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A Spanish tourist has gone online to issue a dire warning to the Thais about messing up their country


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18 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

Next time you read a post, read it properly.

I mentioned people who no longer live here, but spend ALL their spare time slagging the place off !

And some of us would love to move back but are too scared to do so after the mafia tried to extort their business, severe difficulties to get skilled staff.... The list goes on and on. 

As for me, I have to wait to see what happens before moving back, maybe in 10-15 years if Thailand have taken care of the root of all problems, corruption. 

If that ever happens, I will be the first one to move back. Of course there will be problems left but to have open corruption and "legal" mafia operating openly with extortion, threats, violence and intimidation, nothing will become better. My wife and daughter was threatened to their life by the mafia who wanted to muscle it's way in to my business, left me no choice than to close my business and leave Thailand, even though I love Thailand and the majority of the people living there. But you are right, maybe I should have let the mafia take over my business or kill my wife or daughter because that was the only outcome if I didn't comply.

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a newbie for sure

i think his country man are not innocent of this littering, it is a modern problem 

i am sure Spain has the same problem 

decency is becoming a rare virtue these days all over the world

people just do not give a ****

i guess after his speach he tossed a 7/ eleven bag on the beach

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6 minutes ago, fdch said:

a newbie for sure

i think his country man are not innocent of this littering, it is a modern problem 

i am sure Spain has the same problem 

decency is becoming a rare virtue these days all over the world

people just do not give a ****

i guess after his speach he tossed a 7/ eleven bag on the beach

i'd say you are not far from the truth but i'm not allowed to comment for fear of being attacked by a load of old dudes. I comment anyway because I know i'm correct. figure that out

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25 minutes ago, impulse said:


We agree on that 100%.  But even if every tourist cleaned up after themselves (and that's not a realistic expectation), they'd still have the tidal debris.


Which leaves them with the choice of cleaning up the beaches, or risk a constant decline in any tourists with $$$ who come here for the beaches.  The ones here for the sex, and the consequence free boozing, and the rock bottom prices will keep coming.  But that's just a downward spiral.


Apart from the monsoon, the tidal debris is next to nothing, compared to humans using the beach – talk from experience, live beach-front in Thailand, cleaning tourist debris for 10+ years...:whistling:

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9 minutes ago, fdch said:

a newbie for sure

i think his country man are not innocent of this littering, it is a modern problem 

i am sure Spain has the same problem 

decency is becoming a rare virtue these days all over the world

people just do not give a ****

i guess after his speach he tossed a 7/ eleven bag on the beach

You're too cynical, with the Spaniards awareness, I'm pretty sure he won't.

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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Very lame. Nearly every time I see someone complaining, or observing a shortfall within Thailand, some lame guy, who has not taken the time to think things through, nor to devote any focus or effort to a reasonable reply, says something like "Perhaps Thailand is not for you", or maybe you should leave, or the top prize, "if you do not like it here, go back to your own country". Hard to even respond to such inane statements. Why? Because I have some issues with the place? Sorry to inform you, but the nature of a discerning mind, is to have issues. Though absolute contentment must be a beautiful state of mind, it is not something most of us are blessed with, in case you have not noticed. The fact that I complain, does not mean I do not love Thailand, nor most of it's people. I do. I love my life here. I have a very good life here. But, I do have some complaints, and there are some things I would love to see improved. I should leave because of that? Please. Next time you make a post, try to devote at least two moments of thought to it. 

thank you, it can be so frustrating to keep discussions on an educated and civilised level. I also love Thailand and it breaks my heart to see how nature has to suffer. As far as I'm concerned I'm here for the natural beauty, the wildlife and the ocean. Whilst some remote places might still offer this, it's hard to deny that we are in a downwards spiral. Many countries have made similar mistakes and not learning from their shortcomings would be another mistake. Many people don't know what they have until it's gone. It's not too late, but a quarter to 12. 


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7 minutes ago, zzidenn said:

thank you, it can be so frustrating to keep discussions on an educated and civilised level. I also love Thailand and it breaks my heart to see how nature has to suffer. As far as I'm concerned I'm here for the natural beauty, the wildlife and the ocean. Whilst some remote places might still offer this, it's hard to deny that we are in a downwards spiral. Many countries have made similar mistakes and not learning from their shortcomings would be another mistake. Many people don't know what they have until it's gone. It's not too late, but a quarter to 12. 


You can find better nature environments anywhere but here. They will cut down or eat it all and then lay down concrete. If you love concrete jungles your in the right place.

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1 minute ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The truth is Thailand is a filthy country.


You don't even have any anecdotal evidence to back up your ludicrous and patently false claims that Spain is worse.


The stray dogs alone wouldn't be allowed in Spain on the beaches. 


Sometimes when greenhorns come on here and chat sh*t about Thailand when they have only been here five minutes the more experienced and knowledgeable posters slap them down. 


It is what it is yo.


it is not a filthy country! it just needs taking care of and it will be

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10 hours ago, Happy enough said:

555 hilarious. he's basically saying take care of your place or it will end up being the dump that spain is. I'm sure that's what he's saying. there are many laws here that should clean the place up where it needs to be. pretty sure the powers that be don't need advice from young Spaniard. jog on young lad.

The dump that Spain is? You've been going to the wrong places. There's a lot more to Spain that Benidorm.

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Just now, Father Fintan Stack said:

Thailand big contributor to plastic trash on ocean floors (Spain not on the list): http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Thailand-big-contributor-to-plastic-trash-on-ocean-30254077.html


Ocean of trash: An “island” of garbage is moving in on Thailand’s tourist resorts: http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-16-ocean-of-trash-an-island-of-garbage-is-moving-in-on-thailands-tourist-resorts.html


Thailand’s Rivers Polluted by Factory and Residential Waste (no clear strategy for prevention): http://ens-newswire.com/2011/09/27/thailands-rivers-polluted-by-factory-and-residential-waste/


I could go on and on and on. 

'I could go on and on and on'. and you do. your opinions or no ones right?

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10 hours ago, Happy enough said:

and to the Spaniard in case you read this. your dress sense is terrible. your sunglasses are cheap and tacky, your top looks incredibly camp. perhaps that's your thing. people here don't need advice from anyone that comes from a place that hasn't got it's own house in order

I don't know what's worse, your unfounded criticism of Spain, your bare faced cheek to comment on the way somebody else is dressed, or the fact you don't think he should be criticising the wrongs that are going on here. Why shouldn't he point out that you need to take much better care of what pays the bills and puts food on your table? What's wrong with him saying the Thai's are lazy and should take better care of their natural resources? Why should anybody be chastised for telling the truth, even if he's a recent visitor? Weird!

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Just now, jinners said:

I don't know what's worse, your unfounded criticism of Spain, your bare faced cheek to comment on the way somebody else is dressed, or the fact you don't think he should be criticising the wrongs that are going on here. Why shouldn't he point out that you need to take much better care of what pays the bills and puts food on your table? What's wrong with him saying the Thai's are lazy and should take better care of their natural resources? Why should anybody be chastised for telling the truth, even if he's a recent visitor? Weird!

because he's sat on his arse high on drugs. take his bloody opinions elsewhere. nothing weird about it

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3 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

I was thinking more Malaga and al haurin but anyway. I will stand by what I say

Malaga is a dump? It's a massive city and to the standards of may very large cities is pretty nice. Seen better but many more a lot worse. But I still don't see why you'd call the whole country a dump based on what is clearly limited experience, just because a Spaniard criticised Thailand for not keeping the place in a better state

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1 minute ago, Happy enough said:

because he's sat on his arse high on drugs. take his bloody opinions elsewhere. nothing weird about it

what's weird is you taking a negative view about a whole country which in the main has got its house in order From a tourist perspective) and is an exceedingly lovely place, and a guy from there, because he tells some truths about the damage being done to another beautiful country by poor environmental and citizen practices

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1 minute ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Those are not my opinions but links to factual data.


You do know the difference right?

I don't think he does, but It's apparent that he takes things to an unnecessary personal level,  if you expect an educated and critical discussion of a real world problem he will just troll away. 

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4 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

I give up with you lot. have a nice day. I will not repeat myself for those that have trouble understanding

so you suggest if people want to talk about real life environmental issues, that will sooner or later affect everyone, including your area, we have to leave the country, instead of addressing the problem, promoting awareness and eventually and hopefully solving the issue? Is it not also in your own interest ? you don't seem to be much older than me but your reactions make absolutely no sense

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9 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

I lasted 33 years in Thailand and finally just had enough of the filthy Pattaya sewer they call a beach, garbage all over the streets and nobody picks it up. I have moved to the Philippines where other than Manila the country is clean and beautiful. A school full of kids walked by my house the other day and my wife told me they were cruising their jurisdiction area picking up whatever garbage they could find, and I can tell you there was not much to pick up. The authorities teach pride in your city and country from when the kids are just small.

On my last visit to Songkhla for work, on the 45 minute drive from hotel to workplace I saw schoolchildren by the hundreds walking the roadside picking up trash! This was every day! This just illustrates that not all areas are the same and obviously the Songkhla provincial governor, or more likely one of his minions, has shown some initiative. Should be done in every province of every country to teach children civic pride (and as a cheap method of cleaning the highways and byways)

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why farangs always think they should tell thais how to run their country... u are from Spain? ... hey why u <deleted> up most ur coastline with faceless apartementblocks to the thoudands.... hey why ur banks are indebted to other europ countrys and ur innercitys are crime ridden... we are thais this and much more that we have noticed makes us very very angry...ding dong... . falangs have the master race syndrom and are neurotic... they come for cheap  sex and drugs and complain if they are faced with the sideffects of such a society (, corruption, neglect, ignorance etc) u dont like it pai leu

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I wonder why some people her simply "assume" he is "high" on something, there is neither proof nor evidence, he is a Spanish guy talking with a quite common Spanish accent, being filmed without a script or whatnot. I have watched the video several times just to be sure

Because it suits the pathetic arguments people use to try and defend their position. No other reason. He does not look like he is on drugs however many times you watch it , he is eloquent and makes a good point. Clearly for some that's not good enough so he has to be stereotyped as a druggie who is trying to cause problems
More about the people on here than it does about him.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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5 hours ago, Happy enough said:

he's just a bloke high on drugs on a beach being egged on by the guy with the camera. he's not walking down the beach picking up any rubbish as he's too high. he is so high that he thinks everyone else should do it for him.

If I invite you over to my home as a guest I dont expect you to do my housework

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17 minutes ago, free123 said:

why farangs always think they should tell thais how to run their country... u are from Spain? ... hey why u <deleted> up most ur coastline with faceless apartementblocks to the thoudands.... hey why ur banks are indebted to other europ countrys and ur innercitys are crime ridden... we are thais this and much more that we have noticed makes us very very angry...ding dong... . falangs have the master race syndrom and are neurotic... they come for cheap  sex and drugs and complain if they are faced with the sideffects of such a society (, corruption, neglect, ignorance etc) u dont like it pai leu


That kind of attitude toward customer feedback drives thousands of businesses to bankruptcy every year.  The best information a business can get is feedback from customers, whether it's positive or negative.  Otherwise, they're relying on their employees to tell them what they need to do differently.  Big raises, more breaks, less work and free beer in the water coolers is rarely the answer.


One day, Thailand will only draw the sex tourists and those looking for 300 baht rooms.  In fact, they seem to have identified the trend already, resulting in visa crackdowns and "in with the good, out with the bad". 


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25 minutes ago, free123 said:

why farangs always think they should tell thais how to run their country... u are from Spain? ... hey why u <deleted> up most ur coastline with faceless apartementblocks to the thoudands.... hey why ur banks are indebted to other europ countrys and ur innercitys are crime ridden... we are thais this and much more that we have noticed makes us very very angry...ding dong... . falangs have the master race syndrom and are neurotic... they come for cheap  sex and drugs and complain if they are faced with the sideffects of such a society (, corruption, neglect, ignorance etc) u dont like it pai leu

you probably shouldn't have said that. most people don't come for cheap sex and drugs or whether they are expensive or not. your 1st 3 sentences weren't far from the truth though 555

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9 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

I lasted 33 years in Thailand and finally just had enough of the filthy Pattaya sewer they call a beach, garbage all over the streets and nobody picks it up. I have moved to the Philippines where other than Manila the country is clean and beautiful. A school full of kids walked by my house the other day and my wife told me they were cruising their jurisdiction area picking up whatever garbage they could find, and I can tell you there was not much to pick up. The authorities teach pride in your city and country from when the kids are just small.

after 17 years , the Jomtien beach is still filthy ,life electric wires hanging down , put holes every where ,

a beach full of rusty parasols , double parked cars ,dead fish and garbage on the sand ,broken bottles in the water,.....no improvement in 17 years.

My kids NEVER swim in this sewage , we dont come to this beach anymore .

Bud the real estate guys call it "location location" ????

It will never improve ,even worsen ....the Spanish guy proved his right, the paradise is long gone ,

the night life is what's left ,take this away  and all what's left are Thai families which dont see rubbish ,and are used to swim in murky water .

I moved to Spain , come have a look , you never saw cleaner beaches .

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