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Trump warns 'fire and fury' if North Korea threatens U.S., Pyongyang weighs Guam strike


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40 minutes ago, attrayant said:





Page 15.  Officials can be impeached for any reason, regardless of when it happened.


And once again, impeachment is not a judicial process. There is no "trial", no evidence presented, no witnesses questioned and no jury to render a verdict. It is entirely a political process, requiring only a simple majority vote from the House and a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate.

Page 15 does not say that, BTW. 

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I'm not sure what's wrong with your reading comprehension.  The statement "Officials can be impeached for any reason, regardless of when it happened" is my analysis of the events I quoted from page 15, showing where an official had been impeached for events that happened prior to his holding public office.  Now who's trolling?

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58 minutes ago, mesquite said:

If you're not an American whoever is the US president really is of no concern to you.

WRONG! I am not an American citizen but when the elected President of ANY nation takes actions that are effecting global economics and global safety & security then it is EVERYONE's concern. If Trump would build a wall around the entire border line of the USA and keep himself any all of his adoring supporters inside then you would not hear a peep out of me. When he starts threatening a nuclear conflict which would have to involve China and possibly Russia then it is everyone's duty in the world to make whatever noise they can to ensure Trump is put where he belongs - in jail.

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11 hours ago, mesquite said:

You knew that I meant when he was president.  Civil lawsuits before he was president mean nothing and there is no proof he lied. in those.  Stop trolling, though being a "made guy" I know you don't have to.  BTW how many times have you been suspended?  I would guess none.

Calm down. You never qualified your statement. You said he never lied under oath. I proved he did. And it was a sword testimony to Congress!


Accept it. And this is not trolling.

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10 hours ago, mesquite said:

Before he was president, lying under oath would result in a conviction for perjury.  Do you have a link to Trump's convictions for perjury?  I don't recall him ever being charged, let alone convicted, but I could be wrong.

That's kinda like saying he is a drunk driver. Done it many times but never caught.  So it's ok. LOL


Amazing you support someone like this.

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"Pyongyang weighs Guam strike."




"Ummm, should we strike Guam and get ourselves blown off the map?   Or step down, stop the provocations, cancel all the military BS, get rid of the nuke crap, make nice with Big Brother up north, start behaving rationally, let the people eat, and watch the aid & trade just come flooding in?   Hmmmm."


Tough choice I guess if you're a wacko screaming psychopath.



Edited by hawker9000
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They're both just ignorant, thinking that screaming louder and making bigger threats will make the other guy back down. I'll be polite and call that unsophisticated...

Yeah, all that appeasement and apologizing worked sooooo much better...


"Unsophisticated" perhaps, but epic improvement over what came before!

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22 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Yeah, all that appeasement and apologizing worked sooooo much better...


"Unsophisticated" perhaps, but epic improvement over what came before!

Yes, Trump is going to stand up to those North Koreans just like he did to the Syrians.  No chance at all that this is just more bluster.

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3 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

Well, we weren't at the brink of war before.

BECAUSE of all the appeasement and apologizing!  Duh.  And look where it gets us now.  Appeasement and apologies are how some people handle being successfully intimidated and postpone the inevitable confrontation for others to have to deal with.   Meanwhile,  the appeasement and apologies only serve to embolden the thug and ensure he'll continue the pattern!   No one but an idiot could think that "statesmanship" OR fail to foresee the outcome. 

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1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

BECAUSE of all the appeasement and apologizing!  Duh.  And look where it gets us now.  Appeasement and apologies are how some people handle being successfully intimidated and postpone the inevitable confrontation for others to have to deal with.   Meanwhile,  the appeasement and apologies only serve to embolden the thug and ensure he'll continue the pattern!   No one but an idiot could think that "statesmanship" OR fail to foresee the outcome. 

And I thought you were a Trump supporter and there you are having nailed him on the head. Great post thanks.

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2 hours ago, Ruffian Dick said:

I think he was referring to the Korean guy, but I could be wrong.




1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

I was: he knows it and thought he was being oh so clever.  Kind o' pathetic, huh?


Nah! That's not pathetic. What is pathetic is watching allegedly grown men on here defend a narcissistic pathological lying scumbag, that given half a chance would commence a war that would cause the death of millions. Still as long as it's not in your back yard eh! Let the carnage begin, it should make for good TV viewing for you all. Trump will be a crap stain on the American people and the people of the world for decades.

Edited by Andaman Al
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On 8/15/2017 at 11:35 PM, Ruffian Dick said:

Well, we weren't at the brink of war before.


On 8/16/2017 at 9:15 AM, baboon said:

And we aren't now.

Oh, really?  Think again.


"This guy's going to get us all killed. There's nobody in charge. This man (Trump) has the nuclear codes," Moore, 63, told Reuters Television in an interview on Thursday.



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2 hours ago, casper54 said:


Oh, really?  Think again.


"This guy's going to get us all killed. There's nobody in charge. This man (Trump) has the nuclear codes," Moore, 63, told Reuters Television in an interview on Thursday.



michael moore is your go-to guy for insightful political opinion and military strategy?  are you serious, or was your post dripping with sarcasm?

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2 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

michael moore is your go-to guy for insightful political opinion and military strategy?  are you serious, or was your post dripping with sarcasm?

Even your hero, Steve Bannon, said there was no military option.



There’s no military solution [to North Korea’s nuclear threats], forget it. Until somebody solves the part of the equation that shows me that ten million people in Seoul don’t die in the first 30 minutes from conventional weapons, I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s no military solution here, they got us.


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3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

michael moore is your go-to guy for insightful political opinion and military strategy?  are you serious, or was your post dripping with sarcasm?

A reluctant 'like'. I share Moore's point of view on most things, but he strays far too much into Alex Jones style territory for my liking; playing to the gallery.

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                         I was watching an online lecture about nukes, and wanted to share an interesting tidbit.  The professor (Dr. Matthew Bunn) mentioned how a science associate of his had visited Libya after the overthrow of Gaddafi.  While there, he saw some centrifuges (stationary) which are used to refine U-238 into U-325, which is the isotope needed for nuclear weapons.  The centrifuges are crafted to incredible precision.  The American on the scene, went and put his hand on each centrifuge.  He was being naughty, because there were signs and guards around to ensure that no one touched them.   However, by simply touching them, he rendered them unusable, and here's why:


                            Just the natural oil from his hands, which the lecturer said can't be sufficiently washed off the centrifuges, can render them out-of-balance.  Permanently inoperable.

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20 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                         I was watching an online lecture about nukes, and wanted to share an interesting tidbit.  The professor (Dr. Matthew Bunn) mentioned how a science associate of his had visited Libya after the overthrow of Gaddafi.  While there, he saw some centrifuges (stationary) which are used to refine U-238 into U-325, which is the isotope needed for nuclear weapons.  The centrifuges are crafted to incredible precision.  The American on the scene, went and put his hand on each centrifuge.  He was being naughty, because there were signs and guards around to ensure that no one touched them.   However, by simply touching them, he rendered them unusable, and here's why:


                            Just the natural oil from his hands, which the lecturer said can't be sufficiently washed off the centrifuges, can render them out-of-balance.  Permanently inoperable.

Well then I recommend a visit to North Korea from our leader Donald Trump. It would seem that the grease and slime emanating from his persona would set the NK program back 100 years.

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Well then I recommend a visit to North Korea from our leader Donald Trump. It would seem that the grease and slime emanating from his persona would set the NK program back 100 years.

His hands are too small.   

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