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Trump fires communications chief Scaramucci in new White House upheaval


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I have not been keeping a number count , but how many firings has any former president

done in their first year on the job. Not this many I am sure and not so public , or quick, like

10 days on the job. Amazing America!


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'"The president certainly felt that Anthony's comments were inappropriate for a person in that position," spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.'


Just a few days ago, she was defending Scaramucci's "colorful language." If you want to rely on anything Sarah Sanders says, just check to see which way the wind is blowing.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Any President who would appoint Anthony Scaramucci as his Communications Director is past helping.


Have to say, I only saw Mr. Scaramucci give one interview to a BBC reporter. Seriously think it was the only time I've been lost for words!!


The poor BBC reporter looked like she wanted to laugh, cry, hit him or strangle him, all during a very short interview.

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Somebody at the top of the government has to chose someone working near to him. 10 days later he fires him. This says all about the incompetence and mental quality of the boss.


This action „you are fired“ is a „tremendous“ (Trump's favorite word) symbol of a „tremendous“ fumbler-president.

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

it's so disapppointing that the Mooch won't be able to comment on this from the White House: 


Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer



More fuel on the fire for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!!!

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13 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Do you really believe that Trump realized on his own that he made a mistake or would even admit to it?  No, Kelly made it clear that if Trump wanted him to come in and clean up the toxic mess, Trump would need to give him full authority over all personnel matters.  Which means the Mooch had to go.  Trump had no choice.  One thing I've noticed about Trump is that he's very good at taking orders from Generals.

I really don't care about the reasons, he made a mistake and corrected.


I get the feeling that some here are so blinded by their hatred they simply can't acknowledge this.  On the other hand, some are so blinded they don't see any mistakes at all.

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Scaramucci added, “President Trump has accomplished an incredible amount in a short period of time, and I am proud to join his Administration as he continues to deliver for the American people.” 

Scaramucci, who is currently serving as the senior vice president and chief strategy officer at the Export-Import Bank, will officially begin his new role on August 15, 2017.  

Is there a such thing as a negative number of days of tenure at the White House? 
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3 hours ago, thequietman said:

Rumours suggest that he was really dismissed because he couldn't do the fandango !


Still to be confirmed.

So, Scarramooch will be doing the Fandango in Dancing With the Stars sooner than we expected. It was going to be Spicer, but he's has been bumped—again!



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Stonekettle (@Stonekettle)

8/1/17, 1:50 AM


Scaramucci lost his job. 

Lost his president. 

Lost his wife. 

Lost his home. 

Bet he wishes he could suck his own cock NOW




Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt)

8/1/17, 2:13 AM

?You don't tug on Superman's cape/You don't spit into the wind/You don't tell Steve Bannon to suck his own dick/And

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The following is from a film review. I changed one word to "This Whitehouse":


 "Though unabashedly crude and juvenile, This Whitehouse nevertheless scores with its classic slapstick, unforgettable characters, and endlessly quotable dialogue"


Appropriately, the film in question is Caddyshack because "This Whitehouse" is the Caddyshack of Whitehouses.


The most memorable line in the film is "everybody gets laid" 


For This Whitehouse, it's : "everybody gets screwed"



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Far be it for me to defend Trump but I am old enough to remember Billy  Clinton  (1992 campaign)  when he picked his communications   director  ,  had a similar  long name - George Stephanopoulos -  he was a total embarrassment and only lasted a few weeks longer .than Tony and was replaced.


George and Clinton however , were supposed to be polished , experienced   politicians and  not   real estate moguls
and talk show hosts. 



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10 minutes ago, Jack100 said:

Far be it for me to defend Trump but I am old enough to remember Billy  Clinton  (1992 campaign)  when he picked his communications   director  ,  had a similar  long name - George Stephanopoulos -  he was a total embarrassment and only lasted a few weeks longer .than Tony and was replaced.


George and Clinton however , were supposed to be polished , experienced   politicians and  not   real estate moguls
and talk show hosts. 



So you're grading the orange clown on a curve because everyone knows he's totally unqualified to president, or even head of dog catching for that matter?


Better check your facts before spouting fake info:

George Stephanopoulos January 20, 1993 June 7, 1993 138 days



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Going along with sacking of The Mooch is a demonstration of support to the new Chief of Staff, but it's short-lived.  Trump won't last long.  He can't. 


Gen Kelly isn't a cure for this strain of organizational cancer, and the magic wand he's been given is powerless against the bizzarro situation with Trump's kids and family in there as close, personal advisors; usurping policy and strategy at the dinner table with Dad, over two scoops of ice cream.  It just doesn't work.


My guess is Gen Kelly will have a go for a while, do "some" good but will eventually reach an impasse with Trump, and resign in quiet disgust.

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1 minute ago, 55Jay said:

Going along with sacking of The Mooch is a demonstration of support to the new Chief of Staff, but it's short-lived.  Trump won't last long.  He can't. 


Gen Kelly isn't a cure for this strain of organizational cancer, and the magic wand he's been given is powerless against the bizzarro situation with Trump's kids and family in there as close, personal advisors; usurping policy and strategy at the dinner table with Dad, over two scoops of ice cream.  It just doesn't work.


My guess is Gen Kelly will have a go for a while, do "some" good but will eventually reach an impasse with Trump, and resign in quiet disgust.

I'm not sure. Maybe trump is exhausted and has enough self awareness that he isn't presidential material. Maybe he'll let Kelly more or less BE president. Stranger things have happened in U.S. history. 

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EXCLUSIVE: Kelly called Comey to express anger over firing, sources say


"New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey."


"Comey, who took Kelly's call while traveling back from Los Angeles to Washington, responded to Kelly by telling him not to resign, one of the sources said."


"The sources said Comey and Kelly are not close friends but that they had a professional relationship and a deep mutual respect for each other."




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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not sure. Maybe trump is exhausted and has enough self awareness that he isn't presidential material. Maybe he'll let Kelly more or less BE president. Stranger things have happened in U.S. history. 

I agree, but his exhaustion is, as we've seen, short lived.  Trump is said to thrive on the action - creating a mess then acting decisively to "fix" it.  A predictable cycle at this point, IMO.

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