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Swiss hotel's signs for Jews spark row and Israeli complaint


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Can't help but recalling Groucho Marx's story of trying to join a Beverly Hills country club (in the 1930s/40s) and being told he couldn't be admitted because he was Jewish.  He responded "well, my son is half Jewish, can he go into the pool up to his knees?"



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At hi-tech companies in the US that employ a lot of Indians and Pakistanis the microwave ovens in the break rooms usually smell of curry, and it is near impossible to get the smell out, and other stuff heated in the microwave will smell of it; this is not a joke or exaggeration, anyone who has worked in such places knows this.  Some places have posted signs in the break rooms "no curry in the microwave, please."  Imagine if those signs said "Indians can not use the microwave."



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On 8/16/2017 at 7:34 AM, ezzra said:

Just to explain the context why the word ' Jews to shower ' it's a poor

choice of words and meaning as it's invoke the horrible memories of Jews

being lead to rooms supposedly to shower which were in fact gas Chambers... 

What OTT, paranoid BS you sprout!

Get over it!

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The hotel has been dropped by booking.com.  I hope that after the hotel corrects the wording on their rules to be non-discriminatory that booking.com restores the listing.  As I've said, I would give the hotel the benefit of the doubt that they were just ignorant of how that sign would be interpreted.

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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 7:10 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes, the signs about the pool should have been addressed to all and there would be no problem, and if the fridge was specifically about Kosher food, then that would OK to mention that the fridge is for Kosher food. 

I wouldn't say the hotel is blameless though. It was damn stupid not to realize how that sign would be interpreted. 

I would think the hotel should get good grades for trying to accommodate the orthodox jews by providing a separate and special refrigerator for their kosher foods.  But the hotel won't get credit for that of course

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I would think the hotel should get good grades for trying to accommodate the orthodox jews by providing a separate and special refrigerator for their kosher foods.  But the hotel won't get credit for that of course

You're assuming they don't get credit. Doesn't change the fact that the pool sign was poorly worded. It's a shame this became an international incident but I'm not sure they would have changed anything without that.
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I dont understand people are commenting on here that the Jews were wearing their clothes in the pool , were they? And if so what would be the point in having a shower first?

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Chlorine from swimming pools doesn't kill sweat, perfume, shampoo, conditioner, aftershave, deodorant, urine, faeces, etc.

Chlorine reacts with above products an can create toxic gas byproducts.

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10 hours ago, Thorgal said:

Chlorine from swimming pools doesn't kill sweat, perfume, shampoo, conditioner, aftershave, deodorant, urine, faeces, etc.

Chlorine reacts with above products an can create toxic gas byproducts.

I understand , but what about the clothes , do they need to be washed first? , still as far as i can see they were not wearing clothes ,were they?

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Well, maybe it is time to bury the "Nazi" hatch which is hovering over German-speaking Europe in general and over Germany and banks in particular ONCE and FOR ALL. 

The Christians are getting slaughtered in certain parts in the Middle East and in Indonesia by the fidels, the other fidels acting as crimmigrants spit, kick and rape infidel girls and teenagers, be it in the UK, Scandinavia, Germany or elsewhere. All this is getting swiped under the big rug tagged "political correctness" - what kind of b"*ç%"*ç%it is that! 

Once religion is balanced equally, not giving any particular belief preference, only then there is chance for peace. But if some believe being the "chosen people" with their "promised land" ...... while others, uneducated goat s"*ç%"*çers, run around in the name of their chief and slaughter, decapitate, stone and enjoy bigamy ......... 

The wording was non-diplomatic and put up by the janitor of the hotel; so take it for what it is worth and get on with life. And if any booking platform takes it off their choice then it shows, how narrow-minded those operators are. 

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1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, maybe it is time to bury the "Nazi" hatch which is hovering over German-speaking Europe in general and over Germany and banks in particular ONCE and FOR ALL. 

The Christians are getting slaughtered in certain parts in the Middle East and in Indonesia by the fidels, the other fidels acting as crimmigrants spit, kick and rape infidel girls and teenagers, be it in the UK, Scandinavia, Germany or elsewhere. All this is getting swiped under the big rug tagged "political correctness" - what kind of b"*ç%"*ç%it is that! 

Once religion is balanced equally, not giving any particular belief preference, only then there is chance for peace. But if some believe being the "chosen people" with their "promised land" ...... while others, uneducated goat s"*ç%"*çers, run around in the name of their chief and slaughter, decapitate, stone and enjoy bigamy ......... 

The wording was non-diplomatic and put up by the janitor of the hotel; so take it for what it is worth and get on with life. And if any booking platform takes it off their choice then it shows, how narrow-minded those operators are. 

Rather a rant and seemingly mostly about unloading some pretty dirty personal baggage about your feelings about Jews, the holocaust, and Muslims. 


Ignoring all that because really, dude, it's really unseemly and comes off as some kind of attempt to rationalize irrational bigotry, let's focus on the actual on topic part of your post. Shall we?


I feel you've intentionally tried to dilute the issue about the text on the pool sign. (Dilute. Pool. Funny, huh?) Put up by a janitor? Why did you say that total irrelevance as if you know even that is true? It seems to me you're suggesting the owner of the hotel, clearly that woman owner that's been dealing with the press, is not even responsible for the text on the sign. You didn't say that explicitly, that's true, but you  used a verbal cheap trick to deflect towards the janitor and away from the clearly responsible (and she would say the same thing herself) owner. 


Anyway, I don't think this lady owner is EITHER an innocent saint or a horrible devil. I do tend to agree the booking site overreacted. It would have been better if they contacted the hotel and said change the sign right now and confirm the action right now or we'll need to drop you as per our company policies. I'm sure that lady understands company policies. 

Edited by Jingthing
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Rather a rant and seemingly mostly about unloading some pretty dirty personal baggage about your feelings about Jews, the holocaust, and Muslims. 


Ignoring all that because really, dude, it's really unseemly and comes off as some kind of attempt to rationalize irrational bigotry, let's focus on the actual on topic part of your post. Shall we?


I feel you've intentionally tried to dilute the issue about the text on the pool sign. (Dilute. Pool. Funny, huh?) Put up by a janitor? Why did you say that total irrelevance as if you know even that is true? It seems to me you're suggesting the owner of the hotel, clearly that woman owner that's been dealing with the press, is not even responsible for the text on the sign. You didn't say that explicitly, that's true, but you  used a verbal cheap trick to deflect towards the janitor and away from the clearly responsible (and she would say the same thing herself) owner. 


Anyway, I don't think this lady owner is EITHER an innocent saint or a horrible devil. I do tend to agree the booking site overreacted. It would have been better if they contacted the hotel and said change the sign right now and confirm the action right now or we'll need to drop you as per our company policies. I'm sure that lady understands company policies. 

Unlike you I can read Swiss newspapers and, trust me, the subject was thoroughly discussed and written about ..... Unless the press in Switzerland is lying of course. I grew up in a Jewish quarter in Zurich as one of the few goyim (look it up if you don't know the expression) and the world can be grateful for all their contributions to science, medicine, literature etc. Likewise they always believed and still believe, that they are better than the rest - which makes them so popular. Give me a break; if you want to jump into a pool with the full regalia of your religiously dictated dress code then do that at home in your own pool.
As said, the janitor's (look that up as well in Swiss newspapers, will you please?) wording was "unlucky" to keep it diplomatically; no hotel owner would resort to such vocabulary. 

But if you're so concerned about the followers of a faith (be it Islam, Jewish, Christian or anything else) then explain why a lot of service providers (restaurants, bars etc) on Koh Samui and Koh Phangan as well as Chiang Mai have clear messages that certain representatives of a certain faith are NOT welcome and NOT served - in a country where tourism counts? 

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9 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Unlike you I can read Swiss newspapers and, trust me, the subject was thoroughly discussed and written about ..... Unless the press in Switzerland is lying of course. I grew up in a Jewish quarter in Zurich as one of the few goyim (look it up if you don't know the expression) and the world can be grateful for all their contributions to science, medicine, literature etc. Likewise they always believed and still believe, that they are better than the rest - which makes them so popular. Give me a break; if you want to jump into a pool with the full regalia of your religiously dictated dress code then do that at home in your own pool.
As said, the janitor's (look that up as well in Swiss newspapers, will you please?) wording was "unlucky" to keep it diplomatically; no hotel owner would resort to such vocabulary. 

But if you're so concerned about the followers of a faith (be it Islam, Jewish, Christian or anything else) then explain why a lot of service providers (restaurants, bars etc) on Koh Samui and Koh Phangan as well as Chiang Mai have clear messages that certain representatives of a certain faith are NOT welcome and NOT served - in a country where tourism counts? 

You can't help yourself, can you?

Do you think anyone rational who has read your posts here and elsewhere doesn't clearly see you've got personal baggage about Jews?

As far are your assorted HIJACKING attempts (to Muslims, to anti-Israeli businesses in Thailand, etc.), try that BAITING game on someone else.

Dude, I feel like I need a SHOWER after reading your posts. 


PLEASE don't bother replying to me personally. If someone else wants to play your game with you, whatever, but leave me out of it. 

Edited by Jingthing
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14 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

I understand , but what about the clothes , do they need to be washed first? , still as far as i can see they were not wearing clothes ,were they?


From OP :


"She said some Jewish guests had gone swimming with clothes, such as T-shirts, on and had not showered first."

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