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Trump issues stern warning to North Korea and its leader: Be very, very nervous


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The problem could be that the fat boy in N. Korea might not be taking our fat boy seriously. Remember Saddam admitted after capture that he never believed the US would attack the second time around because he didn't have any weapons of mass destruction.....so he thought it was just rhetoric........Wrong! 

Hopefully the Joint Chiefs have the Duck on a leash.....who would allow this babbling fool to launch nukes? I would figure that N. Korea will be assaulted by waves of cruise missiles from ships and submarines, fighters and bombers, until their military abilities are neautralized, and fat boy is dead.

but remember Churchill's statement, "Jaw, jaw, jaw, and not War, war, war."

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We are not dealing with rational sane people here.  Trump's latest statement saying the US are locked and loaded lives little room for more stupid threats.  Locked and loaded must be just about the final position before firing. Maybe the next tweet will just say "aim".

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21 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

how do you propose taking out 500K artillery pieces pointing at Seoul quickly and cleanly when we don't know where they all are? A pre-emptive nuclear strike on the South Korean border next to Seoul perhaps? Tell us how you would take them out, 500K of them without North Korea starting to fire 60 000 shells an hour minimum at Seoul. There is NO easy solution. This is NOT an Iraq.

500,000 artillery pieces?  you live in dream land. North Korea has 12,000 if they had 500,000 there would be one for every 50 members of the population!  Please keep this realistic and stop TROLLING.




The US knows where they are.  500,000?  LOL


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20 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

The USA is at war with about 7 countries at the moment. Who is the aggressor?

Those 7 are not threatening the USA with 'total nuclear destruction'. I'd say that's good enough to put N.Korea top of the hit list wouldn't you?

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Tweet by God in response to Pastor saying God wants Trump to "take out" Kim Jong Un:


God (‪@TheTweetOfGod‬)

12/8/17, 07:11

I meant on a date. twitter.com/thedailybeast/…




The Daily Beast (‪@thedailybeast‬)

9/8/17, 11:20

Pastor: God wants Trump to "take out" Kim Jong Un  thebea.st/2vCHUMr 

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                                 Putting aside all the important issues being discussed, there is a theme which keeps showing its fuzzy head:    Trump is awful at putting sentences together.   The man can barely speak the English language.  He's the opposite of eloquent speakers like Carter, Clinton and Obama.   Even a grammar school bully speaks more coherently than Trump Sr.    


                               Walter Cronkite, the great newscaster, who had interviewed about ten presidents, said Carter was the most articulate of the bunch.  I wonder how Cronkite would describe Trump's butchering the English language.


A former NH Senator Gordon Humphrey says Trump "is deranged" and says his 'psyche is sick.'  



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11 hours ago, dunroaming said:

We are not dealing with rational sane people here.  Trump's latest statement saying the US are locked and loaded lives little room for more stupid threats.  Locked and loaded must be just about the final position before firing. Maybe the next tweet will just say "aim".

                       Maybe the next tweets will say something like; "On golf course now. Eating the greatest chocolate cake you've ever seen. 3 scoops of ice cream for me, only one for everyone else. Tacos later, to prove I love Mexicans. Am pressing buttons now to nuke rude boy Kim.  He'll respect me now.  All his people will love me.  If there's any cake left over, I'll send it to the starving Koreans."

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On 8/11/2017 at 8:42 AM, inThailand said:

Don't you have to assume the worst case senerio? The missiles are nuclear and they may hit land, ie Guam. So Isn't reasonable to shot them down? They may be guided by Thai electronics, so who knows where they may end up!

That was quick. The first Thai basher arrived but a pathetic attempt at humor and sarcasm :saai:

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37 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

Trump is behind Guam a 1000%  A thousand percent

If I were Guamanian, I'd be inclined to believe that—if Trump moved to live there the full duration of the crisis. I've been there. They have nice golf courses.



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32 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

If I were Guamanian, I'd be inclined to believe that—if Trump moved to live there the full duration of the crisis. I've been there. They have nice golf courses.



I could see Trump going to War about Golf courses, especially if they belong to him

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On 8/11/2017 at 0:22 PM, binjalin said:

Not true, you know as well as I do that they don't have the range whereas Guam is 'nearby' and he says he can hit parts of the US. The monster subjugates a whole nation, kidnaps USA citizens and sends one back to die and blows his own Uncle to bits with an anti-air artillery. He now states he WILL bomb the USA and they should do nothing???  really???

No, he will retaliate, you are being misled by war propaganda and hysteria



Also the "anti air artillery" used for executions are just WW2 soviet high muzzle velocity machine guns, it is not as bad as they make it out to be



Why do these idiots threaten the USA, look at ISIS they were quietly taking over huge territory and then they goaded the USA into a fight and look how that worked our for them.



Is ISIS a sovereign country, do they have nukes, subs, a shit ton of arty pointed at Seoul and 2 satellites orbiting at the ideal altitude to detonate EMP nuclear warheads?


Also the US cant even deal with a bunch of hillbillies who just have AKs and RPGs in Afghanistan over a 13 year period

Edited by Jdiddy
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10 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:

No, he will retaliate, you are being misled by war propaganda and hysteria



Also the "anti air artillery" used for executions are just WW2 soviet high muzzle velocity machine guns, it is not as bad as they make it out to be

oh 'not as bad as they make it out to be'?  hmmm ok

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1 hour ago, InMyShadow said:

Why do these idiots threaten the USA, look at ISIS they were quietly taking over huge territory and then they goaded the USA into a fight and look how that worked our for them.

The US needs a prez who will look at each situation and wisely determine the degree of danger/threats on a case by case basis.  Unfortunately, Trump looks at all situations as how they bounces off his toddler ego. Many of his bellicose knee jerk claims have not one other person backing him - not even Melania or Ivanka.  Just today, he threatened military action on Venezuela.  Minutes later, all his top brass said there was nothing substantial to that threat.  Apparently, Trump doesn't yet have a Trump Tower in Caracas (or maybe V's prez turned down a Trump Plaza request).  That would explain it. 


Leaders of all countries ww now know:   If you don't already have a Trump building, get one.  It will lessen your odds of being bombed by the Dufus in Chief in DC.

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48 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

So why are they at war then? He is threatening Venezuela now too.

Off topic, but yeah that's a weird one, after all wasn't he voted in by 25% of the US electorate on the promise of nationalist self interest isolationist policy - MAGA!!!!!!

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