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Time to evacuate Asia ?


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12 hours ago, superal said:

Just watched a report on the BBC news from Guam . Many local people concerned as you would expect with the Japanese tourists more so and thinking of getting out , got a feeling that there could be a domino effect type stampede , exit wise . 

                       Problem is the talking is all but finished and this new dictator has to show his power . We have not seen anything like this before that I can recall in modern post war times . How do you deal with such a lunatic who is known to drink to the extreme and continue to give commands with such destructive weaponry at his disposal ? ?

errmm trump is a teetotaler or you referring to fat boy?

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18 hours ago, superal said:

he is seeing that this could possibly be the start of the end of his empire .


And Trump is using the time honored strategy of diverting attention from one's abysmal domestic record and/or creating a macho cartoon-like PR image of oneself by picking a foreign issue to rally the masses. 


Ronald Reagan:


American troops who hit the beaches on the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada ... were bit players in a geopolitical comic opera. The invaders used photocopies of tourist maps, since the U.S. military had no maps of its own for the country. Communication was so confused that one officer had to call his base in North Carolina from a pay phone to request air cover. After an American bomb was mistakenly dropped on a mental hospital, dazed patients wandered aimlessly as heavily armed fighters emerged from surrounding cinnamon and allspice plantations, lending a surreal quality to the operation.





Margaret Thatcher served as prime minister for more than 11 years, but it was arguably the 74 days she spent evicting the Argentine invaders from the Falkland Islands that did most to fix the image of an unbending, uncompromising leader in the British popular imagination.


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Mutual assured destruction or mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and second strike).[1] It is based on the theory of deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which, once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.


Let the two spoilt brats bully each other. 

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I read a story today that said North Korea was evading the sanctions by buying from Thailand and Malaysia. Thailand wouldn't do that would it? Does N Korea pay in dollars?


I would think that America would want to put pressure on any country abetting the avoidance of sanctions.

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this is like how when u get invited to a party that you didn't want to go to but your friends somehow convinced you to go...  he decides to pick a fight with someone and next thing you know you are getting punched in the face!


Thaland - Us

America- friend

Korea - someone


Punches - Nukes to the face!

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As part of the negotiation- Kim must agree to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula....

Exactly, negotiations that result in an agreement whereby Kim abandons his nuclear program are what we need.

Sanctions only hurt the NK people, and war helps no one.

We had none of this when Hillary was running the state department...
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maybe the US should back down soften up a little  beleave me this guy in north Korea is no lunatic went to one of the best schools in switzerland and has taken over the work his father and grand father created they have survived 50+ years they are tough people 

now we have this rich boy trying to run america but realy only filling his own pockets and actualy trying to disrupt what other presidents made good .

not much difference realy just Korea has this dictatorship decades and america has this coming up 

in korea if u sick u get help straight away 

in america they ask you for your amex card first even if u half dead no card no help 

korea just get on with it 

of course it is concerning what they do but isnt all the other terrorist things in the world just as bad   who knows they might have a big plan to

making sanctions just agrivates people causes headeachs in the trade the same as Russia and the EU there are sanctions causing Putin to be angry again 

but it does hurt the econemy of the eu we do not export any Kind of vegatable or cheese there havent seen any in 2 years in the shops 


but they survive like north korea will 

maybe back off and shake hands glue the situation talk normal not this twitter rubbish  and threats 

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1 hour ago, mikecha said:

maybe the US should back down soften up a little  beleave me this guy in north Korea is no lunatic went to one of the best schools in switzerland and has taken over the work his father and grand father created they have survived 50+ years they are tough people 

now we have this rich boy trying to run america but realy only filling his own pockets and actualy trying to disrupt what other presidents made good .

not much difference realy just Korea has this dictatorship decades and america has this coming up 

in korea if u sick u get help straight away 

in america they ask you for your amex card first even if u half dead no card no help 

korea just get on with it 

of course it is concerning what they do but isnt all the other terrorist things in the world just as bad   who knows they might have a big plan to

making sanctions just agrivates people causes headeachs in the trade the same as Russia and the EU there are sanctions causing Putin to be angry again 

but it does hurt the econemy of the eu we do not export any Kind of vegatable or cheese there havent seen any in 2 years in the shops 


but they survive like north korea will 

maybe back off and shake hands glue the situation talk normal not this twitter rubbish  and threats 

Mike  You obviously do not follow politics.


It was the promise by his Father to Willie Clinton that he would remove all nuclear weapons and cease  that got him all the money.  Obama let him build to his content with the promise that he would stop.


For those that do not study history or American/Russian history this is the new version of the Cuban missile crisis.  It was bound to happen.


There is a peaceful solution and I think it is going to happen soon although we may not notice it.  


If you look at the map of East Asia of the  mega cities that are in the area 8 of them are Chinese.  Also as has been said the fallout of a nuclear strike on North Korea would wipe out parts of China, Russia and in all likelihood South Korea and affect japan.


It is because of these facts that Russia and China signed the pact.


If MacArthur had not been an idiot and stopped at the river there would be no North Korea.  I personally think that if Kim is stupid enough to try to bloody someone's nose that China is going to set the same restriction.  We will stay out of it just do not touch our border.  You can also be guaranteed that they would set up a strong military presence to keep the North Korean Refugees in North Korea. 



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No, there will be no extra  danger  for us people in Thailand,

A bit of radioactive dust is nothing compared to the risk 

of dying in trafic ...been bitten by a street dog....gonorrhea ....

hepatitis... food poisoning ......jumping from high buildings ....

drowning with 2 hands bound on your back.... 

No,no .....e few atomic bombs in the region are no danger for us .


"bombs away......."

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4 hours ago, Bung said:

Mutual assured destruction or mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see pre-emptive nuclear strike and second strike).[1] It is based on the theory of deterrence, which holds that the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which, once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm.


Let the two spoilt brats bully each other. 

This is not actually a case of mutual assured destruction.  Kim is a long way from being able to destroy the US (he can get very close to destroying S.Korea). He could indeed possibility damage the US but it would be far from total destruction. 


What is assured is his total destruction if he starts it. I would refer to that as your assured destruction  (YAD).


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17 hours ago, superal said:

this new dictator has to show his power . We have not seen anything like this before that I can recall in modern post war times

Have you forgotten Cuba, Gadaffi, Yasser Arafat, Sadam Hussein, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Sadat (Egypt) and any of the Middle East tyros with a hard-on about Israel since WW2?  Yugoslavia re-living their version of medieval crusades less than a generation ago. 

An endless list of terror and international crimes against humanity across the globe.

I'd also include the current Israeli authorities who seem to have slipped into Nazi uniforms to "deal" with Palestinians trapped in the Gaza ghetto.

What about the bozos in Argentina who thought they'd give Maggie Thatcher's Britain a good licking?  And any of the tinpot dictators with pretensions across Africa?

All spring from the same big-headed brain-dead mould, blinded by envy, greed and hatred.

Various US regimes post WW2 have also been happy to turn various parts of the world into moonscapes by targeting various countries, more often than not, for commercial purposes.

We live in a dangerous world. Hardly different for the last milennium or more.

I would also concede that I see little difference in the rantings of KJ Un or Donald Dump and how their behaviours reflect their own strange but special world views.

Their posturing and wild ravings belong in burlesque instead of world forums.

The dunderheads seem to have taken over their asylums.

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Reminds me of early 2002 when I was working in Mumbai and the rhetoric between India and Pakistan was getting quite tasty. The local press was full of articles indicating that the prospects of a nuclear conflict were possibly reaching a critical level with close to a million troops of both sides reported to be massing at the border.


Anyway, I was the only company rep left in India at that point so I made an executive decision to get the hell out. So I booked a ticket to Bangkok (as you do!!) and headed to the airport. I had been in contact with our UK office security guy and had requested his feedback on what I should do. He was taking his time over a response so I went ahead with my travel plans. As it turned out I received an email from him whist I was at the airport stating that he considered it was safe enough to remain in place. I only responded to him after I reached Bangkok. Had a great 3 day break!!

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6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Fallout from a  North Korean detonation over Seoul would drift back over North Korea and eventually to China.

Fallout from a  detonation over Pyongyang would drift back over North Korea  and into China. If in the  Northeast, then it could wipe out Vladivostok in Russia.

Any North Korean detonation over japan would have a fallout drift northward contaminating the ocean and wiping out marine life.

Fallout from anything hitting the west coast of the USA would drift northwest. However, it is to be expected that US interception efforts would be attempted  in the arctic or over Canada if the missile was launched using a polar route. the end result is that  much of Canada's north  its key western farming zones  contaminated damaging the Canadian economy and removing a large amount of the world's  key grain supplier causing a world famine. The Canadian oil industry could be wiped out as well which would destroy Canada. 


If a missile was fired at Guam and intercepted over the pacific, the world would see fish stock contaminated and countries who rely on  pacific fish stocks pushed into shortage. if it his Guam, then North Korea would be obliterated with a nuclear cloud poisoning China and causing a retaliation.


The bottom line is that the  madman must be stopped now. China and Russia must act and pull their puppet  in or kill him and his henchmen.


How are you so well informed ?

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6 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

errmm trump is a teetotaler or you referring to fat boy?

When I wrote that I never gave it a second thought that it may be referring to both KJ & DT  and this is the 3rd such reply , I am aware that DT is not a drinker , never the less , quite humorous  .

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4 hours ago, mikecha said:

maybe the US should back down soften up a little  beleave me this guy in north Korea is no lunatic went to one of the best schools in switzerland and has taken over the work his father and grand father created they have survived 50+ years they are tough people 

now we have this rich boy trying to run america but realy only filling his own pockets and actualy trying to disrupt what other presidents made good .

not much difference realy just Korea has this dictatorship decades and america has this coming up 

in korea if u sick u get help straight away 

in america they ask you for your amex card first even if u half dead no card no help 

korea just get on with it 

of course it is concerning what they do but isnt all the other terrorist things in the world just as bad   who knows they might have a big plan to

making sanctions just agrivates people causes headeachs in the trade the same as Russia and the EU there are sanctions causing Putin to be angry again 

but it does hurt the econemy of the eu we do not export any Kind of vegatable or cheese there havent seen any in 2 years in the shops 


but they survive like north korea will 

maybe back off and shake hands glue the situation talk normal not this twitter rubbish  and threats 

Wonder if a nuke a few hundred miles away from you would change your tune. So going to the best school in Switzerland means you cant possibly be a lunatic or a Power mad crazed idiot who is desperate to push the button, of course not he went to the best school in Switzerland! Sounds to me as though you admire him maybe you should go talk to him. Enjoy your trip.

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1 hour ago, sandemara said:

Have you forgotten Cuba, Gadaffi, Yasser Arafat, Sadam Hussein, the Ayatollah Khomeini, Sadat (Egypt) and any of the Middle East tyros with a hard-on about Israel since WW2?  Yugoslavia re-living their version of medieval crusades less than a generation ago. 

An endless list of terror and international crimes against humanity across the globe.

I'd also include the current Israeli authorities who seem to have slipped into Nazi uniforms to "deal" with Palestinians trapped in the Gaza ghetto.

What about the bozos in Argentina who thought they'd give Maggie Thatcher's Britain a good licking?  And any of the tinpot dictators with pretensions across Africa?

All spring from the same big-headed brain-dead mould, blinded by envy, greed and hatred.

Various US regimes post WW2 have also been happy to turn various parts of the world into moonscapes by targeting various countries, more often than not, for commercial purposes.

We live in a dangerous world. Hardly different for the last milennium or more.

I would also concede that I see little difference in the rantings of KJ Un or Donald Dump and how their behaviours reflect their own strange but special world views.

Their posturing and wild ravings belong in burlesque instead of world forums.

The dunderheads seem to have taken over their asylums.

None of your  mentioned wars included the threat of nuclear weapons which is what I was referring to .

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22 minutes ago, superal said:

How are you so well informed ?

The fact is he is posting about posdible fall out patterns it really depends on the conditions when the Nuke detonate. However i would suggest all the rockets launched  from NK would be intercepted long before the nuclear war head is armed. So destroyed with no nuclear explosion or fall out.

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5 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

The fact is he is posting about posdible fall out patterns it really depends on the conditions when the Nuke detonate. However i would suggest all the rockets launched  from NK would be intercepted long before the nuclear war head is armed. So destroyed with no nuclear explosion or fall out.

Kinda understand and I think that the whole scenario has got to climax sooner rather than later by dialogue because as previously intimated , there can be no winners with a nuclear war , however the situation is that Trump could be in a stuffed if he does both nothing or does something . Does he become reactive or proactive . Do not forget that Trump is only the voice sounding the military advisers who have the experience where this could lead to . 

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don't read The Guardian then, do you?

India... just on the other side of the bay... Bengal Bay... 

is gonna be in the s&^ts on Climate.... so add refugees on top of tourists on top of nukes, I guess you could say it's all 'thermonuclear-related' eh? 

the tourist thing has a plus side... it helps prepare for a lot of future guests.  if they stay in India they die.  so the can't stay.  and they ain't got too many places to go to.




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