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After criticism, White House says Trump condemns KKK, neo-Nazis


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5 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Al, I note a trend in recent times, that those most opposed to Trump on TV are 'coming out' and announcing that they are of the right, apparently thinking that their new stated position lends some legitimacy to their vitriol.


I may not approve of what Trump is doing, but I find it nauseating that this tirade is ongoing, playing the man, just plain silly, when posting on a forum, essentially for matters Thai (I know, this is in World News), will have No effect on what he's doing.


Incidentally I edited my post immediately before yours, so it doesn't appear in your quote, to say that photoshop can produce wonders.


What I have noted as a trend a while ago is those who proclaim:

"I may not approve of what Trump is doing, but, ..."

"I didn't vote for trump but, ..."

"I don't support trump but, ...

apparently think that this stated position lends some legitimacy to their relentless tirades defending this despicable con-man.

Whilst giving themselves an out when this occupier of the White House goes down in flames.

(And there have been a number of them. And a number who have faded away, from perhaps seeing the writing on the wall)


I believe the rabid Trumpeteers to be hopelessly irreconcilable. They choose to be willfully ignorant.

And proud to be blind followers, no matter what.


I see the but, but, but, apologists as far more disturbing.

They claim to have some sort of balance yet, if they knew half of what they don't know about this occupier of the White House,

they would and should be repulsed.


Yet they consistently defend him.

They are simply uninformed or blatantly disingenuous.


Even going so desperate as to interject "Photoshop" as some sort of defense.

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29 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

So you condone violence from 'true patriots', but not others?  

The Republicans would see themselves as true patriots too.   It's all a matter of perspective.


I believe true patriots confront racism, bigotry and hatred in all forms. At all times.

In this particular case, defending themselves and their country from a putrid cancer metastasized and enabled by the occupier of the White House.


Seen and heard brewing and encouraged here, at the Mussolini-esque rallies:


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8 minutes ago, iReason said:


What I have noted as a trend a while ago is those who proclaim:

"I may not approve of what Trump is doing, but, ..."

"I didn't vote for trump but, ..."

"I don't support trump but, ...

apparently think that this stated position lends some legitimacy to their relentless tirades defending this despicable con-man.

Whilst giving themselves an out when this occupier of the White House goes down in flames.

(And there have been a number of them. And a number who have faded away, from perhaps seeing the writing on the wall)


I believe the rabid Trumpeteers to be hopelessly irreconcilable. They choose to be willfully ignorant.

And proud to be blind followers, no matter what.


I see the but, but, but, apologists as far more disturbing.

They claim to have some sort of balance yet, if they knew half of what they don't know about this occupier of the White House,

they would and should be repulsed.


Yet they consistently defend him.

They are simply uninformed or blatantly disingenuous.


Even going so desperate as to interject "Photoshop" as some sort of defense.

 It doesn't matter what the clowns on the right or the clowns on the left get Trump to say.  Trump is a pathological liar.  He'll say anything for a pat on the head.


BTW:  I hope you don't get a nosebleed from your lofty perch.  

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13 minutes ago, iReason said:


I believe true patriots confront racism, bigotry and hatred in all forms. At all times.

In this particular case, defending themselves and their country from a putrid cancer metastasized and enabled by the occupier of the White House.


Seen and heard brewing and encouraged here, at the Mussolini-esque rallies:



Thanks i Reason for sharing, this video says it all about the "safest place on the planet ( a Trump rally) ... and " the culture I grew up in..."  the true face of  "MAGA "

Edited by Opl
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20 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Can someone explain.... what's the symbol and the meaning of the symbol shown on these guys' signs???




I don't recall ever having seen this symbol before... I guess I've been far away from the U.S. alt-right loonies fringe for too long...


It's a fasces - a bundle of rods with a projecting ax blade, carried by a lictor as a symbol of a magistrate's power.  Symbolizing the state's power to execute those opposing the state authority, used in fascist Italy.


Fascist Italy.

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11 minutes ago, attrayant said:

It's a fasces - a bundle of rods with a projecting ax blade, carried by a lictor as a symbol of a magistrate's power.  

Symbolizing the state's power to execute those opposing the state authority, used in fascist Italy.


Fascist Italy.


Fascist Italy


Well done. :thumbsup:


Might be an apologist coming along shortly to claim it is photo-shopped 'tho...

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

He loves denouncing people, especially women.


But he's oddly silent on Putin, Nazis and KKKers. Odd, or not?

Trump Reportedly Thought “On Many Sides” Statement Was Fine, Resisted Second Condemning White Nationalists

" one of the ways his chief of staff tried to convince him to denounce the KKK was to make clear to him that going soft on unbridled bigotry was bad politically for him. Kelly played to the president’s profound selfishness in reminding Trump that he personally would lose something—his “agenda” (whatever that is)—if he didn’t do more to condemn the historical and ongoing scourge of white supremacist violence and intimidation."



->  " he would personally lose something..." ground of Trump's morals and ethics  

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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

Thats your and your kinds problem, you watch way to much corporate main stream media. The funny thing is you believe and trust every word they say and of course tell the complete and unbiased story.

Here is another story hot off the MSM press for your enjoyment. I am sure you will get so much joy.



You are equating a just cause with a despicable cause.

White supremacy and Nazism are despicable.

Destroying the symbols of slavery is just.

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Intel CEO is the latest to leave Trump's manufacturing council


"He follows the chiefs of Merck (MRK) and Under Armour (UA), who announced their decisions earlier Monday amid the fallout

over Trump's response to violence over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia."


"We should honor -- not attack -- those who have stood up for equality and other cherished American values."


"I resigned because I want to make progress,

while many in Washington seem more concerned with attacking anyone who disagrees with them," he said."







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Trump’s ‘John Wayne’ presidency struggles with tragedy


“He’s missing an empathy gene. It’s just not natural to him,” said former George W. Bush White House speechwriter Peter Wehner. 


“When people who don’t have empathy try to fake it, it doesn’t come across very well.”


"He was uncharacteristically silent in the immediate aftermath of the February killing of an Indian immigrant in Kansas that was investigated as a hate crime, as well as the fatal stabbing in May of two men defending a Muslim woman riding a commuter train in Portland, Oregon."


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Trump’s ‘John Wayne’ presidency struggles with tragedy
“He’s missing an empathy gene. It’s just not natural to him,” said former George W. Bush White House speechwriter Peter Wehner. 
“When people who don’t have empathy try to fake it, it doesn’t come across very well.”
"He was uncharacteristically silent in the immediate aftermath of the February killing of an Indian immigrant in Kansas that was investigated as a hate crime, as well as the fatal stabbing in May of two men defending a Muslim woman riding a commuter train in Portland, Oregon."

It has to be said.


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3 hours ago, iReason said:


Apparently you do.

So, produce proof of your claim.


You want proof in addition to the the video already posted, which clearly shows it???????


5 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

Post a screenshot from the video ..... Or it didnt happen!

I really do not have the time or the patience.

Actually, conveniently the screen shot of the video on the  page below shows it. Slap bang in the middle under the play button.

You can also forward to 0.13.





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6 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

You want proof in addition to the the video already posted, which clearly shows it???????

I really do not have the time or the patience.

Actually, conveniently the screen shot of the video on the  page below shows it. Slap bang in the middle under the play button.

You can also forward to 0.13.



Nope. No baseball bats.

No attacking the car before the driver mercilessly plowed into dozens of people.


You read my reply to you before regarding this erroneous gibberish?


Just because you keep repeating nonsense does not make it true.


"I really do not have the time or the patience."

I submit that is the core of your problem when it comes to being informed.

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5 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:
2 minutes ago, iReason said:


Nope. No baseball bats.

No attacking the car before the driver mercilessly plowed into dozens of people.


You read my reply to you before regarding this erroneous gibberish?


Just because you keep repeating nonsense does not make it true.


"I really do not have the time or the patience."

I submit that is the core of your problem when it comes to being informed.

So the Russia Today-linked video shows someone striking the vehicle after it has just mowed down 19 people, killing one.


And you're saying what exactly?


I am saying EXACTLY what I said in my original post below.

I never said anything about anyone attacking the car with baseball bats before the event.


  On 8/14/2017 at 2:09 PM, onthesoi said:

Dont see any baseball bats in that link, are you sure you're not just making stuff up and seeing what you want to see?

  On 8/14/2017 at 2:14 PM, iReason said:

I see several in the crowd beating the implement of destruction with handles from their signs.

You don't see the guy smash a hole in the rear window with a baseball bat? Come on.

There was violence on both sides, that does not condone what happened.

But take to the streets in an armed angry mob and people are going to get hurt.

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Too bad the President did not also include ANTIFA in his list of thugs. There is ample video around showing their involvement.


I think that car driver did a great disservice to the Right. It is now too easy for the Left to lump all right-wingers into the "nazi" label. Of course many already did that and were ready to punch anybody in the face who disagreed with them, and justified it with the nazi label.


I, of course, roundly condemn that driving thug and trust that he will be convicted and jailed.


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump lashed out at his critics again later on Monday on Twitter: "Made additional remarks on Charlottesville and realise once again that the #Fake News Media will never be satisfied...truly bad people!"

Well, Twitterman, why don't you qualify your statement a little bit, just how bad are these "Fake News Media People" in your own extraordinarily creepy mind: A) as bad as Neo Nazis/KKK, B) worse than Neo Nazis/KKK, C) a little bit better than Neo Nazis/ KKK..., hm?

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31 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:


You want proof in addition to the the video already posted, which clearly shows it???????


I really do not have the time or the patience.

Actually, conveniently the screen shot of the video on the  page below shows it. Slap bang in the middle under the play button.

You can also forward to 0.13.





I'm sorry you don't have the time to post evidence of your assertions, let me help you out....


Here is what a baseball bat looks like, observe how one end is significantly thicker than the other:




Now, here are 'your picture's of ' people holding "baseball bats" ', as you can see the sticks in the pictures are not thicker at one end.

Furthermore a baseball bat is made from hardwood, maybe Ash, and can cause significant damage when used as a weapon, while the light, thin sticks seen in the stills below are likely from the placards, coming loose as a result of the terrorist attack, this type of wood is known as a softwood, maybe Fir or another light wood.


Under American law, the reaction of the crowd attacking the car would be classed as self defence.







Let me know if you need any further assistance understanding this terrible terrorist attack carried out by extremists.


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2 hours ago, Thakkar said:

You are equating a just cause with a despicable cause.

White supremacy and Nazism are despicable.

Destroying the symbols of slavery is just.

 Very small step from here to banning the glorious works of Richard Wagner, and of course, why would they stop there. This liberal fascism has been getting out of hand recently. Our culture and history should be celebrated and revered, not smashed up and denied. The many unfortunate chapters remembered so that we don't make the same mistakes again.

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I really do not have the time or the patience.

Actually, conveniently the screen shot of the video on the  page below shows it. Slap bang in the middle under the play button.

You can also forward to 0.13.






You're delusional James. I watched the clip from RT. The vehicle is attacked AFTER it started plowing into the crowd. You're only seeing what you want to believe.


RT clearly states that the vehicle was attacked after impact.


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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3 hours ago, iReason said:


What I have noted as a trend a while ago is those who proclaim:

"I may not approve of what Trump is doing, but, ..."

"I didn't vote for trump but, ..."

"I don't support trump but, ...

apparently think that this stated position lends some legitimacy to their relentless tirades defending this despicable con-man.

Whilst giving themselves an out when this occupier of the White House goes down in flames.

(And there have been a number of them. And a number who have faded away, from perhaps seeing the writing on the wall)


I believe the rabid Trumpeteers to be hopelessly irreconcilable. They choose to be willfully ignorant.

And proud to be blind followers, no matter what.


I see the but, but, but, apologists as far more disturbing.

They claim to have some sort of balance yet, if they knew half of what they don't know about this occupier of the White House,

they would and should be repulsed.


Yet they consistently defend him.

They are simply uninformed or blatantly disingenuous.


Even going so desperate as to interject "Photoshop" as some sort of defense.

45 defenders are not interested in Truth or facts. They see everything they don't like as fake/false. There seems to be no rational way of "debating" them. Of course many dare not declare they are bigots or racists. They dare not admit they are terrified that they will be a minority. And they are amply afraid they might receive a small amount of what they gave out to minorities. I find them pitiful along with the majority of republicans IMO (R) stands for racist/Russia.

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15 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

Too bad the President did not also include ANTIFA in his list of thugs. There is ample video around showing their involvement.

I think that car driver did a great disservice to the Right. It is now too easy for the Left to lump all right-wingers into the "nazi" label.

Of course many already did that and were ready to punch anybody in the face who disagreed with them, and justified it with the nazi label.

I, of course, roundly condemn that driving thug and trust that he will be convicted and jailed.


Here's your list of thugs, er, attendees:




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22 minutes ago, RobFord said:


You're delusional James. I watched the clip from RT. The vehicle is attacked AFTER it started plowing into the crowd. You're only seeing what you want to believe.


RT clearly states that the vehicle was attacked after impact.


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Is everyone on this forum illiterate?????


AGAIN!!!! I never said anything about anyone attacking the car with baseball bats before the event.


24 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


I'm sorry you don't have the time to post evidence of your assertions, let me help you out....


Here is what a baseball bat looks like, observe how one end is significantly thicker than the other:




Now, here are 'your picture's of ' people holding "baseball bats" ', as you can see the sticks in the pictures are not thicker at one end.

Furthermore a baseball bat is made from hardwood, maybe Ash, and can cause significant damage when used as a weapon, while the light, thin sticks seen in the stills below are likely from the placards, coming loose as a result of the terrorist attack, this type of wood is known as a softwood, maybe Fir or another light wood.


Under American law, the reaction of the crowd attacking the car would be classed as self defence.







Let me know if you need any further assistance understanding this terrible terrorist attack carried out by extremists.


It is clearly a baseball bat, and it smashes a hole in the glass.

I can't be bothered trying to argue the simplest of points with you any further.



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24 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

Too bad the President did not also include ANTIFA in his list of thugs.


False equivalency.  Standing up to those attacking liberty, freedom and civil rights does not make one a thug.  It makes you a defender of liberty, freedom and civil rights.

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Uncharacteristic staged statements. The real Trump said it 2 days earlier, by his weak words, watered down comments about the ultra Right. Think he secretly admires them because they buck the Establishment, like he does.



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2 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Uncharacteristic staged statements. The real Trump said it 2 days earlier, by his weak words, watered down comments about the ultra Right. Think he secretly admires them because they buck the Establishment, like he does.



His admiration is well beyond secret. Look at the scum white supremacists he surrounds himself with.

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