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I can't believe that not a soul in here can't respond to the thread I posted. All I asked is if "anyone" had a list of other forums in or about Thailand. I wrote that I had done a Google search and other searches in this forum with little success. I get no response from any of you, not even from some of the "funny guys" that seem to have to say something (either stupid,not funny,rude or the ones that just want another post). I am definitely surprised. I've even posted on another thread that I was having trouble removing the notification of email from the post and no replies. (looked all over for that "View Subscriptions" and couldnt find it)

What did I do, step on some bigwigs toes or something? Is it that I tell people to GAG? There are a lot of the guys in this forum that do a he11 of a lot worse than I. Really makes me wonder what the he11 is going on. There's a few guys on here that I feel are really good people and I do like communicating with them. Do I have to Email each one individually to get a response or what?

What ever the case, I would like to thank all the guys that have helped in the past and I just filed my 1st one year extension for marriage and everything seem to go fine. I did bring more information than was listed by you guys. I'm glad I did or else it would have been all screwed up and I would have had to make another trip. I still need more information on it but am wondering if it is even worth the time.

Thanks for the time and thanks for the help. :o


I completely agree with your post, it seems when you are genuinely (spelling wrong) trying to find help or search for a certain kind of information, the "help" you receive is not the kind you are looking for. It would be a big help to us all to spread information on a place we all seem to love (even the ones that seem to have nothing but bad things to say about thailand). At the end of the day we all want to be happy. So why waste time on typing <deleted> that no one apart from the time wasters want to read, help us all out and at the end of the day you will be helping your self out. Why make enemies when you can make friends.

As a reply to your post mate there are forums out there that i have come across, not as good as this (excusing time wasters), but off the top of my head i dont know the web address. Just keep searching.........They are out there!!!!



Sorry for the delay, wasn't snobbing you but I really think this is the best of it's type. I do visit a couple of others, the first is a local city forum and unless you have some connection may not interest you but here it is 1st link

The next forum is run by a School but has adult posters, it contains usefull links to other sites, Chat, learning Thai and maps etc so look here 2nd link.

I dont bother with the Bangkok ones too many idiots

This is another one based in Phuket but cant say if good or bad but has a lot of other links 3rd link,

give them a go :o


Now this is what I was looking for, "constructive information". :D You guys do offer some really good info and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Bronco, thanks for the info and I have checked out the KhonKaen and the Phuket sites and will be looking into to them more. I just thought that I might be able to get more info from a local site rather than one that covers everywhere. Not that this site does bad but I just thought. In the Army they told me that I wasn't paid to think but now I pay myself to think (better pay now) :o

bartender100, did a quick look at Bangkoktonight and will look further and will check out the Stickman. Haven't heard or seen anything on the nanapong or delphi forums before but I'll check them out and thanks.

BIG SPUDS, thanks for the support. :D

To give all of you the report on my 1st one year extension, here is what I was told I needed and what I ended up having to supply.

What was told:

marriage certificate,house registration,birth certificate or other ID (Passport), statement of pension from your embassy (this is if the money is transferred from abroad) bank statement with certificate letter from your Thai bank. (200,000 Baht in the Thai bank if you do not have the pension letter from your embassy) and your wife must accompany you to the immigration office. This is to confirm that you are "still" husband and wife.

What I ended up having to supply:

I supplied everything above except the 200,000 Baht in the account because I had my letter from my embassy stating that I make well above that on my pension. They did the calculations there (Thai Immigration) in front of me and it looked good to them as far as I could tell. What I didn't know was that I needed copies fo my babies' birth certificate and copies of the wifes ID and a copy of the bank account. It also easier to just have copies of first page and type O page. You also need a 4x6 photo for the form. This has to be affixed to the back of the form. The misses tried to tell me to just bring the listed items that I was first supplied with at immigration but I did and will in the future bring everything I have to save time and trouble.

They asked me what I was doing in Thailand and I stated, Taking care of my wife and baby" and that seemed cool with the lady doing the paperwork. They also asked if I work and I said no. They also asked the misses the same questions ( I think) and some other questions as to whether I had any intention of leaving the country and if she or I had siblings. My only guess on this was if I was going to try and help her family or not.

The process goes like this ( in Bangkok anyway)

Go in the front door turn left, go to window 2 and tell them you need the one year extension form due to marriage. Fill this out and go to room 102 and take a number and wait. I would not suggest leaving during this time as it is hectic in this area because they also do the business section extension here (not too much room) After you sign a few forms and are asked a few questions you will be sent back to window 2 in the front to pay the 1900 Baht fee. Do not go back to this window without your passport and the form you have filled out from room 102 or they send you back like me. then you go back to room 102 and sign some more papers and then send you to desk 5 in this room and then back to person taking care of you. She talked to the misses a little more and we said thank you and off we went.

They do put a reminder slip in your passport of when to return but it is confusing.

They told me to return 40 days from this day the 6th of May but the stamp on the slip says -4 Jul 2004 but this is also in the same area as the date area that you have to report your 90 day stay notice. The best I can surmise is that I should go back on the 40 day one to check out the whole thing and then report my ninty day stay on or before the 4th of July 2004. Not completely sure in this but it should all work out.

Thanks again guys for all the help you have supplied and hopefully anything I have supplied helps others. :D


Thanks Bluecat and UP2U, I just want to see all the different forums and I knew you guys would know them, good or bad. Thaivisa is the best I've seen so far. :o

They do put a reminder slip in your passport of when to return but it is confusing.

They told me to return 40 days from this day the 6th of May but the stamp on the slip says -4 Jul 2004 but this is also in the same area as the date area that you have to report your 90 day stay notice. The best I can surmise is that I should go back on the 40 day one to check out the whole thing and then report my ninty day stay on or before the 4th of July 2004. Not completely sure in this but it should all work out.

  Thanks again guys for all the help you have supplied and hopefully anything I have supplied helps others. :o

the 40 day "under consideration" extension is normal, you need to return that day or a few days before to get your final one year extension stamp. it will actually be dated one year from your last date of entry into thailand.

reporting your address is completely different, and you will always be required to if you stay over 90 days in thailand, go on 3 jul and report your address.

afterwards check your extension status , you can take care of everything in one day.


Huski, So it's 90 days from my last entry, I thought they backed dated to when you got your type O, Great news. I was thinking I had to make another trip to get a new type O in Sept. I just got back from the Myanmar run back on the 8th of March so when this comes through I won't have to go till March 2005. Too cool, I'm :o

Lovely cutie, just took a quick look and the last one you gave and that is different from anything else. Didn't go into it to much but the avitars look like it's either for girls or kids, but I'll take a better look later. Doing some landscaping before it gets too hot. :D

Thanks again to all. :D:D


Kringle, initially I went looking for visa info for thailand and ran across this site...once I looked into it it I realised I didn't need anything more.

I think this is the most comprehensive site you will find about thailand, in other words, no need to look elsewhere. What do you want to know, we can answer!!!




Thanks tukyleith and I agree with you. My query must have just slipped through the cracks. :o Everyone has been very helpful and I do appreciate it very much. I haven't been to Pataya yet but look forward to making it down soon. If you need any info on your landscaping project I can give you a few ideas anyway. I used to do quite a bit back in Hawaii and could at least point a few things out to you (for free). Like I told you in your other post, it really depends on what you are looking to accomplish when things are all done. I haven't been here as long as some of you guys but most of the people I know are Thai and if they don't know what I need to know, they know someone that does. I've been very lucky in that respect. Just another thing I love about Thailand. :D

Thanks tukyleith and I agree with you. My query must have just slipped through the cracks. :o Everyone has been very helpful and I do appreciate it very much. I haven't been to Pataya yet but look forward to making it down soon. If you need any info on your landscaping project I can give you a few ideas anyway. I used to do quite a bit back in Hawaii and could at least point a few things out to you (for free). Like I told you in your other post, it really depends on what you are looking to accomplish when things are all done. I haven't been here as long as some of you guys but most of the people I know are Thai and if they don't know what I need to know, they know someone that does. I've been very lucky in that respect. Just another thing I love about Thailand. :D

Sorry I haven't replied to you yet Mr Kringle (first name Kris?) I have just got home and will be here for the next two weeks.

I think we are looking for a Japanese style garden, and we will have a gardener come 2 or 3 times a week to keep it up, well he is actually my wife's cousin who earns a meager 55 baht a day at a coffee factory, we will ghive him 100 baht a day to do the gardenning. The wife wants a pool but I want a spa so we will have to see who wins that little one :D

If you do end up down this way in the next two weeks let me know and we can do lunch. Although I am not quite in Pattaya I am just up the road.

Cheers mate.

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