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White nationalist rally stopped in Virginia after factions clash


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25 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

The shutting down of right wing protests  reminds me of Thailand.  and how it is governed. Stifle any opposing views. America has the same fear of hearing the right as Thai leaders have of Thais hearing  about freedom of speech,democracy, etc.

Except the VA authorities didn't shut down the protest.  They did allow it, according to the 1st amendment of 'free speech and right to protest'.  Whether or not the theme is;/was distasteful to authorities making the call is secondary.  There was a condition though:  it had to be non-violent.  


However, even when it became violent, the authorities didn't completely shut it down.  They gave the white-supremacist protesters a clear choice:  'Stay here in the small park and get arrested, or go to the larger park to protest.'   The protesters went to the larger park.

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43 minutes ago, pegman said:

No Western country  still had slave trading when the South went to war to retain it. If they had prevailed the arguement would have been their war dead would have died in vain if slavery was then abolished. 


As far as these Nazis go didn't the USA declare war on them in 1941? Can't they be shot on sight still?

You mean the real deal Ukraine Nazis the US is supplying with weapons and training or the local wannabe variety?


White supremacists are an ugly group, however the progressives seem to fail to realize that policies that are non inclusive for all will push people into the hands of extremists. Their PC nightmare world only suits their paradigm, and not that of everyone.

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23 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I don't back any sorts of discrimination.  Slavery is not the same as prejudice.  Prejudice can be found in every country on all sorts of levels - not least in Thailand or China, Saudi Arabia or the USA currently.

I've followed your posts, and I know you wouldn't support discrimination and I respect that. 


But what hat went on in the South pre Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation wasn't just prejudice; it was institutionalized suppression with voting restrictions, separate schools, separate services (guess which race got the short end of those sticks?), separate entrances, etc. there're were also voting restrictions and a thousand other institutionalized subjugation.


All of which is a clear indication that slavery, and even after slavery, sever racial subjugation would have persisted long after the war. 



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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Nazi flags and Confederate flags don't represent much in common.


Nazi symbolizes a regime which attacked neighboring countries in order to expand their 'empire.' 


Confederate forces wanted to break from the US in order to have their own separate state.


Much more can be said about both conflicts, but to conflate them, is off base.


BTW, if Confederate forces had won, their resultant 'country' would have abolished slavery in short order - as every other country ww did, during the 19th century.   

You sanitized the real reasons for the two losing factions and their causes. The civil war was about the south keeping their slavery institutions alive.  The WW2 was about nazi faction wanting to exterminate the Jews and inslave all others. Both were losers then and their losers now. 

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No Western country  still had slave trading when the South went to war to retain it. If they had prevailed the arguement would have been their war dead would have died in vain if slavery was then abolished. 
As far as these Nazis go didn't the USA declare war on them in 1941? Can't they be shot on sight still?

It is my understanding that the US declared war on Germany, after Germany declared war on the US.

Ultimately (again, my understanding) Germany surrendered, so why would the US want to shoot Germans on sight?
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Despite the civil war, despite the Civil Rights Act of 1964, black Americans still struggle for equality and respect - especially in the South.  I have a vivid memory of segregated bathrooms while vacationing with my parents in Tennessee. Anti-miscegenation laws persisted in many states until declared unconstitutional by SCOTUS in 1968 (Love vs. Virginia).


As an American, it saddens me greatly to see the resurgence of racism that has emerged in the US - much of it in response to the election of the first black American (he's actually from a 'mixed' marriage) to the US Presidency.


Yes, these neo-nazis and white supremacists have their first amendment rights. However, the first amendment does not make their message of hate and bigotry any less repugnant than it was during the slave trading days.


To say that the South would have abolished slavery on their own ignores the society in which black Americans have had to struggle and continue to struggle for every scintilla of their basic human rights.  One only need to look at the assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and the lynching of countless black Americans by the Klu Klux Klan. One only need to look at the disproportionate number of black Americans in US prisons. Jim Crow laws have been replaced by insidious voter suppression strategies and gerrymandering. Slavery has been replaced by insuring that black Americans are trapped in a continuing cycle of poverty and drug and alcohol abuse.


To perpetuate a 'myth' that the South would have abolished slavery 'on their own' if it had been victorious in the Civil War is racist in and of itself and flies in the face of 150 years of very sad realities to the contrary.



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31 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The fake leftists, ANTIFA scum and PC crowd created this right movements. Congratulation. This will end in a civil war. But it starts first in Europe.



The " alt-right", actively supported Donald Trump - now boosted by his election -  has set a goal of federating groups historically divided against the left and especially face Anti-racist movements like Black Lives Matter ( that campaigns against police violence toward black people )

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45 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The fake leftists, ANTIFA scum and PC crowd created this right movements. Congratulation. This will end in a civil war. But it starts first in Europe.


Maybe I agree with you, maybe not.

Could you please explain what you mean with "fake leftists"?

Perhaps give examples of leftists that are fake / that are not?

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53 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

The fake leftists, ANTIFA scum and PC crowd created this right movements. Congratulation. This will end in a civil war. But it starts first in Europe.



Classic deflection by those sympathising with the far right. BTW...


The most commonly heard chants at a white supremacist rally in Virginia have origins in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and Nazi ideology


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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


It is my understanding that the US declared war on Germany, after Germany declared war on the US.

Ultimately (again, my understanding) Germany surrendered, so why would the US want to shoot Germans on sight?


Not Germans, but Nazis. 

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The (alt-) right was quick to excoriate the left in advising them to "get over it" - losing the election - but it is rich to see them clinging to their symbols of decades old "losses".


Now we know why Jeffrey Lord was practicing his German catch-phrases last week on Twitter - boning up for the big march.



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The (alt-) right was quick to excoriate the left in advising them to "get over it" - losing the election - but it is rich to see them clinging to their symbols of decades old "losses".
Now we know why Jeffrey Lord was practicing his German catch-phrases last week on Twitter - boning up for the big march.

That guy was such a dunce. Painful to watch.

CNN got ride of him because of ratings. Too many people were turning off while watching him.


CNN’s only motivation for wanting to get rid of Lord is that he must have become a drag on ratings. He’s only ever been there to give Trump’s thoughtless base a voice in panel discussions that otherwise consist of thoughtful liberals and thoughtful conservatives who all agree Trump is an obvious fraud. Anecdotally, I hear from people across the political spectrum who say that they change the channel away from CNN the minute Jeff Lord starts talking.


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Not Germans, but Nazis. 

No, the war was with Germany. The German people elected Nazis to lead them, but the war was with Germany.

I think we're it not for the people of Germany, there would have been no Nazis and no WW2, but I could be wrong.
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A lot of these people are cheesed off at the re writing of history with the removal of confederate flags and monuments. They are not all nutty white supremacists. One can only expect the left to go ballistic . They never have much to say about the racism by blacks wanting to kill cops or constantly banging on about white privilege and those racist whites  When I see people of color who are successful ( The majority ) ,holding high office in government , the arts and business it must mean opportunity is there if one want's it.The idiots who carry on with hate and violence certainly have no place  period. It has nothing to do with trump as this has been going on well before the Watts riots in Los Angeles in '65 .

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2 hours ago, casper54 said:


                    Actually, that flag he's holding dates from pre-Nazi times.   Europe has suffered mucho, for centuries, from self-inflicted wars. Often the wars were sparked by massive egos (of the kings/leaders) clashing.  One would hope that sort of primitive thinking was a relic of the past, yet here we are, 2017, 72 years after the end of WWII, and such primitive ego-driven, 'who's-got-the-biggest-dick' thinking is still extant.  

Our species developed rapidly, technologically, during the past several hundred years. But on a maturity/mental level, we're still in the boneyard, tearing heads off of chickens for chuckles.

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27 minutes ago, RobFord said:


That guy was such a dunce. Painful to watch.

CNN got ride of him because of ratings. Too many people were turning off while watching him.

CNN’s only motivation for wanting to get rid of Lord is that he must have become a drag on ratings. He’s only ever been there to give Trump’s thoughtless base a voice in panel discussions that otherwise consist of thoughtful liberals and thoughtful conservatives who all agree Trump is an obvious fraud. Anecdotally, I hear from people across the political spectrum who say that they change the channel away from CNN the minute Jeff Lord starts talking.


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



Indeed. It seems now there has to be three sides to every story: The left, the right and the loony. The loony side need either proper schooling or mental assistance—not a platform. 

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46 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                    Actually, that flag he's holding dates from pre-Nazi times.   Europe has suffered mucho, for centuries, from self-inflicted wars. Often the wars were sparked by massive egos (of the kings/leaders) clashing.  One would hope that sort of primitive thinking was a relic of the past, yet here we are, 2017, 72 years after the end of WWII, and such primitive ego-driven, 'who's-got-the-biggest-dick' thinking is still extant.  

Our species developed rapidly, technologically, during the past several hundred years. But on a maturity/mental level, we're still in the boneyard, tearing heads off of chickens for chuckles.

Actually the flag was also used by some Nazis leading up to WW11 - Reichskriegsflagge


EDIT - Out of curiosity did a Google image search - photo is two months old

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Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias)

12/8/2017, 9:35 PM

You heard that right. They're chanting "<deleted> you faggots." 2017. #Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/pMwbSXZ3wW



If Trump can't get himself to condemn the White supremacist violence, could he at least condemn the homophobia? Don't hold your breath.


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CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (Reuters) - White nationalists clashed with counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, prompting the governor to declare an emergency and stop a rally to protest the planned removal of a Confederate general from a public park.


The Divide and Conquer is strong with this one. George Soros is known to bus in Anti-fa  to start violence and get legally planned rallies with a permit shut down

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9 minutes ago, johnnyonesock said:

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (Reuters) - White nationalists clashed with counter-demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, prompting the governor to declare an emergency and stop a rally to protest the planned removal of a Confederate general from a public park.


The Divide and Conquer is strong with this one. George Soros is known to bus in Anti-fa  to start violence and get legally planned rallies with a permit shut down

Typical alt-right conspiracy theory poppycock. Blaming everything on Soros is code for Jew hating. Ironically, the liberal Jewish mayor of Charlottesville was against taking down the statue but the freely elected council made that decision and their decision should be allowed to stand. 



Demonization of Soros recalls old anti-Semitic conspiracies
Soros is also hated by conservative forces in the United States, who often describe him as “evil” or a “globalist” who manipulates societies for his own gain.


“And there is an undertone of anti-Semitism behind it. Because he promotes liberal values, has a Jewish background and is a billionaire, he is the perfect figure for explaining to hard-core voters why the world is the way it is,” he said.



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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Typical alt-right conspiracy theory poppycock. Blaming everything on Soros is code for Jew hating. Ironically, the liberal Jewish mayor of Charlottesville was against taking down the statue but the freely elected council made that decision and their decision should be allowed to stand. 

paranoid delusion at its best

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