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Why am I the only one that will state what country they are from? The rest of you that I ask really can’t be that ashamed of your homeland, and if so just make up a country and lie.

i am living here for 8 years.....been in my country last time 3 years ago, and left after 6 days to be back to LOS...so what would be the impact of my nationality on my comments ? Cultural ? Or in regard of who is in charge at the moment ? Or to have to justify by what any of my ancestors have done or not done 60 years ago ???

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shall we have to show our passport before entering a thread ?


Just joking!

You really need to read the entire thread to understand the question. If you going to knock another country at least have the balls to state where you’re from if you are asked. And not be a coward and refuse to answer the question and then keep posting uniformed crap!

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shall we have to show our passport before entering a thread ?


Just joking!

You really need to read the entire thread to understand the question. If you going to knock another country at least have the balls to state where you’re from if you are asked. And not be a coward and refuse to answer the question and then keep posting uniformed crap!

I read. I understood.....still, I can not see the use of disclosing nationality if one does not want....Oh by the way, I am french....not proud, not ashamed, just french

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must be an american joke biggrin.gif ! I don't get it whistling.gif

Not a joke! It was the American citizens tax dollars that sunk the Soviet Union. Just because you don't want to recongnize the fact or appreciate it matters little. It was not your money, it was mine.

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lamphum, what country are you from? It really can't be that bad, can it? Please tell us. I promise I won't be mean.

He has a sense of humour, so I would hazard a guess and say British.

You on the other hand are rather loud mouthed/crass/opinionated/and full of s#it.You didnt have to tell us where you were from, everybody could guess!!

A lot of Americans I know are real good guys, unfortunately yankees like you, who think the world owes you a favour, give them a bad rep.

Anyway thats my 2 bahts worth.........

Gone Fishing :o:D:D

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must be an american joke biggrin.gif ! I don't get it whistling.gif

Not a joke! It was the American citizens tax dollars that sunk the Soviet Union. Just because you don't want to recongnize the fact or appreciate it matters little. It was not your money, it was mine.

Who gives a sh1t ??? How many other great things will you take credit for, as a person ?

The more I read from you, the more I tend to share JacknDanny opinion about you....

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Im better then anyone.

Lets just leave it at that. American and everyone else media is nothing but a bunch of attention seekers.

All of them. Who ever thinks different is sinning and I will punish you later in life

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I can’t wait to read The Nation’s editors commentary on the resent episodes in Bangkok. After championing the “Get Rid of Thaksin” at any price cause. Then chastising the world, all except China that is, for not understanding “Thai Democracy” where military coup are more favorable than elections.

What’s next for the editors, as the free world starts to condemn the bombings? Will the editors attempt to explain that in a true “Thai Democracy” that the rest of the world fails to understand and should adopt, a few deaths by bombing are a good thing, as long as it’s not the editor’s death that is?

Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American. :D

And you, sir, must be a fool.

You reckon that only Americans can have half-assed opinions?

I realize you're attempting to take the piss, but nevertheless with such a narrow-minded worldview you obviously haven't done much travelling or associated with many folks from outside your small provincial town.

Unfortunately we've got one of our knee-jerk "America can do no wrong" superpatriots posting on this thread, basically reinforcing the stereotype he was fighting against. Poor grammar, copious spelling errors, mangled syntax, and swallowing the stale bait hook, line, and sinker aren't exactly going to impress the Continental crowd, Billy.

On topic for just a quick millisecond here, the OP needs to realize that both the Nation and the Post, as english language publications, are read by only a very small percentage of Thai people. I would suspect that in deference to their readership they tend to pander ever-so-slightly to what they perceive to be the "farang view" of things, editorially speaking.

Another Crazy American....... Over and Out! :o

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Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American. :o

And you, sir, must be a fool.

You reckon that only Americans can have half-assed opinions?

I realize you're attempting to take the piss., but nevertheless with such a narrow-minded worldview you obviously haven't done much travelling or associated with many folks from outside your small provincial town.

Well where are those weapons of mass destruction ?

I don't need to apologise for disagreeing with your compatriot. He may need to apologise for his subsequent boorish behaviour.

Narrow world view. :D

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Shall we calm down, please? I read today's editorials in the Nation, and don't remember them saying anything half as inflammatory as this discussion!

Now two mods are keeping an eagle eye on this thread, please keep things within the TV bounds, you all know what they are.

lamphun, you know where this thread should be if it continues on this path. Having visited myself recently I am sure you do not wants TV to go down that same path.

Cheers mate.

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Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American. :o

And you, sir, must be a fool.

You reckon that only Americans can have half-assed opinions?

I realize you're attempting to take the piss., but nevertheless with such a narrow-minded worldview you obviously haven't done much travelling or associated with many folks from outside your small provincial town.

Well where are those weapons of mass destruction ?

I don't need to apologise for disagreeing with your compatriot. He may need to apologise for his subsequent boorish behaviour.

Narrow world view. :D

And I don't need to apologise for the absence of WMD, nor would I claim credit if they'd been found. I and probably the majority of the American people consider Gee Dubya to be a bumbling idiot who couldn't pour water from a boot if the instructions were on the heel.

If you were brave and/or proud enough to state your country of origin, I'm sure we could find something your government has done that was less than brilliant, but that wouldn't necessarily reflect on you or the rest of your compatriots, now would it?

Yes, a narrow world view for sure.... to put it politely.

Aside from your apparent cultural ignorance, you haven't given us any examples or referenced any sources to support your critique of the OP's opinion so essentially it's just your uneducated opinion against his.

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The Nation and The Bangkok Post trade places as designated lapdog to the government of the day. :D

Vs. the NY Times as diametrically opposed to whatever the present US administration policies are? :o

...and your endless diatribe on US politics has what to do with this thread? :D

Discussing government lap dog press - take a chill pill... :D

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lamphum, what country are you from? It really can't be that bad, can it? Please tell us. I promise I won't be mean.

From that little country that throws tree trunks for sport... :D

Now now Boon don't throw raw meat to the 9 out of 10. :o

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George has asked for nominations for best threads of 2006.

I hope by next year we can get to categories.


Loony thread of the year (I already have a candidate)

Thread which went so far off-topic that it finally came back on-topic)

(this is omn the nomination list).

My on-topic contribution : I prefer the Post because it has better

funnies and puzzles and I'm not afraid to admit I'm an intellectual.

Jing Jing - I loved your posts here - jing jing sanya

And I don't need to apologise for the absence of WMD, nor would I claim credit if they'd been found. I and probably the majority of the American people consider Gee Dubya to be a bumbling idiot who couldn't pour water from a boot if the instructions were on the heel.
I thought in Texas it had something to do with urine in footware but

I imagine you're from too far east and too refined to use the original


Also , in my country of origin , there is an expression "vote early ,

vote often". From what I've read in the US it should have been "vote

early and give the chad a poke with a stick."Maybe your majority

might have prevailed.

If you were brave and/or proud enough to state your country of origin, I'm sure we could find something your government has done that was less than brilliant, but that wouldn't necessarily reflect on you or the rest of your compatriots, now would it?

I'm neither brave nor proud but have no hesitation in declaring my

country of origin as Ireland. As for things less than brilliant that Irish

governments have done over the decades I could actually blame the


One idividual survived the excecutions of 1916 simply because he

held a US passport. He went on to be a cluster###### in Ireland from

then on.

But to blame the US would be unfair , 90 years ago dickheads were

harder to recognise.

Any way KAYO and TELETGER enjoy your coffe and cookies.

Jing Jing keep posting.

I'm cracking another Chang.


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I won't get involved in this on-goin' debate - but I subscribe to both the Nation and the Post and in the case of the Nation I will always remain a subscriber at least as long as I remain in the 'land of smiles'.

I have tremendous respect for the way the Nation stuck it's neck out these last few years and really went for Thaksin and apart from Sondthi's Manager group and a half dozen Thai newspapers they were the only ones with the temerity and bravery to maintain this anti-Thaksin editorial stance.

In fact, they were so tenacious and bold in attacking Thaksin and his government's policies, human rights abuses, curruption etc that after a while it was obvious that they were either goin' to sink or swim depending on the fortunes of Thaksin and his government.

At times after having read some of their extremely hard-hitting editorials I was surprised that they weren't closed down by Thaksin!

Still a great newspaper IMHO.

Edited by bulmercke
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lamphum, what country are you from? It really can't be that bad, can it? Please tell us. I promise I won't be mean.

From that little country that throws tree trunks for sport... :D

Now now Boon don't throw raw meat to the 9 out of 10. :o

Naw...present company not quite the same 'caliber' as we've experienced in the past. Where's Tornado? :D

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I have tremendous respect for the way the Nation stuck it's neck out these last few years and really went for Thaksin and apart from Sondthi's Manager group and a half dozen Thai newspapers they were the only ones with the temerity and bravery to maintain this anti-Thaksin editorial stance.

did you listen to the King's speech?

the biggest problem in this land are the floods, caused by the democrats and miltitary illegal wood cutting ... when was the last time the Nation mentioned that ?

the Nation has destroyed this country's future !

things didn't get better after the coup, expect for the military of course with their 500.000.000 Baht bonus !

wake up !

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