeet Heer, who said the president “didn’t let Sean Spicer meet the Pope out of sheer meanness.”





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16 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

""Trump seeks time fix image""?

Let's all have a bloody good laugh at that one.


To improve his image, Trump would need a time machine to go back in time all the way back to his dad's nutsack and let one of the other swimmers fertilize the egg and be born a completely different person.




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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, he is a Neo Nazi. You have not taken the least bit of time to actually look into the life of the person you defend have you?




Ah so now we have a 'guesstimate' from you. In an age when all the facts you could wish for are at your finger tips (with some good filtering), you now offer us a guesstimate. And we have gone from a belief system to 'supernatural belief'. Thinking there are ghosts and fairies at the bottom of the garden is a belief in the supernatural. Not walking under ladders or being concerned about Friday 13th is a belief in the supernatural . So what exactly are you talking about? Indeed it is widely accepted that the term supernatural can be exchanged with 'paranormal', so are you also including people who can bend spoons?

Overall, 84 percent of the world’s inhabitants, which it estimated at 6.9 billion, identify with a religion, according to the study entitled “The Global Religious Landscape” issued by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life...



I was off by 6 percentage points...so sue me.

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