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How Would You Make Thailand A Better Place ?

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Because he is a misguided unfortunate.

The sad loser should get a normal life.

You consider my critisism of the expoitation of Thai people by hoardes of Sex tourists misguided.

You consider me a loser, In what sense?

What do you consider a NORMAL LIFE to be? (Maybe you should not attempt to answer the last question)

get a life elco :o

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I would give rice farmers a better price for their crop and provide them interest-

free loans for milling machines to eliminate the parasitic middlemen who buy the rice from farmers and have it milled and turn huge profits while farmers eak out a

subsistence living.


Then rural families could afford to have their children educated. An education might mean not having to work in bars and massage parlors. Funny how all this

works. Until then we'll see men visiting bars for fun. It is supply and demand.

Personally I see nothing bad about it as long as both parties are not being forced directly to do it.


polo ( are you erco also? )

what makes you jump into all these discussions and acuuse all and sundry of being fat farengs mindlessly pursuing helpless waifs with our viagra fueled penis'. where do we find the time to read and post on this forum when we are allegedly out pandering to our overblown egos, exploiting thais....etc

what is it you do here in thailand? are you a tourist or do you reside here? are you married to a ( non-exploited ) thai lady? what are your religious convictions?

and back to the original topic of this thread, how would you improve the lot of the poor exploited girls after you have removed the curse of the fat fareng sex tourist?


mbkudu...you need to get out here in the countryside to see the milling operations...huge structures with conveyors and etc...a paddy farmer ain't got a chance against that business...now, if there was a cooperative approach to the activity then maybe upwards and onwards...the mill owned and operated by the farmers

but forget that...the resulting encroaching socialism would destabilize the national economy...no one seems interested in that arrangement anyway...

Because he is a misguided unfortunate.

The sad loser should get a normal life.

You consider my critisism of the expoitation of Thai people by hoardes of Sex tourists misguided.

You consider me a loser, In what sense?

What do you consider a NORMAL LIFE to be? (Maybe you should not attempt to answer the last question)

I was taking the piss, quoting one of my favorite authors on this forum (he has been banned recently).

What I dislike about your postings is the blatant and sweeping generalisation, without the slightest bit of selfdoubt. This is misguided.

I withdraw the other content of my quote.

MBkudu: The farmers had low- or no interest loans in the past years, didn't seem to get them anywhere. Yes, better educated businessmen and multinationals seem to get the better of them. Maybe the retail price of rice could be regulated, I wouldn't mind paying an extra 2 Baht per kilo?


I am no expert on rice, but I don't think cooperatives will necessarily lead to "socialism which will destabilize national economy". There are valid cooperative options which don't have anything to do with Mao, Lenin, Stalin or Trotskij. If you make the cooperative an alternative form of company, you can fit it into a market economy quite nicely. Also, would a platform for the rice farmers to make their voice heard be such a bad thing?

There is little starvation here, but it would be nice if people had some more options, too... So many young minds go to waste.

I sort of agree with Mangohead in that if you really want to help this country, sponsor a poor kid through school, and give them the push they need in the right direction, or volunteer to train them in football.

The structural issues we can discuss, but they will take a long, long time to change.

As for you Polo, while I don't like prostitution and exploitation either, you are not going to change anything by throwing up, neither literally nor verbally, except in the former case, in which you might have a slight, transient effect on the pH of the effluent water from your toilet.

I don't see a hint of "become western now" in my statement. just fairer.

Isn't that the same, becoming western and fairer? Justice in Thailand under a Khun PhD in criminal justice is not an option, the Thais will protect the high society and this is not likely to change. The hisos get away with anything, former Public Health Minister Rakkiat was convicted of corruption, first time ever in Thailand, but people would be very naive to think that Rakkiat is in jail. He acted typically Thai and 'fled the scene', this time a different 'scene' and justice was again not served ...

becoming fair... I think that's inheritely "Unthai".. seriously...



meatball...all I'm saying is that if cooperatives were to overtake commercial rice milling then Thailand would be viewed as subversion of capitalist principles...

forget the muslims...the guys with the crew cuts and the skinny ties would be all over the place wanting to neutralise the socialist threat

mbkudu...you need to get out here in the countryside to see the milling operations...huge structures with conveyors and etc...a paddy farmer ain't got a chance against that business...now, if there was a cooperative approach to the activity then maybe upwards and onwards...the mill owned and operated by the farmers

but forget that...the resulting encroaching socialism would destabilize the national economy...no one seems interested in that arrangement anyway...

Tutsiwarrior, Thai farmers really need to look at American farmers and big agribusiness and see that this way of farming does not work and ultimately is not suitable for any country, especially a small country like Thailand. Americans are being poisoned by this style of 'mass farming'. The cancers that are appearing in

millions of Americans is a direct result of the chemicals and hormones that are

processed into American food. If farmers were paid better prices to farm

'The old Way' or what some idiot new agers call organic, peoples' health and livelihoods would benifit all round.

Well, i would start by closing every bar, period.

I would legalise prostitution and make the girls charge people what they would pay back home.

In the meantime i would deport all farangs that where guilty of exploiting Thai people, publically humiliating them on worldwide TV first.

Thailand is a wonderful country, i just wish that people who come to Thailand to exploit the people where made to pay for their Crimes, and that is exactly what it is...................A Crime.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, Polo. You want to close every bar yet allow sex for sale legally. So we can pay for sex, but can't have a drink? Who is the ex-

ploiter? If you wanted to deport people who exploit Thais, you'd have to deport

90% of the upper class Thais, the police department and nearly every member of



So when you come up with 'the old way', it's great, when a 'new ager' does, he is an idiot, logic reasoning...

Just curious, Polo, what is this poison green avatar? Is it you throwing upinto said toilet bowl or are you blowing a christmas ballon?

[ .

Go home. Get real. Don't come back!

It is a pity you have the manners of a soi dog, makes it difficult to appreciate your otherwise valid points.

Really Sherriff Natee1?

All details must fit the sherriff's

courtesy comfort zone?

"difficult to appreciate your otherwise valid points."?

Woof! Woof! Sorry, I don't heel to well......

but I will lick your face if you give me a cookie:rolleyes:


Natee1, I did not come up with anything. It's been done for hundreds of thousands of years. What pi$$es me off is some twit who tries telling me that

'organic' farming is something new and great and that his company is a trendsetting influence in the global food market. Rubbish!!!!

You consider my critisism of the expoitation of Thai people by hoardes of Sex tourists misguided.

I would not go that far to say that Thai people are exploited by hordes of sex tourists, Thai people are exploited by Thai people who let this happen.

This doesn't happen in Europe, the government should be held accountable for prositution, traffic deaths, etc. They have the power and possibilities to do something about it..

In Denmark approx. 42000 traffic accidents happen on a yearly basis, Thailand manages to produce these results in 4 Songkran days. This is outrageous but no one seems to care..

Make the governmnet accountable as a first step to improve Thailand...

But that again is a western thought that will not find acceptance in Thailand.


ssst,ssst, badnews,

good boy, now sit and be quiet.

I will pee on your rug

if I do not get a cookie!

I will do that anyway just

because I like when you rub

my nose in it and spank me.....

Now let see, Thailand would be a better

place if farang men realized they would

have more respect if they acted like house pets.

Instead of course of trying to copulate with all

manner of bitches (female dogs).....

Uh Oh Sherriff Natee have I been bad again?

Delicious. Munch! Munch! Oreos!

Natee1, I did not come up with anything. It's been done for hundreds of thousands of years. What pi$$es me off is some twit who tries telling me that

'organic' farming is something new and great and that his company is a trendsetting influence in the global food market. Rubbish!!!!

rubbish is right.

they only say that so they can charge higher prices :o

al least in america anyway


Polos a <deleted>......just had to get it outta my system...hope you reply with some really witty remake polo.

anyway back to the tread.

i would like to see less rubbish on the streets.the amount of times ive followed a school bus and seen bits of paper,plastic etc flying from the windows really is disturbing.

the lack of bins in areas could help solve some of these problems.

even when i goto the movies and try and get rid of my popcorn and drink at the end i search for about 10 minutes trying to find a bin.

but it all comes down to education i suppose.

lets educate kids from a young age to dispose of their rubbish properly and save the environment.

but then it would leave thousands of rubbish collectors out of work.

ummmm...solving the worlds problems isnt as easy as i thought!

will keep on trying though.

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