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Trump warns 'fire and fury' if North Korea threatens U.S., Pyongyang weighs Guam strike


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Just now, Tchooptip said:

I wonder if Fat Boy has a Twitter account?  If he does, him and  Twitter Boy can play war on Twitter .   :cheesy: 

wouldn't work, the next tweet from Trump would be ''He replied using the Korean language, how sad is that''

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Just now, F4UCorsair said:

The left wing loonies may now be happy that they have a strong, decisive leader who will, if necessary, take on this vertically challenged worm in North Korea.   Nah.....too much hate against the Republicans.


If the previous administration had balls, the situation would not have deteriorated to what we now see.

This 'what if' pass-the-buck scenario is brought to you by...

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Just now, F4UCorsair said:

So the idiot in NK strikes Guam, kills thousands....what next?   You're suggesting the President should sit on his hands and say, "Bad luck, can't do anything because I don't have the confidence of the American people on this issue?"


Please be serious if you want to participate in an adult conversation.

If don't think Trump has either a golf course or resort in Guam, but he's not going to sit on his hands if this escalates. 


He will keep them firmly wedged in his armpits as he had when he made his truly cringeworthy, Saddam-esque 'fire and brimstone' threat... from his golf club. True master of body language he is.


But then he repeated it!



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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

The left wing loonies may now be happy that they have a strong, decisive leader who will, if necessary, take on this vertically challenged worm in North Korea.   Nah.....too much hate against the Republicans.


If the previous administration had balls, the situation would not have deteriorated to what we now see.

I presume you are referring to the North Korean regime, huh? 


Do do you realise what you are suggesting? Be careful what you wish for and use your brain a little more than the US president is.

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Fire and fury? So what, they are going back to the saturation bombing and napalm of the Korean war again that saw the whole north returned to the stone age? That will no doubt bring back some fond memories. In fact the Korean war is quite interesting when you read some history, similar to Vietnam in some ways with the US placing a disliked puppet in charge (democracy in action) of the place and repressing the nationalists that had just thrown out a colonial overlord. War eventually ensued for the many, but profits were enjoyed as usual by the few.


For history buffs, another interesting one is the US bombing of Manila in WW2, ugly death count in that one as well.

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Just now, F4UCorsair said:

There's no doubt the US administration needs analysts like those posting here on TV, such clarity of thought, such tactical responses, such foolishness.


If Trump doesn't back up against this worm, he will walk all over whoever gets in his path.   Hopefully he'll realize before he sticks his head up too far, that it will be chopped off.  Bullies need to be opposed.

It's the same, perpetual game of whack-a-mole with the North Korean leadership. They always ramp it up when they want to be noticed (means they're broke and starving) and then China sends buys more coal and sends them some rice and Russia sends them some guns and tanks and it all evaporates with smiles and sudden offers to meet South Korean counterparts and the world moves on.


Notably this time, the UN SC was unanimous in backing the newer, tougher sanctions. All of a sudden NOBODY has his back and he feels very, very vulnerable.


I reckon a few of those bunker buster MOAB's lying rusting in Kandahar should be used on the known locations of missiles and military stockpiles in North Korea before they get beyond their sell-by dates. No need for nukes if their's can be taken out first. Plenty B-52's still in Guam?

Edited by NanLaew
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1 hour ago, tonray said:

It's funny...the Trump base wanted us to get out of foreign entanglements, cut ties and international agreements and focus on America. But now that they need a distraction from the sheer incompetency and plummeting poll numbers they are all in. Hypocrites.


Attacking NK will NOT get your coal mining jobs back, nor will it get you better health coverage, nor will it make America great again. Another war to make the Defense Industry more money and for Congressman to suck up to the taxpayer teat.

not to mention more Americans dying. Trump is playing a very dangerous game with his words, he has no idea how to handle situations like this. When sht hits the fan, he will just push the blame on someone else again.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

At least Trump has the balls to say and I believe act if necessary.

Good job ......  shut the NK leader up,   and blow them out of the water ...


it will also create alot of new jobs building new artillery.

It will also provide a lot of jobs for gravediggers too. None of you clowns would be saying any of this if you had relatives living in Seoul where 500,000 pieces of serious artillery will rain down on with massive casualties. Take your frustrations elsewhere and don't believe everything you read in the media.

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43 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I wonder if Fat Boy has a Twitter account?  If he does, him and  Twitter Boy can play war on Twitter .   :cheesy: 

Could actually televise it "Twitter Wars"

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3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

And so it begins.................

Now for the good part: severe unemployment in this region, crime will go up, no taxes from tourists so all foreign teachers will be laid off, zero tourism business locally. That is only for Thailand. :thumbsup:


China will go into Taiwan and Russian into the Balkans. :sick:


What a world I am leaving my children. :sad:

Plenty of jobs for submariners though. Mai pen rai!

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13 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

It's the same, perpetual game of whack-a-mole with the North Korean leadership. They always ramp it up when they want to be noticed (means they're broke and starving) and then China sends buys more coal and sends them some rice and Russia sends them some guns and tanks and it all evaporates with smiles and sudden offers to meet South Korean counterparts and the world moves on.


Notably this time, the UN SC was unanimous in backing the newer, tougher sanctions. All of a sudden NOBODY has his back and he feels very, very vulnerable.


I reckon a few of those bunker buster MOAB's lying rusting in Kandahar should be used on the known locations of missiles and military stockpiles in North Korea before they get beyond their sell-by dates. No need for nukes if their's can be taken out first. Plenty B-52's still in Guam?

Jeez you are truly a brilliant military strategist. How did the US miss out on your clever reasoning. Not!

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Seriously this just goes on and on. At some point the DNK will pass the point where it will go for it and then all hell will break loose. They have nothing to lose. Guam is a smokescreen, Japan and South Korea will fall in hours of this starting for sure. They need to take this very, very seriously. Kim Jon has been schooled for this, he knows nothing else and will not settle, ever. The US needs to take these guys very seriously and stop mocking them. They will destabilize this region for decades if this starts from their side first, that's for sure.

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1 hour ago, F4UCorsair said:

There's no doubt the US administration needs analysts like those posting here on TV, such clarity of thought, such tactical responses, such foolishness.


If Trump doesn't back up against this worm, he will walk all over whoever gets in his path.   Hopefully he'll realize before he sticks his head up too far, that it will be chopped off.  Bullies need to be opposed.

"I'm going to put Hilary in jail"

"Mexico will pay for the wall"

"I will repeal and replace Obama-Care"

"I will create a border tax to prevent firms from moving jobs overseas"

".On Day one I will label China as a currency manipulator"

"I and only I can win the wars in Afghanistan and also defeat ISIS...I have a plan"

"My healthcare plan is beautiful,it will cover everyone and lower costs too"


Phony, Fraud and charlatan.



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3 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Sitting here listening to you guys make justifications for the president of the United States threatening Nuclear War makes me realize how truly lost you are.

Well said.


Many people have difficulty differentiating rhetoric from reality. Rhetoric is designed to influence people and Trump has successfully got a lot of Americans all riled up and baying for blood. That was his aim. He doesn't want the Russia story to be the headline.


Kim Jong-Un needs to continue with his rhetoric to build up the external threat, justify his position, suppress any internal dissent and maintain the "mad and dangerous yet weak" policy that has been a successful foreign policy in maintaining the regime and unnerving South Korea.


The reality is Trump wants a distraction and Kim Jong-Un wants to stay in power.


When listeners understand their real aims, they can re-interpret their comments and not naively take them at face value.

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It seems to me that many who post here are confused, or just plain ignorant, about the powers of the President of the US, or leaders of most other countries, with perhaps the exception of North Korea, and a few like minded authoritarian regimes.


The President doesn't make decisions in isolation....he's the final link in the chain, after taking the advice of the military strategists, intelligence agencies, etc., and then makes a decision on which way to proceed.


Rhetoric is part of the 'game', and the clown who leads NK needs to be reminded that if he sticks his head up far enough, it will be chopped off, so a bit of bluster in response is par for the course.


I haven't seen posts here advocating the use of nuclear weapons, as some poster (jcsmith I think) above, alluded to, and I'm sure that would be the very last resort after exhausting ALL other options.


My guess is that the US could neutralize every missile site in NK, without too much difficulty, using conventional weapons before KJU could say, "<deleted> you.".  They would be well aware of every location of missiles, etc., in NK.

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2 hours ago, scotchonrocks said:

I presume you are referring to the North Korean regime, huh? 


Do do you realise what you are suggesting? Be careful what you wish for and use your brain a little more than the US president is.

I could say that I'm not referring to NK, but the Kingdom of Tonga, but I don't set out to be provocative or stupid.  It could be ONLY one country to which I am referring.....the thread title is, after all, "Trump Warns Fire and Fury if North Korea Threatens US".


I'm guessing you're of the left???    It's the left who sets out to be offensive, to denigrate, and attempt to humiliate, rather than making a reasoned post.


I'm sure he's using his brain............see my post above about him not operating in a vacuum.

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22 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

 They would be well aware of every location of missiles, etc., in NK.

The fact that the Iraqi WMDs were found in record time amply demonstrates the high calibre of intelligence they have around the world.

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28 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


It seems to me that many who post here are confused, or just plain ignorant, about the powers of the President of the US, or leaders of most other countries, with perhaps the exception of North Korea, and a few like minded authoritarian regimes.


The President doesn't make decisions in isolation....he's the final link in the chain, after taking the advice of the military strategists, intelligence agencies, etc., and then makes a decision on which way to proceed.


Rhetoric is part of the 'game', and the clown who leads NK needs to be reminded that if he sticks his head up far enough, it will be chopped off, so a bit of bluster in response is par for the course.


I haven't seen posts here advocating the use of nuclear weapons, as some poster (jcsmith I think) above, alluded to, and I'm sure that would be the very last resort after exhausting ALL other options.


My guess is that the US could neutralize every missile site in NK, without too much difficulty, using conventional weapons before KJU could say, "<deleted> you.".  They would be well aware of every location of missiles, etc., in NK.

You mean like the US President takes advise on most of the other country invasion stuff ups that US presidents of the last 50 to 60 years have cocked up?

And Americans had the bloody cheek to tell us non Americans to butt out of American elections when you were busy electing this bloody clown to Nuke button controller.

The rest of us are getting bloody sick to death of war mongering US governments and this moron you have now is starting to get to the final straw on our previous good nature towards Americans. 

There is more than way to skin a cat and two baboons throwing threats at each other with weapons that will impact on the rest of us in the Asia Pacific region is not the way to go about it. Its about time that Americans reign in your own idiot. 


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1 minute ago, Roadman said:

You mean like the US President takes advise on most of the other country invasion stuff ups that US presidents of the last 50 to 60 years have cocked up?

And Americans had the bloody cheek to tell us non Americans to butt out of American elections when you were busy electing this bloody clown to Nuke button controller.

The rest of us are getting bloody sick to death of war mongering US governments and this moron you have now is starting to get to the final straw on our previous good nature towards Americans. 

There is more than way to skin a cat and two baboons throwing threats at each other with weapons that will impact on the rest of us in the Asia Pacific region is not the way to go about it. Its about time that Americans reign in your own idiot. 



You'd be stuck without "bloody" in your vocabulary!!!


When you say 'weapons that will impact on us in the AP region', I presume you're talking about nuclear weapons?   There's been no suggestion of using them, except from a wayward poster or two on TV.


I'm not an American, incidentally, as you seem to be suggesting with , 'this moron you have now', etc.


I'm off to the farm for the night, so I'm out for the day.

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51 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Many people have difficulty differentiating rhetoric from reality. Rhetoric is designed to influence people and Trump has successfully got a lot of Americans all riled up and baying for blood. That was his aim. He doesn't want the Russia story to be the headline.


Nothing distracting like a war or the pre-saber rattling portion. When the approval numbers are in the mid 30's (moving towards the low 30's) best to distract away from all the bad news. War grabs headlines. War always improves a sitting presidents approval numbers. But best to wait on the actual war until closer to 2020. Americans love to re-elect a war time president. 


The world is tinder ready to burn and we got boys in power playing with matches.


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37 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Nothing distracting like a war or the pre-saber rattling portion. When the approval numbers are in the mid 30's (moving towards the low 30's) best to distract away from all the bad news. War grabs headlines. War always improves a sitting presidents approval numbers. But best to wait on the actual war until closer to 2020. Americans love to re-elect a war time president. 


The world is tinder ready to burn and we got boys in power playing with matches.


At least he should pick an easy target. Like Grenada or Martinique 

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The American intelligence apparatus does not know the location of every missile in North Korea. They know where most are  but even one nuclear missile will bring huge loss of life and a destruction unknown to mankind in the modern age.


At present, the US and North Korea are playing nuclear poker. Kim is letting the US know that he is aware of US troop deployments and aircraft as Guam has many US forces and planes ready to be used. Guam is US territory.  Kim also knows that if he attacks US territory or an American ally that he is signaling his own demise and the destruction of what is now North Korea. He is not going to attack Guam or anywhere else unless he is convinced that the US is planning a first strike.  Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric simply because he does not want to put Kim and his generals in a position to strike first on the pretext that America is planning a first strike. This is why it's called nuclear poker and Trump needs to listen to his Generals and shut the hell up.


Trump is incompetent but he is not in total control of the US nuclear arsenal. Even Trump knows that there is a protocol that must be followed to launch a nuclear strike.He can't just push a button and the missles fly. He knows full well that if the US strikes first with a nuclear device that the US will be condemned universally and I doubt the US Command would even follow an order for a nuclear strike. For this to happen Kim's nuclear missile  has to be in the air and landing in Guam or other places as the US strikes back.  It's called MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and it's is why  Russia, China and the US do not even contemplate a nuclear war.


Once everyone rules out nuclear war that leaves the conventional forces and Kim well knows that he can never defeat the US in a conventional war but he can bring death and destruction to Seoul and kill a lot of people including American military He can also launch conventional missiles without any nuclear payload on South Korea and Japan causing more deaths.  The scenarios I am aware of estimate a 6 month war with North Korea initially seizing the South Korea capital Seoul and the US sending in a minimum of 100,000 infantry and many thousands more in support to include its air armada. The US will defeat the North and occupy it to the cost of at least 1 million dead; the destruction of Seoul; missile strikes on Japan; and the deaths of thousands of American troops. It is imperative the US not strike first.


One has to remember that the original Korean conflict was a United Nations authorized intervention not an American intervention. There were 7 Nations fighting in KOrea under the UN flag:  S. Korea; USA; UK;  Australia; Thailand; Philippines; and Turkey. Why would the US go it alone at present when the original UN mandate still exists and technically a state of war still exists.


The bottom line is that the US and North Korea need to negotiate this out and N Korea  must freeze its missile program and the Korea Peninsula must be denuclearized. The US should be prepared to remove its forces from the South and there will most likely be a large foreign aid package given to the NOrth for its co-operation.  the UN will need to be able to inspect all N Korea nuclear sites to ensure compliance.  To me, this is  much better than  playing nuclear poker or waging a conventional war. Everyone lives/


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38 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Nothing distracting like a war or the pre-saber rattling portion. When the approval numbers are in the mid 30's (moving towards the low 30's) best to distract away from all the bad news. War grabs headlines. War always improves a sitting presidents approval numbers. But best to wait on the actual war until closer to 2020. Americans love to re-elect a war time president. 


The world is tinder ready to burn and we got boys in power playing with matches.


Not to worry.. He will consult the policy and military experts at Fox And Friends before doing anything 

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4 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

There's no doubt the US administration needs analysts like those posting here on TV, such clarity of thought, such tactical responses, such foolishness.


If Trump doesn't back up against this worm, he will walk all over whoever gets in his path.   Hopefully he'll realize before he sticks his head up too far, that it will be chopped off.  Bullies need to be opposed.

The trump administration already has those analysts, don't you see them? Trump appointed them and is one of them as well

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Well, while some comments here indicate it is just a war of words someone will want the final 'say' and that will be the day that the world will be on edge. According to a British news article NK Generals are just waiting for the order to be signed.

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There will be no order to strike Guam by anyone in North Korea as they know such an order would be their death order.  A missile strike on US territory would give the US  a reason under International law to strike back and ensure the end of North Korea. Let;s hope this ridiculous posturing stops and at the same time Trump shuts  up so the diplomats can sit down and sort this all out.  I will start worrying when I see large troop movements from the US into Asia as well as the movement of aircraft from the US mainland to Asia.

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