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PM Prayut pleased with world community’s admiration for educational opportunities in Thailand


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1 hour ago, Lupatria said:

What would anyone in his right mind study here to get an academic degree recognized in the real world? Study for a master’s degree in fruit carving, traditional Thai massage, or self censored journalism?  

Thats right it means nothing most r purchased. Welcome to the real world out side of kwailand

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"Nobody fails in the Thai school system", one of many reasons why Thailand is so messed up.


This guy is full of bovine scatology and should be driving a song thao or working at 7-11.


I am sure the world is equally impressed with the abysmal human rights situation as well!

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5 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

A 91-year-old Thai woman from Phayao, who earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in human and family development !!!



Why not spend the resources on the youth of Thailand instead?, what could a 91 year old woman contribute to the development of Thailand!

What a ridiculous statement! Open universities are precisely that. Open. They are there, both here and many other countries for anyone to utilize regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or whatever.


This remarkable lady did not use any resources that were not already in place and she no doubt paid to utilize them.

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Tip to the hat of Thailand's oldest graduate.

This does, however, not change the fact, that 80% of the Thai labour is unskilled and among the least who will be able to earn decent money in a generation or two from now. I read somewhere else, that over the last 20 years there were 17 ministers appointed to run the education ministry. 

I put my three kids through international schools here in Thailand and spent an absolute fortune. Having said this I can confirm, not a single cent was wasted and if I see ordinary Thais in the age of my kids then I sometimes wonder, what these Thai kids are "learning" during their 12 years tenure in public school followed by university. Mind boggling, to say the least. 

In closing, again congratulations to the granny for achieving her goal but this is the very exception to the rule and for this - and only for this - reason the international media picked-up the story. Tip to the hat of Thailand's oldest graduate.

This does, however, not change the fact, that 80% of the Thai labour is unskilled and among the least who will be able to earn decent money in a generation or two from now. I read somewhere else, that over the last 20 years there were 17 ministers appointed to run the education ministry. 

I put my three kids through international schools here in Thailand and spent an absolute fortune. Having said this I can confirm, not a single cent was wasted and if I see ordinary Thais in the age of my kids then I sometimes wonder, what these Thai kids are "learning" during their 12 years tenure in public school followed by university. Mind boggling, to say the least. 

In closing, again congratulations to the granny for achieving her goal but this is the very exception to the rule and for this - and only for this - reason the international media picked-up the story. 

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Yeah, but. . .


Contrary to what Big Chief Five Rivers seems to imagine, the rest of the world is only too well aware of the realities of Thailand's outmoded  state education system, which is one of the most expensive and least productive in the world.  A 91-year-old swallow, admirable though she may be, does not make a summer.


Successive government have promised improvements which have utterly failed to materialise, resulting in poor teaching standards and an appalling lack of the kind of facilities - science and computer labs, metal and woodwork rooms, sports fields etc -  routinely found at schools state-funded schools not only in the West but in many better-performing Asian countries.


Having spent 15 years trying, along with my Thai wife, to help our five children overcome the built-in handicaps of a Thai state education ( an egregious system which  leaves most Thai youngsters with  a lower IQ the day they enrolled) I marvel at how supine parents and taxpayers generally appear to be despite the poor deal they are getting for their money. 


The education ministry should be made to explain how around 20 percent of the annual budget can be spent so ineffectually. And the present government, whose conservative and nationalistic attitudes are inhibiting much-needed reform, needs to stop believing its own silly propaganda and ask the help of more successful countries - such as Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore - in putting together a new state education system we can all be proud of.

Edited by Krataiboy
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

PM pleased with world community’s admiration for educational opportunities in Thailand

well this headline gives the impression as if Thailand would be the hub of education. The 10 year term of studying "family development" I will not comment.

Fact is that the education level is so low that students can't even name the surrounding countries with their capital city (only ONE example. I have more) If it come to history (except all the Ramas) there is a black hole. Same with geography.

I think even a Bangladeshi would stay home instead looking for education here. (I will not blame Bangladesh, just as an example).

What education got the General ???

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2 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Tip to the hat of Thailand's oldest graduate.

This does, however, not change the fact, that 80% of the Thai labour is unskilled and among the least who will be able to earn decent money in a generation or two from now. I read somewhere else, that over the last 20 years there were 17 ministers appointed to run the education ministry. 

I put my three kids through international schools here in Thailand and spent an absolute fortune. Having said this I can confirm, not a single cent was wasted and if I see ordinary Thais in the age of my kids then I sometimes wonder, what these Thai kids are "learning" during their 12 years tenure in public school followed by university. Mind boggling, to say the least. 

In closing, again congratulations to the granny for achieving her goal but this is the very exception to the rule and for this - and only for this - reason the international media picked-up the story. Tip to the hat of Thailand's oldest graduate.

This does, however, not change the fact, that 80% of the Thai labour is unskilled and among the least who will be able to earn decent money in a generation or two from now. I read somewhere else, that over the last 20 years there were 17 ministers appointed to run the education ministry. 

I put my three kids through international schools here in Thailand and spent an absolute fortune. Having said this I can confirm, not a single cent was wasted and if I see ordinary Thais in the age of my kids then I sometimes wonder, what these Thai kids are "learning" during their 12 years tenure in public school followed by university. Mind boggling, to say the least. 

In closing, again congratulations to the granny for achieving her goal but this is the very exception to the rule and for this - and only for this - reason the international media picked-up the story. 

You can say that again.

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

True.  Thai degrees still aren't worth anything outside of Thailand.  My wife had her masters in accounting from Thailand and had to do it again to be recognised in Australia.  

That is not surprising.. I hold an accounting degree from the Netherlands, If I were to want to work in Oz id have to do the same. That has nothing to do with value of a degree but different systems (especially because accounting is interwoven with tax law and that varies a lot per country).


So you might be right that Thai degrees are not really valuable.. but your example is not a strong one.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The Prime Minister is pleased with the world community’s admiration towards the educational opportunities in Thailand

What "world community"?

Was there a UN resolution?

More like Prayut is pleased to be admired by a fake world community - in other words by himself.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

she is a good role model to helps inspire other Thais to study and enrich themselves with knowledge.

"If we do not study, do not read, do not know, then we won't be able to speak and make sense," - Kimlan


Maybe she has been too occupied with her studies to know that in Thailand, even with knowledge, one may easily find themselves still unable to speak and make sense, thanks the the current Prayut regime's stranglehold on freedom of expression. And either be subjected to a warrantless arrest or hustled by the military to a military post for an attitude adjustment.


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18 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


Er... Mr. PM, you don't have that quite right.


The world admires the accomplishment of the 91 year old woman.


The world does NOT actually admire Thai educational opportunities.


There is a difference.

Does the world know yet of the way the teachers beat those kids up? I have just seen another one with a Cain on FB my god it was horrific, I hope it gets on here as what you have already seen is nothing on this.


The locals seem to want the world to love them, now I am not sure that is possible because of their ego

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17 hours ago, jaiyen said:

Thats the racial attitude taken by Australian Govt who think they have better standards. Thats why there are so many foreign taxi drivers who are doctors, lawyers, accountants etc The worst one is electricians from England who have to down grade their high standards to fit in with the poor electrical systems used in Oz


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7 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Universities here are rated very good (not) I wonder where they stack in the world ratings bottom section is my guess

See rankings in https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2016/world-ranking#!/page/16/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

Universities are ranked beginning with no.1 being the best in the world and no. 800 being last.

I counted six Thai universities in the ranking of which one (Mahidol U.) was in the 501-600 group and five (Suranaree U. of Tech.; Prince of Songkla U.; Khon Kaen U.; King Mongkut's U. of Tech.; Chulalongkorn U.) fell in the 601-800 group.

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