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Trump - no transgender people will serve in U.S. military: Twitter


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37 minutes ago, Grubster said:

No I do not, Are you saying that the President of the United States of America should not be able to golf on weekends. Think about how stupid that is, I golf whenever I want to. He is the POTUS and that comes with a massive amount of security and Air Force One. I don't like Trump but my god, do you think the presidency is a prison term or what? Why do many people always complain about what any POTUS does for leisure, and other politicians use it against them in campaigns as Trump did with Obama.  I guess some were dumb enough to think their was something wrong with it.

As you  noted, there is one special person who has explicitly disagreed with you. I won't leave you in suspense. His name is Donald Trump.

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20 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


President Trump is perfectly entitled to his leisure. The objection isn't about that. It's about:

His utter shameless hypocrisy for relentlessly criticizing Obama for golfing just one third as much as he does.

The fact that, as president, he declared he would spend weekends at the WH.

The fact that, since he plays at his own resorts at taxpayer expense, his leisure is impossible, to separate from his self-dealing and profit-making.




People with common sense know that what politicians say about what other politicians do with their leisure time [ as long as they are not breaking laws] is meaningless nonsense, Foolish people think they mean it and really foolish people may even change their vote over it. 


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59 minutes ago, Grubster said:

No I do not, Are you saying that the President of the United States of America should not be able to golf on weekends.

Think about how stupid that is, I golf whenever I want to.

He is the POTUS and that comes with a massive amount of security and Air Force One.

I don't like Trump but my god, do you think the presidency is a prison term or what?

Why do many people always complain about what any POTUS does for leisure, and other politicians use it against them in campaigns as Trump did with Obama.  

I guess some were dumb enough to think their was something wrong with it.


Well, besides spending $3.6 million for each trip to Mar a Lago and whining about costs for transgenders, he's a flagrant hypocrite.



How Much Were Obama's Travel Costs Compared To Trump's? POTUS Trips Come With A Price Tag


"According to a report from the International Business Times, the discrepancy between the two presidents is staggering." 


"In his first year alone Trump is on track to spend more money on travel than Obama did during his entire eight-year tenure as president."


"Trump's first month alone illustrates a hefty price tag — he has spent nearly $10 million in travel during his first 30 days as president, while Obama spent $12 million per year."


Edited by iReason
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14 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

As you  noted, there is one special person who has explicitly disagreed with you. I won't leave you in suspense. His name is Donald Trump.

No he doesn't disagree with me, I'm sure he would tell you to your face that he didn't really think there was anything wrong with Obama golfing, He could also tell you that he said it to get some votes from those dumb enough to think it was wrong. Its about winning elections. I don't like Trump and he got a lot of those dumb votes.

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9 minutes ago, Grubster said:

People with common sense know that what politicians say about what other politicians do with their leisure time [ as long as they are not breaking laws] is meaningless nonsense, Foolish people think they mean it and really foolish people may even change their vote over it.


It's not about what he has said about Pres. Obama, it's about what he has said about himself.


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12 minutes ago, Grubster said:

People with common sense know that what politicians say about what other politicians do with their leisure time [ as long as they are not breaking laws] is meaningless nonsense, Foolish people think they mean it and really foolish people may even change their vote over it. 


Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, and Trump's hypocrisy is hypocrisy squared. Name me a democrat or Obama, or Clinton statement criticizing another politician's leisure activity. Let alone criticizing the activity and then going on to do the same three times as much.


The criticism isn't about Trump's leisure activity, it's about his rank hypocrisy and self-dealing by profiting his own businesses at taxpayer expense.



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1 hour ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Was Mohammed Ali a coward too?


What a truly pathetic, deplorable diversion.


Muhammad Ali & the Vietnam War: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

"My conscience won’t let me go shoot my brother, or some darker people, or some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful America."


"And shoot them for what? They never called me [derogatory term used for blacks], they never lynched me, they didn’t put no dogs on me, they didn’t rob me of my nationality, rape and kill my mother and father…"


"How can I shoot them poor people? Just take me to jail."



And he took his lumps:

Muhammad Ali refuses Army induction

"On April 28, 1967, with the United States at war in Vietnam, Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces,

saying “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong.”

"On June 20, 1967, Ali was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for three years."

"On June 28 of that same year, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned his conviction for evading the draft."




You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

The inept one and his "bone spurs" isn't worthy of breathing the same air as The Greatest.

Edited by iReason
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14 minutes ago, iReason said:


It's not about what he has said about Pres. Obama, it's about what he has said about himself.


No, its about what Trump said about people who intentionally disfigure their bodies [ many times on our dime] and whether or not they should be allowed to stay in or join the military with the obvious mental issues they have. Thats the issue here. Pointing fingers in the play ground and saying "what about this and that" is sidetracking isn't it. My dad wanted to punish me for taking money from my moms purse to buy candy, and I said " but look at how much of our money you spend on bowling".  Some people grow out of it.


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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

No, its about what Trump said about people who intentionally disfigure their bodies [ many times on our dime] and whether or not they should be allowed to stay in or join the military with the obvious mental issues they have. Thats the issue here. Pointing fingers in the play ground and saying "what about this and that" is sidetracking isn't it. My dad wanted to punish me for taking money from my moms purse to buy candy, and I said " but look at how much of our money you spend on bowling".  Some people grow out of it.


NOw that you've vented, why not share some facts with us. You know, hard facts about the actual costs. The kind of report that is being prepared by the Defense Department. The kind that Trump should have been waiting for. But maybe you've got that data and have worked it up into a report but for some reason are keeping it to yourself.

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4 hours ago, Grubster said:

No, its about what Trump said about people who intentionally disfigure their bodies [ many times on our dime] and whether or not they should be allowed to stay in or join the military with the obvious mental issues they have. Thats the issue here. Pointing fingers in the play ground and saying "what about this and that" is sidetracking isn't it. My dad wanted to punish me for taking money from my moms purse to buy candy, and I said " but look at how much of our money you spend on bowling".  Some people grow out of it.



"Thats the issue here"


No. It's not.

(Please see post #446.)


"Pointing fingers in the play ground and saying "what about this and that" is sidetracking isn't it"


No. It's not.


You are  sidetracking it with your deflection of my post along with a weak attempt to change the narrative,

regarding your 3 posts defending the inept ones' hypocrisy, and the right to play golf.

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

No he doesn't disagree with me, I'm sure he would tell you to your face that he didn't really think there was anything wrong with Obama golfing, He could also tell you that he said it to get some votes from those dumb enough to think it was wrong. Its about winning elections. I don't like Trump and he got a lot of those dumb votes.

Unlike you, I don't believe that an explanation of hypocrisy absolves someone from being held responsible for the things he has said.

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Trump blocking transgender troops comes after pressure from Missouri’s Vicky Hartzler



President Donald Trump’s decision to restrict transgender troops in the military comes after weeks of pressure from U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler of Missouri.

Trump announced Wednesday morning on Twitter that after consulting with his generals, he had decided to no longer allow transgender individuals to serve in the military in any capacity, saying that the military “cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”



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On 7/28/2017 at 0:08 AM, iReason said:


I point out that although you claim Colin Powell "said something like this", you proceed to post lengthy quoted statements,

unsupported by a link.


I submit, you just made it all up, given the fact that those "quotes" are nowhere to be found.


However, I did find this very apt quote by him:


Wednesday’s Morning Email: Colin Powell Calls Trump A “National Disgrace” In Hacked Personal Emails

"Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents,

slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump as “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah.”




And this:

Colin Powell now says gays should be able to serve openly in military

"Attitudes and circumstances have changed," Powell said.

"It's been a whole generation" since the legislation was adopted,

and there is increased "acceptance of gays and lesbians in society," he said.

"Society is always reflected in the military. It's where we get our soldiers from."



Sorry it was observed on an interview on TV.  But I believe another person that has read his biography or one of his books has corrobarated the general words were in writing. And I am ex US Airforce and was serving while Powell was in office, so I remember the issues quite well

Edited by gk10002000
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Dame magazine is a great magazine I encourage my children and god children (both male and female) to read.


They have a good piece on this issue that depicts the matter as a canary in a coal mine. I encourage members to read the whole piece, it's short and the arguments are well supported with links to facts and studies.


The Trump administration is not going to be content simply discriminating against trans individuals in the military. Gay and lesbian soldiers will likely be next, if Mike Pence has his way, and it wouldn’t be all that surprising to see a ban on women serving in combat roles come down the pike very soon. Defense Secretary Mattis has already made clear he doesn’t think women are well-suited for combat because they won’t be good at what he called “intimate killing” and that he saw letting women serve in combat was a “progressive agenda” that pushed social change on the military.





If you think the above is too speculative, it's not. Under the bigoted leadership of beleaguered Jeff Sessions, the DOJ filed a brief arguing that Title VII—a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex—doesn’t protect gay and lesbian workers from anti-gay discrimination:





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Was Mohammed Ali a coward too?

Absolutely absurd comparison. Trump dodged the draft to bang broads.

"His refusal to be drafted to fight in the war transcended the boxing ring, which he had dominated, at great personal cost."


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On 7/28/2017 at 11:32 AM, DDbkh said:

I find it hard to believe that the oxymoron is actually sober when he sends out these tweets. I know he says he never drinks alcohol but his track record regarding the truth in other areas has been challenged.

Sober he is not:

sober 2. (adjective)

  1. 1. dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises:
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On 7/28/2017 at 0:37 PM, iReason said:

Candidate for DHS job withdraws because of transgender ban


"John Fluharty, a former executive director of the Delaware Republican party, informed a DHS official in an email Wednesday morning that he was pulling out of contention to be the assistant secretary of partnership and engagement at the department."


“As I mentioned in our conversation, I am a strong advocate for diversity, both in the Republican Party and in government,” Fluharty wrote in an email obtained by POLITICO."


“The President’s announcement this morning — that he will ban all of those who identify as transgender from military service — runs counter to my deeply held beliefs, and it would be impossible for me to commit to serving the Administration knowing that I would be working against those values.”


WOW. And ethical and moral (R) stands for Russia.

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On 7/28/2017 at 2:07 PM, Andaman Al said:

There is a link on this thread (probably from iReason) that clearly states that attendees at the meeting with Trump (who were Republican congressmen/women) asked only that Trump stops the transgender people from getting operations on the military budget, nothing more. The same lobbyists were shocked that Trump responded with his tweet. A ban on Transgenders was NOT what they asked for.




Orton, to call it a 'mental disorder' puts you in the category of the deplorable's.  When people are born it is not only what is on the outside, it is what is on the inside that really matters. Somebody can be born in a male body but have a genetic disposition to being female. It is not a mental disorder but it certainly causes a life time of mental anguish when they literally cannot settle in their 'bodily' gender. This is a genetic issue, and different genes can be implanted in error in many people (hardly surprising considering the complexity), so the gene that causes people internally to 'know' that they are really a woman but are trapped in a mans body (or the other way around) is just the same as the gene that was implanted in you that makes you a nasty homophobic ignorant fool.

Perhaps this also might inform many who might not already know:

Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar - Scientific ...

Jun 16, 2008 - Study Says Brains of Gay Men and Women Are Similar ... The same is true for heterosexual men and lesbians. ... Previous studies have examined brain differences between gay and straight people on the basis of their ...
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On 7/28/2017 at 3:05 PM, iReason said:

Transgender troops: 'We're not burdens'


"Army Staff Sgt. Patricia King woke to her phone blowing up with calls and messages about the return of a ban on transgender people in the US military."

"Until she hears otherwise from her command, the infantry soldier said she plans to continue going to work, after 18 years of service and three tours of duty, she cannot imagine leaving the Army."
"The great thing about being in the military is when we take our oath we take it to our country," she said. "My service is not diminished in any way by what has transpired, and I'm eager to continue proudly serving my country."

It's just pathetic that U.S. doesn't have a President that is serving the country.

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On 7/28/2017 at 3:40 PM, Jingthing said:

The more that immoral sleazeball lying clown gets exposed the better. Slowly slowly his already minority support is melting away. 

Isn't there or shouldn't there be some law..... something to bring consequences to a liar such as this? Ironic isn't it that the (R) - stands for Russia - claim to be the party of family values etc. LOLlol Now there's a joke almost as big and fat as 45. 

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On 7/29/2017 at 0:02 PM, Thakkar said:

I'm afraid That's nothing to sniff at. It's tens of millions. Many heavily armed racist, xenophobic gun nuts blindly loyal to Dear Leader. If even 1% of them decide to form an army to protect Trump from impeachment, America is screwed and headed for civil war.


They may be organizing already. As per Sessions' DOJ order, the government has delisted White supremacist organizations as dangerous and agencies may not be monitoring them any longer.



It has been my belief for some time that the possibility of another U.S. civil war was not so "far fetched." If this anti-democracy tyrant and his regime is not stopped I believe the chances increase. However if he has his way he will - by then - have total control of all U.S. agencies. 

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Coast Guard 'will not break faith' with transgender members, leader says


Coast Guard officials reached out personally to their transgender service members to express support after President Trump’s announcement of a new policy barring transgender people in the military, according to Commandant Adm. Paul Zukunft. 



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24 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

It has been my belief for some time that the possibility of another U.S. civil war was not so "far fetched." If this anti-democracy tyrant and his regime is not stopped I believe the chances increase. However if he has his way he will - by then - have total control of all U.S. agencies. 

Why do you liberals think he is worse that Bush? Until he starts a war, causing millions of innocent deaths, I will prefer Trump any day to him. You Yanks have a shot memory and seemingly willing to forgive these war tyrants.

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24 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

It has been my belief for some time that the possibility of another U.S. civil war was not so "far fetched." If this anti-democracy tyrant and his regime is not stopped I believe the chances increase. However if he has his way he will - by then - have total control of all U.S. agencies. 


That's a little alarmist. But at this point, alarmism is better than complacency. The American Civil War, brutal as it was, and the Confederate defeat as decisive as it was, left issues unsettled. A kind of seething Southern resistance continues to this day.


I'm hopeful that the institutions will prevail and that most Americans are decent folk and that the gun-toting xenophobes are more bluster than courage.


on the other hand, it's important to remember that ISIS only had thirty thousand fighters (largest estimate, actual number possibly lower) and that's been enough to cause quite a lot of mayhem, albeit in a weak, divided war-torn country.



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