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Trump loudly insists both sides to blame for Virginia violence


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

                             If you had children who went to school and sat in class with a teacher who espoused pussy-grabbing, who cussed, who used childish names to vilify anyone who didn't praise him, who lied constantly, ......would you allow your child to continue attending that teacher's class?   I wouldn't. Plus, I'd probably notify the principal of a bad influence.                

are you a school child and is donald trump your teacher? please stop with the facile comparisons.

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Nothing new in the world.

"America First" the slogan of white supremacist American fascists then.

Now the slogan of the white supremacist American fascists trumpist movement.


Political cartoon. 1941.



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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

are you a school child and is donald trump your teacher? please stop with the facile comparisons.

I can see why coming up with a proper come-back is getting harder and harder for the trumpets but this one was especially lame even by your less than stellar standards.

"White House business panels collapse as CEOs flee Trump"

The abomination currently desecrating the WH is increasingly isolated. You know things have gotten bad when most (all?) of the living ex-presidents have issued statements condemning what happened in Virginia because the current president is unable to do so.


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15 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Chief of Staff Kelly looks disconsolate.




I almost feel for the guy. The dichotomy going through his mind in that photo.


1.  " OMG what am I doing here. a lifetime of service demanding integrity from my officers and men and I am reduced to this - I need to think about leaving this weekend".


2. "I can't imagine being in a worse place,---- except leaving and not being able to stop the orange blob from activating the nuclear codes. No matter how much I hate this, I have to stay".


A sad way to end a distinguished career.

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And to top Trumps day off imagine how he is swearing and cursing as he wanders the Whitehouse in his bath robe!



Obama's anti-racism tweet after Charlottesville is most liked ever on Twitter

With nearly 4 million likes, the most 'liked' tweet ever - a million more than the most liked so far!, Obama just stole Trumps little baby - Twitter. Maybe Obama is 'modern Presidential' :clap2:


Watch and weep Trump - This is how a tweet is done .




And Obama followed that tweet on with:




I guess Trump never thought of quoting Mandela,as he was ..............not White.


I am looking forward to Trumps forthcoming uncontrolled Tweet frenzy.



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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Kelly probably thinks he's doing his patriotic duty. He obviously knows he's dealing with an unhinged horror show baby man. It might be best if he stays, even if he only has minimal influence. That influence might possibly be as a buffer between 45 and the nuclear codes. It will be interesting to see though. Kelly must realize by now he's taken on a totally impossible job and the ROT is truly at the TOP. 

Sec Tillerson comes across as a decent man too. Must be tough working for that racist. It would seem a guy like that is now staying on to try to protect the country from him. Corporate America is rightly abandoning Trump. The head of Merck is a hero in my mind. It takes real guts to be the first to comdem a tyrant. If there was any doubt he was a racist his actions on the Muslim ban, near pure white male cabinet and giving cover to Neo-Nazis it no longer exists. The base of support he has left is clearly fellow racist travelers who need to be shunned. The last couple days has put the 25th Amendment in play.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

And to top Trumps day off imagine how he is swearing and cursing as he wanders the Whitehouse in his bath robe!


With nearly 4 million likes, the most 'liked' tweet ever - a million more than the most liked so far!, Obama just stole Trumps little baby - Twitter. Maybe Obama is 'modern Presidential' :clap2:


Watch and weep Trump - This is how a tweet is done .




And Obama followed that tweet on with:




I guess Trump never thought of quoting Mandela,as he was ..............not White.


I am looking forward to Trumps forthcoming uncontrolled Tweet frenzy.



It is not hard to find where Trump learned his hate. Daddy Trump was a KKK supporter and sonny didn't fall far from the tree. 

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trump must go.




President Trump gave the most disgusting public performance in the history of the American presidency


After several days in which Trump and his advisers wrestled with what should have been a straightforward task — condemning the instigators of the unrest that rocked Charlottesville, Va., this past weekend — Trump revealed the reason that finding those words was such a struggle. He, too, is an extremist.


Some of us have long been urging people to see that the Trump presidency was “not normal.” But we are past such discussions now. There is only one conclusion that any American patriot of either party can draw. Trump must go.



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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

The only ones to blame for violence at this event was the police and local and state officials.

Certainly the Police deserves a large portion on the blame. The insanity of not controlling the permitted rally is astounding.  it's almost as the officials wanted violence.

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2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Certainly the Police deserves a large portion on the blame. The insanity of not controlling the permitted rally is astounding.  it's almost as the officials wanted violence.

As I said before, for over two months police, local and state authority have been planning and training for this event. There are reports the police received a stand down order as well as orders to not intervene until told to do so.

Both the white unite and ANTFI both complained police stood by  and watched.

So indeed it does appear officials wanted violence.

Divide and conquer comes to mind, and the media is the leader of this division.

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A president that lost ALL moral credibility. His presidency is irredeemable. Why wait to start the process to remove it?





CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s monologue at the beginning of his show “The Lead” on Wednesday excoriated President Trump’s recent comments about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., calling the decision “to act as if these defeated, intellectually destitute, pathetic ideologies and people have any moral standing as they rally to intimidate and vomit forth their treasonous filth, it is not only immoral, it’s unpatriotic. It’s un-American.”



Read more: http://forward.com/fast-forward/380266/watch-tapper-calls-trumps-nazi-statement-immoral-unpatriotic-un-american/

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30 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Certainly the Police deserves a large portion on the blame. The insanity of not controlling the permitted rally is astounding.  it's almost as the officials wanted violence.

I don't see how this diversion about the police has anything to do with the topic.

What trump said in that atrocious press conference suggesting many of the white supremacist marchers were good people is more like that topic. 

trump was specifically referring to the racist scum marching with the tiki torches on that night. Where they were chanting classic Nazi slogans promoting genocide of the Jews. Do you see any of those "good people" leaving the march after hearing those chants? 

I can understand going to an event and realizing it's not my thing. It's happened to me. When that happens, you either leave, or you PUSH BACK against total evil there and then. 

You don't march along with your torches. 

Get real. They were all racist scum and trump is scum for associating with them as good people. 

There is no moral relativism here.

No many sides.



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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't see how this diversion about the police has anything to do with the topic.

What trump said in that atrocious press conference suggesting many of the white supremacist marchers were good people is more like that topic. 

Its got everything to do with the topic, if the police did their job we would not even be having this discussion. it is very obvious state and city officials wanted this violence to occur.

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1 hour ago, dcutman said:

There are reports the police received a stand down order as well as orders to not intervene until told to do so.

So indeed it does appear officials wanted violence.

Divide and conquer comes to mind, and the media is the leader of this division.


"Divide and conquer comes to mind, and the media is the leader of this division."



Reports? From whom?



What a pile of balderdash.


I'm starting to get the impression the racists and bigots are whining so much because, 

the largest public gathering of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in decades, essentially got their clock cleaned.

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3 hours ago, dcutman said:

The only ones to blame for violence at this event was the police and local and state officials.


Yes, this is what Rush Limbaugh and others on Rabid Radio are saying.


If the tighty-righties are going to cast about willy-nilly to find someone to blame maybe just find the nearest mirror.



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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Kelly probably thinks he's doing his patriotic duty. He obviously knows he's dealing with an unhinged horror show baby man. It might be best if he stays, even if he only has minimal influence. That influence might possibly be as a buffer between 45 and the nuclear codes. It will be interesting to see though. Kelly must realize by now he's taken on a totally impossible job and the ROT is truly at the TOP. 

If Kelly and Trump were in a room, and Trump erupts into anger (which he does daily) and reaches for 'the football' and shouts about sending fire and brimstone at (fill in the blanks...  Iran, N.Korea, or...?)  ....will Kelly have the cojones to physically keep the prez from starting WWIII?


It sounds like an action comic scenario, but then many incidents in the past 6 months involving Trump Sr have sounded ludicrous:   Two grown men, physically grappling, rolling on the floor.  It wouldn't surprise me if Trump is a biter.  Exciting times we live in.



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4 hours ago, dcutman said:

As I said before, for over two months police, local and state authority have been planning and training for this event. There are reports the police received a stand down order as well as orders to not intervene until told to do so.

Both the white unite and ANTFI both complained police stood by  and watched.

So indeed it does appear officials wanted violence.

Divide and conquer comes to mind, and the media is the leader of this division.

we can all see the real agenda here….discredit by any means possible.

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20 hours ago, Pinot said:

These Trump supporters twisting themselves into logic pretzels is hilarious. 


David Duke knows Trump is on his side and now, so does everyone else. If you're still behind the Nazi Sympathizer-In-Chief after this weekend, I suggest you take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and ask, How did I get here? 


12 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

we can all see the real agenda here….discredit by any means possible.


real Trump supporters in 37 s agenda  http://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/08/15/the-order-ron-violent-race-hatred-declassified.cnn

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While I understand Trumps point that it takes two sides to fight but, he

should be reminded that for evil to triumph good only has to do nothing.

From Hitler to Isis if people do not stand up in the early stages then silence

is consent. If the US can outlaw terrorist organizations like Isis and Hezbollah

surly the can ban hate groups like the KKK and White Supremacist groups.

Trump has outed himself as a closet racist.

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

we can all see the real agenda here….discredit by any means possible.

Yes, we all see the REAL agenda here! The occupant of the WH is a racist divder! People like you, who keep defending the his narcistic, racist clown will need a reality check. Because it doesn't matter what he does, or actually doesn't do, he can do no wrong for you and the other trumpeteers.

But when you defend this person in his support for Nazi's and the other garbage that was in Charlotsville, than you sink very low.

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24 minutes ago, Ulic said:

While I understand Thumps point that it takes two sides to fight but, he

should be reminded that for evil to triumph good only has to do nothing.

From Hitler to Isis if people do not stand up in the early stages then silence

is consent. If the US can outlaw terrorist organizations like Isis and Hezbollah

surly the can ban hate groups like the KKK and White Supremacist groups.

Trump has outed himself as a closet racist.

Not closet to anyone that has paid any attention to his entire career. 

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11 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

Yes, we all see the REAL agenda here! The occupant of the WH is a racist divder! People like you, who keep defending the his narcistic, racist clown will need a reality check. Because it doesn't matter what he does, or actually doesn't do, he can do no wrong for you and the other trumpeteers.

But when you defend this person in his support for Nazi's and the other garbage that was in Charlotsville, than you sink very low.

please don't be co-opted into being a spinboi.


the truth is a bunch of people with a valid permit to spout whatever nonsense they wanted got ambushed by a bunch of guys who didnt like them.

there were casualties…both were at fault.


personally i think such supremacist groups should have been banned long ago...

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

please don't be co-opted into being a spinboi.


the truth is a bunch of people with a valid permit to spout whatever nonsense they wanted got ambushed by a bunch of guys who didnt like them.

there were casualties…both were at fault.


personally i think such supremacist groups should have been banned long ago...

The truth is that the other side had a permid to! And than you say; ... Oh , there where casualties and both are at fault!!

Than you think that these supremacist groups should have been banned long ago!!

Please make up your mind;

You keep backing up Trump, what I called you out on, you are doung he same as this clown, say something one day and something other than he next, or in your case the next hour.

Please, get real, because this lady that died, and the other 19 wounded where standing up for what they believe in!! And run over by a neo nazi!!!

But just keep defending the narcistic, racist clown! 

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