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Kate Moss Marries Tw*t On Phuket.


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The guy is very clever, he's a <deleted>, but he's famous.

If Kate likes a good toot before getting her kinky on, then Petes the man for the job.

I think he should have been put away for the amount of times he's been caught with coke and smack on him, driving his car. about 6-7 times now.

Don't like the bloke, but he's having the best laugh so what the hel_l. :o

Edited by Robski
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The villas in which the model and musician were reported to be staying cost about 2,400 US dollars per night.


50 baht per person per night for the villas and

88,700 baht for the fine (w)lines.


2,400 USD

I don't know babyshambles music,

but I've grown up with Kate Moss and frankly, she is IMHO a great lass.

A welcome addition to any party.

Any doubters out there, you have your right to doubt, but...

I just don't Know what to do with myself video

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Pete Doherty

Pete Doherty Sent Home In Disgrace By Kate Moss

After police questioning in Thailand

Pete Doherty has been sent home from his Thai holiday by his supermodel girlfriend Kate Moss after getting in a fight.

The Babyshambles singer was questioned by police after getting involved in a “bust-up” with a taxi driver following a Full-Moon party.

Doherty reportedly told an autograph hunter who spotted him in Heathrow Airport yesterday morning, “She’s sent me home because I got arrested.”

Whilst the 27-year-old denied he had been trying to buy drugs prior to the incident, he did add to a Sun reporter, “Kate won’t talk to me. She doesn’t believe me anymore.”

The paper also reports that Pete claimed he did marry Moss during their stay, despite the claims being denied this week.

- Entertainmentwise News


Moss packs Doherty home after bust-up with cabbie in Phuket

London, Jan 6: Troubled rocker Pete Doherty, who arrived at Heathrow alone, and a day earlier than the scheduled date from Thailand, has reportedly revealed that he has been sent home by his girlfriend after he got arrested over a bust-up with a cabbie.

"She's sent me home because I got arrested," the Sun quoted the junkie singer, as telling an autograph hunter at Heathrow. The couple have been holidaying in Phuket and were even rumoured to have got married there, but their publicist denied the claim.

However the airport worker also claimed Doherty, 27, told him he did wed Kate, 32 in Thailand.

Doherty told The Sun later, "Kate won't talk to me. She doesn't believe me anymore."

He insisted he wasn't trying to buy drugs during the bust-up after a full moon party.

"The guy attacked me for no reason," he added.



As for Kate... well,

Kate Topless On Phuket Beach

guess I'll just have to give a link for this one...


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Kate cuts Thais with Pete

*cute title* :o

KATE Moss sent junkie lover Pete Doherty home from their Thai holiday yesterday after cops quizzed him over a bust-up with a cabbie.

She made him leave their Phuket villa and fly home alone a day early.

The junkie singer, 27, arrived at Heathrow at 6am yesterday and told an autograph hunter: “She’s sent me home because I got arrested.”

The airport worker also claimed Doherty told him he DID wed Kate, 32 in Thailand.

Doherty told The Sun later: “Kate won’t talk to me. She doesn’t believe me anymore.”

He insisted he wasn’t trying to buy drugs during the bust-up after a full moon party. He added: “The guy attacked me for no reason.”

- The Sun

I love The Sun's little add-on after this article:

ARE you sick of Pete Doherty stories? If so call 0870 900 8630 and press 2, if not press 1. Landline calls cost up to 10p.


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The British media is going through a real phase of glorifying and glamourising high profile drug users. I find it a little annoying. I don't want to know about their messed-up lives but there they are in the newspapers and on the radio seemingly every day.

Can't see a similar situation happening here. If Pete Doherty were Thai, there's a good chance he'd be shot, not that I'm advocating this, mind. I notice he didn't holiday in Kalasin!

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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE... the real reason for his depature from LOS


Pete Doherty in Thailand


Pete Doherty in Thai holiday drugs storm

Pete Doherty’s turbulent relationship with Kate Moss was under strain today as pictures emerged of the singer appearing to inject drugs during the couple's Thailand 'honeymoon'.

Mobile phone video footage taken just two days after he and Kate celebrated a Buddhist blessing on the island of Phuket shows a bare-chested Doherty chatting to the model on a mobile phone while he shoots up.

The bed he sits on appears to be strewn with drugs paraphernalia — a spoon, syringes and lots of banknotes.

Backpacker Jess Lea, who recorded the scenes in her hostel room after inviting Doherty to join her and two friends for drinks, said she had watched the Babyshambles star 'inject cocaine into his right arm three times between 1.30am and 4am'.

She said Doherty, who had abandoned his girlfriend in their exclusive resort, borrowed her mobile to call Kate.

Miss Lea, 21, said: "Pete kept telling us Kate was paranoid and wanted to know where he was. She did seem quite pissed off, with him constantly pleading, 'What's wrong? I love you'.

"After one conversation his mood changed. He was quite upset."

The Australian said she eventually panicked about Doherty using drugs in her room: "When we got him downstairs, he asked the man on reception where he could score some heroin. :D*quality tourist* :o

"Then he went up to every taxi driver asking if they could score him some drugs." :D

The next day a furious Kate ordered him back to London.

The couple are understood to be attending a London clinic to deal with relationship problems and the singer's addictions.

- Daily Mail (UK)


Other news articles are now reporting that the fight he had with a taxi driver in Phuket and cited as his reason for leaving Thailand were a complete fabrication and that no fight ever took place.

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It's been said before but I'll repeat "The guy is a f###ing tw@t, a mess, a loser and a waste of a human skin."

He is the embodiment of the kind of person, I'll not use the royal "we" as it upsets some folk, the Thai's do not want in Thailand. His very persona glorifies hard drugs which, I may remind some people, are illegal in Thailand. Is this the kind of guy you want your kids looking up to?

PS I don't like him. :o

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Doherty taped in Phuket cocaine use

(BangkokPost.com from reports)

London tabloids said this morning (Thailand time) that drug celebrity Pete Doherty was forced to leave Thailand suddenly about a month ago after he was taped shooting cocaine.

The Sun newspaper has published a series of photos from the video that show Pete surrounded by drugs paraphernalia and injecting himself while on the phone to someone, believed to be his girl friend, supermodel Kate Moss.

Both Moss and the former Babyshambles singer Doherty have checked into rehab in England once again. Their drug problems are legion.

Doherty had been allowed into Thailand despite laws specifically barring drugs-connected tourists. While Moss has only been photographed ingesting huge amounts of drugs, Doherty has several legal convictions.

He attended a New Year's Eve party in Phuket paid for by Moss, and which lasted several days.

Doherty left Thailand suddenly, and gave a fantastical story of a fist fight with a Thai taxi driver - an incident that didn't happen.

Now, according to the London press and the photographs, it was because he was see and videotaped using drugs in Phuket.

According to the newspaper, the video was filmed in a hostel room by Australian backpacker Jess Lea, who had spotted Doherty at a Phuket drug store where he was buying needles and syringes. She invited him up to the room she shared with two female friends.

Jess has revealed she saw Pete injecting himself three times between 1.30am-4am: "It was a bit mind-blowing. He asked us if we minded. Initially we were like, 'OK, go for it', but as time went on we began to get nervous."

Pete then asked to use Jess's phone to call Kate: "Pete kept telling us Kate was paranoid and wanted to know where he was and who the girls he was with were. He kept telling her there were no girls."

"She did seem quite pissed off, with him constantly pleading, 'What’s wrong? I love you.' After one conversation his mood changed. He was quite upset."

Eventually Jess tried to encourage Pete to go back to his villa but he couldn't remember where he was staying: "He knew it was near a club called the Bob Marley cafe on the other side of Patong beach so we decided to take him there."

"When we got him downstairs, he asked the man on reception where he could score some heroin. Then he went up to every taxi driver asking if they could score him some drugs."

"I sent Kate a text reading, 'Dropped Peter off at the Bob Marley cafe. He’s a bit out of sorts'. That’s the last we saw of him."

see doherty injecting photos here

Edited by taxexile
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Wow this is really what we need here in LOS...

Attract all the Big Spending High profile Druggies..

When are the Authorities going to react ??

Why would they react? They are actively pursuing these upmarket quality tourists innit? :D

Very distinguished-looking gentleman I must say. :o

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"Backpacker Jess Lea, who recorded the scenes in her hostel room after inviting Doherty to join her and two friends for drinks, said she had watched the Babyshambles star 'inject cocaine into his right arm three times between 1.30am and 4am'."

I thought you shoved cocaine up you nose, that's how much I know.

The fight would have certainly been the taxidriver's fault for not realising how famous and important Moss and <deleted> were.

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Doherty Photographed 'Taking Drugs' in Thailand

Troubled rocker Pete Doherty has been accused of taking drugs in a Thailand hostel, just two days after his and Kate Moss' New Year's Day blessing.

A British newspaper has published photos of the star surrounded by drug paraphernalia and appearing to inject a substance into his arm.

They were taken by an Australian backpacker who claims Doherty took drugs in her hostel room while talking to the supermodel on a cell phone.

Jess Lea claims she and a friend recognized the singer and invited him back to their room after spotting him buying needles from a drug store in the Thai resort of Phuket.

Lea claims Doherty sneaked off from Moss to buy drugs just days after the pair's romantic ceremony -- but the rocker was bombarded by phone-calls from the supermodel.

The 21-year-old tells The Sun, "She did seem quit pissed off, with him constantly pleading, 'What's wrong? I love you.'"

When she asked if he would marry Moss, Doherty told Lea and her pal, "No. I love her but I wouldn't marry her if she was the last woman on earth. She's too paranoid."

Back in Britain, Doherty and Moss were recently seen checking into a London rehab clinic, where the supermodel reportedly plans to help her addict lover finally kick his drug addictions.

Source: The Daily Dish - 2 February 2007

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I think someone else already said this. I have never understood why this individual has not been jailed for a couple of years. He seems to get away with murder. Does this publicity mean that he will be denied entry should he ever want to visit Thailand again. I do hope so.

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cancer is a terrible affliction , but cocaine and heroin addiction are afflictions that he has freely chosen , nobody in the world he moves in is unaware of the dangers , yet in spite of all the help available to him in his priveledged position he continues to choose to use those substances , and flaunt the use of them publicly.

in most peoples books he is a <deleted> , and undeserving of sympathy. his ongoing antics , selfishness and stupidity will probably always mean that the name pete doherty is associated with twatdom.

i know from your posts neeranam that you have had addictions in a previous life and that you have successfully overcome them , and you will view pete doherty with perhaps more sympathy than most.

but for a wealthy foriegner to be asking a guest house receptionist and bunch of taxi drivers in thailand to supply him with heroin at 3 in the morning will forever mark him down in my book as a prime example of twattus brittanicus stupidus.

he is a musician of some talent i am led to believe , millions would give a lot to have just a fraction of the opportunities available to him , but he chooses to throw them away.

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reportedly plans to help her addict lover finally kick his drug addictions......

............ until tomorrow afternoon.

or maybe later.

If he manages to beat his terrible affliction, will he still be a <deleted>?

In this case being a <deleted> seems to be his affliction. The heroin habit is just irresponsibility and stupidity.

Part of the problem is that there's too many people out there making it easy on idiots like him by telling him that his boneheaded actions are "a disease'. :o

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Check out today's Sun Online (yes I read the sun - sometimes!!!) and you can see the plonker injecting drugs in the comfort of his Thai guest house room.

THAI POLICE - HELLO, WAKE UP, he's injecting a class A drug in the kingdom, there's photo evidence, arrests perhaps?

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in most peoples books he is a <deleted> , and undeserving of sympathy. his ongoing antics , selfishness and stupidity will probably always mean that the name pete doherty is associated with twatdom.

Creative and imaginative usage of the word "<deleted>" there, taxexile. :o

I think if you look up the word <deleted> in the dictionary there is a pic of Doherty. :D

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Check out today's Sun Online (yes I read the sun - sometimes!!!) and you can see the plonker injecting drugs in the comfort of his Thai guest house room.

THAI POLICE - HELLO, WAKE UP, he's injecting a class A drug in the kingdom, there's photo evidence, arrests perhaps?

Yes, lets put aut an APB, ring the Tourist Police if you see these arrisholes. I for one will put 1,000 baht to charity if either of these cretins gets banged up by the boys in brown.

How much for a blood test to pin this <deleted>? Can we have a whip round? This is really what gives Thailand a bad name. Kate Moss is an obnoxious waste of breathable air on this planet.

Sooner they do a Sid and Nancy the better. Some people actually look up to this filth, even if its just teen rebellion against parents etc. Absolute filth.

How did he get in?

Go boys go.

Edited by Dupont
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Check out today's Sun Online (yes I read the sun - sometimes!!!) and you can see the plonker injecting drugs in the comfort of his Thai guest house room.

THAI POLICE - HELLO, WAKE UP, he's injecting a class A drug in the kingdom, there's photo evidence, arrests perhaps?

Come one Ajarn, admit it, you look at the pictures don't you? The only intelligent piece of reading in the Sun is Hagar the Horrible (that's a strip cartoon for those who haven't had the pleasure of viewing a copy of the Sun).

Yes, by the above I also admit to viewing the Sun occassionally (when in the UK) searching for the piece of correct factual information contained therein. So far, apart from the current day printed on the front page, I've drawn a blank.

Pete Doherty, living proof that there exists a genetic strain that somehow has missed out on the last few hundred thousand years of evolution.

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Who is Kate moss, seen her in some mags and that, seems like a ugly chick who doesnt deserve any media attention. And the husband <deleted>?

The Donz is right.

It's just your average garden variety ugly 32 year old farang chick with a 27 year old moron. So what's new.

Tells you more about her that she would even give this loser the time of day, not to mention contemplate marrying him! Even an Isaan girl who works bar in Patters has higher standards.

She's trash. She deserves him, but not the media attention.

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So two people are getting married, best of luck to them both.

I feel the negative remarks unjustified, the green eyed monster syndrome is definetly a British Trait so I believe the majority to be Brits.

Lets face it doubt if anyone here would have a chance at a super model, so stick to the cheap Bar Girlie's here in the LOS and pretend you are a crumpet magnet, as long as you have a 1000 baht bill you will pull.

Edited by Isaanresting
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So two people are getting married, best of luck to them both.

I feel the negative remarks unjustified, the green eyed monster syndrome is definetly a British Trait so I believe the majority to be Brits.

Lets face it doubt if anyone here would have a chance at a super model, so stick to the cheap Bar Girlie's here in the LOS and pretend you are a crumpet magnet, as long as you have a 1000 baht bill you will pull.

:o Your such a card. And you stick with Mrs Palm mate!

I for one would never in a million years be interested in garbage like that and I have met her in person a few times. These models are picked by old queens and mad old women, not by red blooded men.

Really wouldn't want one.

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