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Video: Ubon teacher faces the sack for putting shoes on boy's head


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2 minutes ago, janpharma said:

A teacher should act and behave as a good example to the students...This so called teacher looks and acts like a pig...sack her


    Yes, they should probably tell her to shew, twice, though that may prove unlucky.

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The whole shoe thing is crazy. It is only a loss of face if you let it be. They are shoes, nothing more. If I was in that situation as a kid I would have done it laughingly and then every day for the next week I would come into class with a shoe on my head and stare teacher in the eye until it drove her nutz.


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33 minutes ago, sappy said:

Do you sad people remember UK school punishment. Never did us any harm. You guys are homosexuals or just sad old men with nothing to do? Get a life. Sad c-nts

What ignorance! Just because 3 decades ago caning was ok in backwards UK schools, doesn't make corporal punishment ok now anywhere. And to call people who disagree with violence in the classroom gay is deeply offensive.

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Do you sad people remember UK school punishment. Never did us any harm. You guys are homosexuals or just sad old men with nothing to do? Get a life. Sad c-nts
What ignorance! Just because 3 decades ago caning was ok in backwards UK schools, doesn't make corporal punishment ok now anywhere. And to call people who disagree with violence in the classroom gay is deeply offensive.

Sappy was probably abused at school, bless him!

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10 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

So beating a child is excusable but putting shoes on their heads !!! OMG sack that animal immediately....

It is a cultural trait that most decent people would not tolerate. Priorities are wrong :post-4641-1156693976: I cannot believe that Buddha would teach this.


600 years of learning very little! :shock1:

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10 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thaivisa notes that most Thais would feel that doing such a thing is far worse than even physical assault.

so,apparently not a crime; excellent; now this disgrace of a 'teacher' can go and do it somewhere else; why dont the parents sue him in civil court ?! the kid was humiliated publicly, with the media attention, not unlikely, mentally scarred

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Complaint filed against teacher for “unreasonable” punishment




The family of a male Mathayom 1 student of a school in tambon Thung Thoeng of Ubon Ratchathani’s Det Udom district has filed a police complaint against a female teacher for punishing the boy in an unreasonable way.


The elder sister of the boy told Thai PBS that the teacher ordered him to kraab or pay obeisance on the floor to a pair of shoes for 10 times. After that she put the shoes on the head and then on the back of the student and ordered him to crawl into the classroom before the eyes of many fellow classmates.


This was a punishment on the boy for breaking a regulation by wearing shoes while in the school building.


The boy’s sister showed a video clip of the punishment to the reporter, saying the punishment was “unreasonable.”


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/complaint-filed-teacher-unreasonable-punishment/


-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-08-05
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Come on guys  what is so difficult about wearing regulation shoes.?


tha sad thing about the old school education system ( pardon the pun) is that back in the day, canings were frequent  and could be administered by masters and prefects alike. Nowadays you have to locate a specialised "outlet" and pay handsomely for it. 


Its just not right!

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8 hours ago, petermik said:

You can "put the boot in" to someones head here and get away with a wai,but place their shoes on their heads for a misdemeanor and you are hung/drawn and quartered...........strange place  :whistling:

no you are for not making a attempt to understand .


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I've got some sympathy for the teachers. It is an increasingly tough gig. Their conditions have been going downhill under the present government while their work hours are going up. Most are expected to be on call 12 hours a week, seven days a week.
Discipline is increasing as a problem because kids are spoilt at home home and the teachers have to take up the slack. Plus, every kid has a mobile phone and social media is used against the teachers.

Apparently another uniform violation . Absolute bull shit .uniforms were invented by the western world so all kids the same and affordable. These clowns want a different uniform every day . I know first hand the struggles a lot of family's go through to pay for them . These are not elite schools in central Bangkok . Do they want to go back where girls especially were pulled out at 12 to work on farm . Even my schooling in NZ 60s and 70s one uniform handed down the family or neighbours. If I was a parent , and they did that to my kid , only Big Buddha would be able to help the teacher.

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I recall seeing lots of v/clips of gangs head-kicking victims (even one elderly female money-lender) on TVF in recent years.

Remember the group of police who kicked a card-player in a small game to death during a raid? Clear CCTV footage of the 8-10 police hard at work in a laneway outside the premises for 5 minutes or so.

He died as a result of heart failure, according to a police spokesman, so officers escaped any charges.

A sharp, violent boot (or stomp) to the head is highly offensive, even fatal, as it is often meant to be.

Why the hysterical widespread reaction to this act, which seems at worst mildly insulting? Hardly life-threatening.

In the Middle East the use of a slipper to strike someone is also seen as deeply offensive.

I'd love to understand the background to what seems to be - in western eyes - a contradictory set of social values in this aspect of culture.

Can anyone explain, please?

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The teacher should not have done that.  It is an insult to an entire culture not just to the little boy.  Who knows what he did but as a young person he will carry this memory of himself much longer than a spanking.  A person can be punished but it is wrong to grind them into the dirt under your heel.

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

This is a really bad thing to do in Thai culture, however, beating them isn't as bad. Ya gotta love this country. A day never goes by without absolute stupidity raising it's head. TIT.

I do not mean anything by this nor do I want to start anything but if you hate Thailand so much why are you there...???  I have always thought that when you are a guest in someone's home (or country) you abide by their rules ad respect their customs.  I see a lot of this here in the comments section from people who are quick to call Thais "stupid" or "backwards" or whatever when there are plenty of other countries they could move to.

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7 hours ago, Cranky said:

Seeing as they don't get taught anything in school they might as well learn how to behave.  Little turd probably deserved it.

If they don't "get taught" anything in school, then you're saying that the purpose of attending school is  simply to behave? My God...you must have been such an angel at that age :)

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23 minutes ago, billmichael said:

I do not mean anything by this nor do I want to start anything but if you hate Thailand so much why are you there...???  I have always thought that when you are a guest in someone's home (or country) you abide by their rules ad respect their customs.  I see a lot of this here in the comments section from people who are quick to call Thais "stupid" or "backwards" or whatever when there are plenty of other countries they could move to.

Someone pointing out hypocrisy doesn't necessarily mean they hate Thai culture. Calling out people for their actions is more a moral stance than an attack on a country's social mores. Shaming happens  everywhere and because of that, people are unfairly burdened with that "baggage".

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13 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"We don't need no education..."

We don't need no thought control hey teacher leave us kids alone you're just another brick in the wall.

Edited by Eli1
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I do not mean anything by this nor do I want to start anything but if you hate Thailand so much why are you there...???  I have always thought that when you are a guest in someone's home (or country) you abide by their rules ad respect their customs.  I see a lot of this here in the comments section from people who are quick to call Thais "stupid" or "backwards" or whatever when there are plenty of other countries they could move to.

I love Thailand it is my home . But some things have to change . Same as where you are from . The world has to progress my friend . We were all brought up in the good old or bad old days witch ever way you remember it . Thailand is so corrupt, and ever body hiss behind it . The kids are out future , look after them .

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"most Thais would feel that doing such a thing is far worse than even physical assault".  reference to putting shoes on the kids head.


Huh???  either way they are disrespecting the kid - so the Teacher faces firing for this, but the other one that  10 kids on their heads with a stick is still teaching??  Boggles the mind with their ancient ways of thinking.

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