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New Trump communications director promises crackdown on media leaks


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17 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Is that an actual tweet by Rep. Schiff?  If so, that's great.  He's one of the top voices of reason in the House of Representatives.  He's the #2 member of the House Intel Committee (#1 has to be a Republican because they have a majority there).  I've watched him speak in interviews, and he's intelligent, insightful (not inciteful, like Trump), and could be presidential material in 2020.  


  ...Trump's brief presidency is a series of daily ridiculous happenings/utterances/tweets,  so nothing will be too outlandish for the Dufus-in-Chief.


Yes. That is his Twitter feed.

You can click on it and it will take you there.


He has the inept ones' number.

Check out the feed.


" ...Trump's brief presidency..."

Much to the astonishment of the willfully uninformed and the ignorant, they are in for an inevitable shock.

America is already great, that is why this despicable character who along with his brethren, will not stand.


The wheels of justice will shine.


Nixon was peanuts compared to the sordid, dark history that this loathsome, reprehensible being has.

He cannot, and will not, be allowed.


“We are a nation of laws, not of men.”

-John Adams

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9 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Polls didn't predict HRC would win. People who don't know how to read polls say that polls predicted she would win.


The election polls reported the probabilities of her winning, not certainties. On the other hand, the current approval polls on Trump are reporting actual majority disapproval.


But if you are determined to be misinformed, none of that matters.




The main difference would revolve around the margins involved, rather than methodological or ontological issues.

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To the GOP leadership:


PLEASE channel your inner grown-ups and get rid of the abomination. PLEASE for once focus on what's best for the country instead of what's giving you short term political gain. Even the blind have seen by now that things will not get any better, they can only get worse. Think about that for a moment and if that doesn't scare you you're drunk.

The man-child is desecrating the WH and is making a mockery of the presidency, democracy, the American people and the country.


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yep. :crazy:

Absolutely amazing.  I never use to follow the news very much, but now, it's like a TV drama show.  Something crazy going on every day.



A White House official said Kelly, a retired Marine general who is known for his fastidious nature, wanted Scaramucci removed from his new role as the communications director because he did not think he was disciplined and had burned his credibility.


Maybe Kelly will be good, we'll see.  But what a great move so far! Scaramucci was perhaps worse than Spicey!  Though Spicey was great fodder for the late night shows. LOL






EXCLUSIVE: Kelly called Comey to express anger over firing, sources say

New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey.



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On July 24, 2017 at 9:04 AM, Boon Mee said:

Carramucci is going to do a great job. 


You sure know how to pick 'em. :laugh:


“He will be emblematic of the flotsam and jetsam that rose up from the bilge-water of this country,

to serve this retched president.”





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Olberman... c'mon man.  He's been a raving lunatic since he left the sports department at ESPN.  He has been fired for his extreme temper and actions at every opportunity given to him. He even was canned by Gore at the Al-jezeera gig.  He'a working at GQ TV, making political comments.  He could not be less credible or influential at this point.  

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11 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

Kelly is a good man, should get things in good working order shortly.


...unless he resigns first after being caught in a dick sucking contest with Bannon. (This is the Trump WH version of a pissing contest).



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Is it possible Trump went through all the rigamarole of hiring the Mooch just to humiliate him as revenge for all the pre election criticism the Mooch had thrown Trump's way?


Trump did humiliate Romny by pretending to interview him for a job in the cabinet after Romny had severely criticized Trump during the primaries.



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4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Olberman... c'mon man.  He's been a raving lunatic since he left the sports department at ESPN.  He has been fired for his extreme temper and actions at every opportunity given to him. He even was canned by Gore at the Al-jezeera gig.  He'a working at GQ TV, making political comments.  He could not be less credible or influential at this point.  

Considering all the insane things Trump has done.  Olbermann is funny. Trump deserves it. LOL

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4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Olberman... c'mon man.  He's been a raving lunatic since he left the sports department at ESPN.  He has been fired for his extreme temper and actions at every opportunity given to him. He even was canned by Gore at the Al-jezeera gig.  He'a working at GQ TV, making political comments.  He could not be less credible or influential at this point.  

Olberman is much, much more credible than Trump.  At least he doesn't lie for a living like the orange orangutan.  As for being a "raving lunatic," that would be your boy Trump...and pretty much anyone who speaks on his behalf. 

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13 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Olberman is much, much more credible than Trump.  At least he doesn't lie for a living like the orange orangutan.  As for being a "raving lunatic," that would be your boy Trump...and pretty much anyone who speaks on his behalf. 

actually, olbermann isn't... he can barely keep a decent political commentary job for the past twenty years, taking less and less desirable posts simply to stay employed.  he's sliding down the relevancy scale, clearly. continuing his overly emotional, vitriolic and erratíc outbursts further deteriorates his credibility.  it's obvious he also does this behind the scenes, which results in him being repeatedly terminated.  in the meantime, trump has continued to grow his global brand and businesses, increase his net worth, and lawfully risen to the highest office of the world's most powerful nation: the USA... 


it's plain to see they're moving in opposite directions...

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2 minutes ago, Ramen087 said:

actually, olbermann isn't... he can barely keep a decent political commentary job for the past twenty years, taking less and less desirable posts simply to stay employed.  he's sliding down the relevancy scale, clearly. continuing his overly emotional, vitriolic and erratíc outbursts further deteriorates his credibility.  it's obvious he also does this behind the scenes, which results in him being repeatedly terminated.  in the meantime, trump has continued to grow his global brand and businesses, increase his net worth, and lawfully risen to the highest office of the world's most powerful nation: the USA... 


it's plain to see they're moving in opposite directions...

Actually, Olbermann is more credible than Trump.  Except to his followers. LOL




He was a sports correspondent for CNN and for local TV and radio stations in the 1980s, winning the Best Sportscaster award from the California Associated Press three times.

He was terminated for minor issues or outright fights with management or other news anchors, like nut job and sexual harasser O'Reilly.


He's a far better man than Trump.

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Seems a few might get into hot water over this.  Including Spicey.




Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House

More and more coming out all the time.  Just a matter of time before one of these catches.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Seems a few might get into hot water over this.  Including Spicey.



More and more coming out all the time.  Just a matter of time before one of these catches.


The Trump admin is the super wide screen quadraphonic IMAX **opposite** version of "No Drama Obama"




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7 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Seems a few might get into hot water over this.  Including Spicey.



More and more coming out all the time.  Just a matter of time before one of these catches.

Exactly right, the Dems are in panic mode. Much easier than working on the 20 trillion deficit.

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