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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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That was another disgusting thing about trump's tweet attack on transgender patriotic Americans.

He failed to mention their service and sacrifice that they volunteered for.

It's like to that draft dodging known sexual pervert, they  don't even exist. 

He's gone too far.

When do the complicit republicans grow a backbone? The man needs to removed from office ASAP. 

The American people that did vote him by a minority vote took a massive risk elevating such a ridiculous clown.

He's already failed. He's totally unfit for office, really any office. Cut your losses! That's good "business" isn't it? 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

A total abundance of left wing bull puckey right there.

Whatever your unnamed source - I dont believe anything the MSM says about Trump.

The wall will be built - and it will be a Great Wall - but no Chinese labour/products this time - all American.

Yeah, right.
Their are multiple sources which indicate the FACT that he consulted no one before his itchy little twitter fingers started in on the BS. Pentagon is telling reporters to "ask the WH." Oh, I forgot... according to you and the baked orange liar in chief they are ALL "fake news".... every single one.
My prediction is that there will be NO wall built.
How did you come to the conclusion that the imaginary wall would be built using "all American" anyway? By listening to his bullshit? When the son of a gun used illegals and imported steel for just about everything he built previously? When his much ballyhooed "saved" American jobs, e.g. Carrier, are all going south RIGHT NOW?
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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2 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

From my memory when I read his book, that is extremely close to what Colin Powell said. 


There is another of his quotes that is very relevant for many people who refuse to accept the reality of banning transgenders: Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.  The way I see it, many people cannot change their views because they are inherently locked into them, because to change them and admit being wrong is too personal a blow to take. Liberals think everything they support is personal and they take instant offence at what should be simply a pragmatic issue of common sense - like banning transgenders from the military and girls toilets. They turn it into a personal issue of discrimination and offence, because to see it any other way to them means they are personally wrong/bad.


Image result for colin powell quotes


Colin Powell is one of the greats, in my opinion.
That said he is not a mental health practitioner, Doctor, or any other authority qualified to make blanket assertions about the subject.

Also in my opinion your memory is not a sufficient reference to win any points in a debate. Make a  quotation, or do not.
Your allusions to "Libtards" are an effective indicator of both your character and your intellect, which are inimical to mine own and represent general modern Republican  attitudes, the  which caused me to part with the party after more than forty years.
Lest we forget, Colin Powell named Trump "...an international Pariah..", and indicated he would vote for HRC instead. Perhaps not your best source for "anti Libtard" info.

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3 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

many people cannot change their views because they are inherently locked into them, because to change them and admit being wrong is too personal a blow to take.


This is not  liberal or conservative behavior - it's a human behavior called cognitive dissonance, described succinctly by Frantz Fanon:



Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong.  When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence [is seen as a threat] and cannot be accepted.  Accepting it would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance.  And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.

                                                                                                                                                         -Frantz Fanon



However you have presented no evidence to threaten anyone's core belief, so there is no cognitive dissonance, and your mischaracterization of this as a personal issue is also problematic:



Liberals think everything they support is personal and they take instant offence at what should be simply a pragmatic issue of common sense - like banning transgenders from the military and girls toilets. They turn it into a personal issue of discrimination and offence, because to see it any other way to them means they are personally wrong/bad.


Saying that this is a "personal" issue for many of us is a misuse of the word.  In order for me to take the transgender issue personally, I would have to be transgender myself or be closely related to somebody who is.  If you insist on using a five-mile wide brush and painting everybody you deem to be "liberal" with it, then you should better say that liberals are more concerned about equality and protection of the disadvantaged minority groups.  And what is wrong with that?

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14 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Liberals think everything they support is personal and they take instant offence at what should be simply a pragmatic issue of common sense - like banning transgenders from the military and girls toilets. They turn it into a personal issue of discrimination and offence, because to see it any other way to them means they are personally wrong/bad.


Saying that this is a "personal" issue for many of us is a misuse of the word.  In order for me to take the transgender issue personally, I would have to be transgender myself or be closely related to somebody who is.  If you insist on using a five-mile wide brush and painting everybody you deem to be "liberal" with it, then you should better say that liberals are more concerned about equality and protection of the disadvantaged minority groups.  And what is wrong with that?


That is a great response. Respect.



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25 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Tony is not aware of any concerns relating to his gender.

No gender confusion, but how about species confusion? Because you sound like this cute creatur, Elmo



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Trump: I consulted the military about the transgender ban. Military: no, you didn’t.


"President Donald Trump said his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military, announced via Twitter on Wednesday morning, cameafter consultation with my generals and military experts.” It’s becoming clearer and clearer that he was lying."


"Secretary of Defense James Mattis was on vacation when the decision was announced, and privately opposed the move."


"And then there were the remarkable remarks that Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley made during a luncheon at the National Press Club:

During the lunch, Milley told reporters that he found out about the ban "the same way everybody else did — on the news."



The inept one caught in another massive lie.


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yeah well if 'God' messes up on the Debt Limit

for which the countdown is now only a couple of weeks more and counting....


there won't be anyone serving...

that's the law as it stands now.... until amended or revoked.... just like Obamacare still is.





Edited by maewang99
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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Trump: I consulted the military about the transgender ban. Military: no, you didn’t.


"President Donald Trump said his decision to ban transgender people from serving in the military, announced via Twitter on Wednesday morning, cameafter consultation with my generals and military experts.” It’s becoming clearer and clearer that he was lying."


"Secretary of Defense James Mattis was on vacation when the decision was announced, and privately opposed the move."


"And then there were the remarkable remarks that Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley made during a luncheon at the National Press Club:

During the lunch, Milley told reporters that he found out about the ban "the same way everybody else did — on the news."



The inept one caught in another massive lie.


I feel sorry for the excellent men and women in the US Military that i fought alongside and whom I consider brothers in arms. What a let down to have such a whazzock of a Commander in Chief. By the way Mr President, the Military won't lie to cover up for you, they were chosen amongst many other things for a common trait - Integrity - that is the thing you crap all over. They serve the USA and it's citizens as was their oath. Live and learn Donald, live and learn.

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On 7/27/2017 at 10:57 AM, F4UCorsair said:

I'd be prepared to bet that if he had announced a drive to recruit more transgenders, the very same people would be criticizing him.....he can't do that, it's discriminatory.   


It would be difficult to imagine greater pettiness and churlishness than I see posted here about Trump.



Except if you look at what has been said/written about Obama.

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4 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

All just a another confefe .... Like everything by this admin so far...it achieves nothing

If followed through, it makes the USA less safe.

To add, the emperor has decreed that the new nonsense word is covfefe, not confefe.

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On 7/27/2017 at 1:27 PM, UncleFester said:

Sure I have, ISIS conscripts them.  African nations under siege do the same thing.  We are America.  I do know the Brits here have some sort of affinity for Trannies, but since we aren't fighting the Brits anymore it would be useless to use Trannies as decoys.  





  • A derogatory word used to indicate a person is a low life who dresses as the sex opposite their own, considers themselves permanently or temporarily that gender and most often has sexual connotations.

Thank you for showing more a/b you.

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31 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

"A majority of Americans [58%] thinks that transgender people should be allowed to serve in the military, according to a Reuters poll released Friday." [27% said they shouldn't]





Trump is aiming at the 27% they are part of his voter base.

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Look at the big picture.
80% of men and women that apply for the U.S military are rejected due to fitness, psych evaluations etc.
Don't you think someone with gender identity issues falls under some kind of psychological issues?

It's a form of mental illness and that alone is why they should be rejected. I wouldn't want to fight next to someone with that mental struggle.

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8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Conservative WSJ editorial board slams Trump’s transgender military tweet in blistering op-ed

Trump’s Transgender Tweet
Apparently he thinks he can run the government by himself.





About as well as his many  business failures.

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1 minute ago, iReason said:
1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump is aiming at the 27% they are part of his voter base.


That about the total of his base.

I'm afraid That's nothing to sniff at. It's tens of millions. Many heavily armed racist, xenophobic gun nuts blindly loyal to Dear Leader. If even 1% of them decide to form an army to protect Trump from impeachment, America is screwed and headed for civil war.


They may be organizing already. As per Sessions' DOJ order, the government has delisted White supremacist organizations as dangerous and agencies may not be monitoring them any longer.



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5 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Many heavily armed racist, xenophobic gun nuts blindly loyal to Dear Leader.

If even 1% of them decide to form an army to protect Trump from impeachment, America is screwed and headed for civil war.


They may be organizing already. As per Sessions' DOJ order, the government has delisted White supremacist organizations as dangerous and agencies may not be monitoring them any longer.


Naa, a bunch of knuckeheads with sidearms and rifles.


They would be put down like the mad dogs that they are by professionals.

Toot Sweet.


Because of course, they would be terrorists and treasonous.


And they would miss their time watching Alex Jones...

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You seem to forget the thousands of disgruntled veterans that have been left behind that believe in Trump, a staunch vets rights supporter. These aren't just nuts with side arms.

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3 minutes ago, sebastion said:

You seem to forget the thousands of disgruntled veterans that have been left behind that believe in Trump, a staunch vets rights supporter.

These aren't just nuts with side arms.


Do you mean the 15,000 he wants to throw out now?

They hardly would become supporters of the inept one.

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Mattis appalled by Trump tweets announcing transgender ban: report


"Mattis, who was on vacation at the time of Trump's decision, only had one day's worth of notice before Trump tweeted his announcement of the policy, the paper reported."


"The report described him as "appalled."


"Sources close to the Defense secretary told the Times that Mattis was infuriated by the tweets, and saw them as an insult to transgender Americans currently serving in the military."


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No I mean the ones that returned from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and their hospital care is shot. They are committing suicide at a rapid rate because they are forgotten. No support to rejoin civilian life.
Trump has recognised this and has support from both sides.

Please research the topic and stop listening to mainstream media. It's biased if you haven't noticed.

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