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Chinese tourists arrested after Hitler salutes in Germany


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16 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

She called you the Thai equivalent of stingy and crazy for picking up your coins or not picking them up fast enough for her liking? 

"Stingy" 555 don't you mean stinky

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47 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You cannot be a 1/4 Jewish

You are either Jewish or you are not .

If your Mother wasnt Jewish, then neither are you

Um is this not how it all started to go wrong 80 odd years ago .. Just a thought .. 

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"I dont know who made the rules

But the Jewish faith only recognises people born to Jewish Mothers as being Jewish ."


maybe they want to create a master race

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Just now, Justgrazing said:

Um is this not how it all started to go wrong 80 odd years ago .. Just a thought .. 

I think those rules have been in place for 2000 years

The Nazis persecution of Jews had nothing to do with that rule

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15 hours ago, sn1per said:

"I dont know who made the rules

But the Jewish faith only recognises people born to Jewish Mothers as being Jewish ."


maybe they want to create a master race

Pretty darn predictable that a thread touching on Hitler would attract an idiotic anti-semitic post as above. 

This thread isn't about what makes a Jew a Jew so I won't bother getting into that here in detail. It is a complicated and often controversial topic but yes as a very rough generalization Jewish identity like so many ethnicities in the world is based on a matrilineal (from the mother) organization. What confuses people is that Jewish is BOTH a religion and ethnicities.  That is unusual. 





Matrilineal identification within Judaism





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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I dont know who made the rules

But the Jewish faith only recognises people born to Jewish Mothers as being Jewish .

There you go who was it said all religion is divisive .. As for saluting Chinese tourists it could have been alot worse if they'd been goosestepping as well , which if you've seen any of their military parades they are quite good at .. :ph34r:

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3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

I understand why you say that. I beg to differ though.


For a Chinese person, what happened to other Chinese people in China during the Japanese occupation is unforgivable.


For a Chinese person, what Hitler did in Europe to non-German people was a defence of his race. (This is NOT ME thinking)


I have heard many times in Thailand from Thais that Hitler was "good", "a good leader", etc.


We all empathise more with people similar to us. Some Asian countries seem to have almost no empathy with other races. I don't think this is an issue of pure ignorance, rather Asians know what happened but it is of no relevance to them because they are Chinese/Thai, etc. and the victims were of another race. When countries push a homologous race syllabus through schools from the first year of primary education, it is hardly a surprising outcome.




An extremely accurate and pertinent analysis. Thank you Briggsy.

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15 hours ago, sn1per said:

"I dont know who made the rules

But the Jewish faith only recognises people born to Jewish Mothers as being Jewish ."


maybe they want to create a master race

That just doesnt make sense .

What difference would it make it succession was passed on by either the Mother or the Father ?

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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I dont know who made the rules

But the Jewish faith only recognises people born to Jewish Mothers as being Jewish .

Unlike the Catholic Church, Judaism doesn't have a pope or any universally recognized arbiter of religious questions. Try to remember that all this religion stuff isn't like math or science. It's just made up. Reform Jews routinely accept as Jews people who don't qualify under Orthodox rules.

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unlike the Catholic Church, Judaism doesn't have a pope or any universally recognized arbiter of religious questions. Try to remember that all this religion stuff isn't like math or science. It's just made up. Reform Jews routinely accept as Jews people who don't qualify under Orthodox rules.

And we'll not go anywhere near that old Catholic v Protestant " just who is the best Christian ? " argument .. :ph34r:

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46 minutes ago, sanemax said:

We were talking about natural succession, rather than conversions

I may be wrong but when one converts to the Muslim faith, it's all inclusive... a bit like a Mexican resort vacation.


So gentiles that convert to Judaism for marriage or simply because they think it's the faith that serves them better, they are still outsiders?


Can the progeny of a female gentile who converted to Judaism and married into the faith be similarly excluded from the big buffet?

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5 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I may be wrong but when one converts to the Muslim faith, it's all inclusive... a bit like a Mexican resort vacation.


So gentiles that convert to Judaism for marriage or simply because they think it's the faith that serves them better, they are still outsiders?


Can the progeny of a female gentile who converted to Judaism and married into the faith be similarly excluded from the big buffet?

Dont know about that but I'm fairly sure pork will be off the table .. 

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9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I may be wrong but when one converts to the Muslim faith, it's all inclusive... a bit like a Mexican resort vacation.


So gentiles that convert to Judaism for marriage or simply because they think it's the faith that serves them better, they are still outsiders?


Can the progeny of a female gentile who converted to Judaism and married into the faith be similarly excluded from the big buffet?

Oh Geez. This is getting weird.

Converting to Judaism is very difficult. It's not done on a whim. There is a lot of study involved.

Once done, then yes the the matrilineal structure applies as well to children of the converted Jew. 

Edited by Jingthing
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6 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Dont know about that but I'm fairly sure pork will be off the table .. 

I don't know how to break this to you but a very significant percentage of people that identify as Jews do not keep Kosher. Especially in the U.S. But don't let reality deprive you of your stereotypes. 


Of course pork eating Jews is definitely a thing, and that doesn't mean they are "good" observant Jews, but there won't be any stonings about it. 

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unlike the Catholic Church, Judaism doesn't have a pope or any universally recognized arbiter of religious questions. Try to remember that all this religion stuff isn't like math or science. It's just made up. Reform Jews routinely accept as Jews people who don't qualify under Orthodox rules.


Conversions are accepted, although the conversion process is rather lengthy.



1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Not so Ivanka Trump.


She  converted.

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9 hours ago, Credo said:

I have encountered Chinese tourists in numerous countries, from Asia to the US and other Western countries.   They are among those most difficult and disrespectful tourists I have ever seen.   


National parks in the US have much of signage written in Chinese, but to no avail.   

Agreed totally!

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't know how to break this to you but a very significant percentage of people that identify as Jews do not keep Kosher. Especially in the U.S. But don't let reality deprive you of your stereotypes. 


Of course pork eating Jews is definitely a thing, and that doesn't mean they are "good" observant Jews, but there won't be any stonings about it. 

It was just a bit of humour , no need to take it so seriously 

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