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Backlash against Trump intensifies after his comments on Virginia violence


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5 hours ago, iReason said:





I could swear the neo-Nazis had a different agenda:



Why don't all these gun toting "bad asses" go over and destroy ISIS


5 hours ago, iReason said:





I could swear the neo-Nazis had a different agenda:



Why don't all these gun toting "bad asses" go over and destroy ISIS?  lol lol That would be funny. 

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trump is off to Phoenix to soak in the praise at one of his infamous immoral Mussolini style "campaign" rallies.

He knows, correctly, that the white core of his deplorable/despicable base will approve of his historically atrocious defense of white supremacists. Many of them are good people, he says. No, they are NOT.

They were attracted to attend a Neo-Nazi style rally using Nazi graphics and marched with tiki torches chanting Nazi chants favoring genocide. The president has said many of that crowd of scum are good people. Unbelievable situation, but true. 


The mayor of Phoenix considering Charlottesville asked him to delay the trip.

Rumor is that the unhinged Nazi apologist president will be pardoning the notorious racist sheriff there.

I suppose this will all make great television.

But great governance? Forget about it. 

Hopefully the sleazy conman clown potus can get in and out of Phoenix without inciting more violence and deaths. But I wouldn't bet the house on that.

His brand is poison. This can't stand. 


Edited by Jingthing
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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump is off to Phoenix to soak in the praise at one of his infamous immoral Mussolini style "campaign" rallies.

He knows, correctly, that the white core of his deplorable/despicable base will approve of his historically atrocious defense of white supremacists.

Many of them are good people, he says. No, they are NOT.

They were attracted to attend a Neo-Nazi style rally using Nazi graphics and marched with tiki torches chanting Nazi chants favoring genocide. The president has said many of that crowd of scum are good people. Unbelievable situation, but true. 


The mayor of Phoenix considering Charlottesville asked him to delay the trip.

Rumor is that the unhinged Nazi apologist president will be pardoning the notorious racist sheriff there.

I suppose this will all make great television.

But great governance? Forget about it. 

Hopefully the sleazy conman clown potus can get in and out of Phoenix without inciting more violence and deaths. But I wouldn't bet the house on that.

His brand is poison. This can't stand. 


Phoenix mayor wants Trump to delay rally


"The mayor of Phoenix says he is “disappointed” that President Donald Trump has scheduled a rally for his city as the nation

“is still healing from the tragic events in Charlottesville,” and says he wants Trump to delay the event."


"Stanton also warned Trump that if he was coming to town to pardon former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, an outspoken immigration opponent,

“it will be clear that his true intent is to inflame emotions and further divide the nation.”


"Trump has said he is considering pardoning Arpaio, who was recently found guilty of criminal contempt for ignoring a federal order."


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This is starting to feel like a potential total meltdown of the trump presidency.


Fox News, which is clearly very biased and is basically trump propaganda central couldn't book even one republican (his party) to go on air to defend trump's racist talk about Charlottesville. Wow!





Fox News’ Shepard Smith Couldn’t Book Any Republicans to Back Trump on Charlottesville (Video)

"Let's be honest, Republicans often don't really mind coming on Fox News Channel," cable news host says






New poll saying 25 percent of Americans will support trump no matter what. So that's his bottom. 25 percent of Americans would support Putin as U.S. president. Recent polls showing he has 35 percent support. There is no way he raises his support much higher than 35 ever again. So here we have a failed president already, fighting for that last 10 percent margin between 25 and 35.



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Excellent news.

Banish these Nazi neanderthals to the Dark Recesses.


Twitter deletes Daily Stormer's accounts amid outrage at neo-Nazi site's response to Charlottesville


"Twitter has suspended several accounts linked to one of the most influential neo-Nazi websites -  the latest action from social media firms against white supremacists in the aftermath of the deadly violence in Charlottesville."


"While Twitter Inc would not discuss individual accounts, reports said at least three accounts  affiliated with the Daily Stormer led to pages saying “account suspended”."


"By Wednesday, Daily Stormer had moved to a Russia-based internet domain, with an address ending in .ru."



Russia you say?


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He is definitely in a meltdown and he did it to himself. He just can't keep his mouth shut and he refuses to listen to his Chief of Staff-General Kelly who I would suspect at some point will resign.


It is time for the Republican leadership to step up and support the  use of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office before he completely destroys America and turns the World against us.  This has now reached the point that both Republicans and Democrats must work together  and  suspend him from his Presidency. The problem is that he won't go quietly.  Let's see whether the Vice President will step up .

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It's extremely doubtful the republicans will ever have the backbone to use the 25th amendment even though unhinged trump is tailor made for it.

But there's another problem. A big one.

trump has a hard core will never be swayed CORE base of about 25 percent.

Overwhelmingly white and very heavy with the gun ownership. 

Removing trump that way could indeed start a civil war.

Of course, for him to stay and continuing to incite as he does, that could start a civil war as well. Or even a military coup. 

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I am afraid you are correct- his alt right supporters are as irrational as he is and armed to the teeth.  Even impeachment would take years.  I am hoping the 2018 mid term elections will give the Dems at least the Senate.  At the present we have September coming up and the Congress needs to raise the debt limit; approve spending limits to keep the Government open and try and get a new budget approved. 

The Dems must get their act together and get a Presidential candidate ready who has wide spread support and can win. If Trump keeps on like this- I have to believe and hope he will lose Republican support that will move over to a Democratic candidate or at least mount a huge challenge on the Republican primary side.


The situation is so bad that for a moment I started to think a military coup might be the solution. I wonder if Trump ordered a first strike on Korea would the military obey the order?

Edited by Thaidream
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A military coup would be the end of U.S. democracy. But with trump, it might be ending anyway, coup or no coup. 

Definitely a very last resort. Not high odds for it like in Thailand. But we can't say impossible any longer. 

Look, I don't think it's any secret that the American "empire" was going into a hopefully gentle transition phase like all empires in history. But electing trump may be speeding that up in potentially very tragic ways. 

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It may be time for Ivanka to spend some quality time with her father. Maybe she can soothe the beast, and help rid him of all that tension, resulting in a happy ending for everyone.


I would expect Thursday will be an epic Twitter day, starting in ~ 30 minutes.

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Trump has surrounded himself with retired  Generals and while they will follow orders- I can imagine a situation where they will put the country before following a madman into hell.  Of course,much will depend upon how irrational he continues to be and what type of agenda he puts forth. so far his healthcare plan has failed; his tax plan and immigration plan are under deep fire .  His border wall is not funded and being resisted.  The only thing he has left is his infrastructure project which he may get through as the Dems have some support for this.


It's  interesting how every time he gets into a situation where so many criticize- like his Charlottesville comments- he schedules a campaign style rally. This time it is in Arizona the home state of  Senator Mccain and Senator Flake who both criticize him and his agenda. It would not surprise me to see ex Sheriff Arpaio , recently convicted of contempt of court at this rally and Trump announcing a pardon. God forbid, can it get any worse?  Unfortunately- it can.

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

The man is between the hammer and a hard place, damn if he will

and damn if he won't, as the sword of Damocles is ever hanging  

precariously over his head in anything and everthing he dose or doesn't do.....

Trump should never be in this position.....  Literally, the American people should never have elected this poisonous imbecile to be POTUS.  He isn't between a hammer and a hard place.  He has just shown the world that he is incapable of holding a position of power.

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The man is a demagogue-  I can hear him now saying that the fake news media; members of Congress; the left and unknown elements have conspired to remove him  from power- and that 25% of the people will believe him and those 25% are ones with guns and alt right agendas. Somehow, someone needs to find a way to handle this man before he goes off the rails and takes the country with him. I am hoping his daughter Ivanka can convince him to fire Bannon and his rightist minions and moderate Trump's agenda and that General Kelly -his Chief of Staff will be able to reign him in. However,  I doubt it will happen.

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This situation is both dark and hilarious.

Word from the white house that they are not concerned because trump has done nothing disqualifying (to continue to be president).

That's the level of the bar they have set from this baby man mess!

It's like saying he has a pulse or like saying an actor remembered most of his lines, but in trump's case he can't even remember his lines. If he kept to script, even though it would have rung false and forced, he would still be OK. 

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He can't even follow a script. He just wanders all over the place and what he comes out with is what usually gets him in trouble. The sad part is that what he comes out with shows his true personality and thought process.  He is nothing but a conman; a flim flam man selling snake oil. He has no depth and no real intellect and the only person he really cares about is himself.

He truly is a narcissistic meglomaniac.

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I reckon if they randomly made any McDonald's manager president, she would do better than trump.

It's like the nation made a concerted effort to pick the most horrible person possible with the greatest chance of destroying the nation from within. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I reckon if they randomly made any McDonald's manager president, she would do better than trump.

It's like the nation made a concerted effort to pick the most horrible person possible with the greatest chance of destroying the nation from within. 

Which would be in who's interest exactly? Not an American's...

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7 hours ago, Trouble said:

Shows how stupid the city government was in allowing to opposing forces to protest at the same location. Just asking for problems. 

This reminds me, although before my time, when Oswald Mosley and his Fascist black-shirts decided to march through the east end of London during the 1930s targeting Jews with aims of creating violence and fear among the Jewish community.  But the Jews fought back and were joined by the Irish community. Together they managed to defeat the Fascists and the police and stopped the march.


People power is real power, and everyone should fight back against bigotry and oppression. If someone tries to bully you, then you fight back, it`s that simple.



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If there is any silver lining, Trump keeping himself continuously embroiled in toxic controversies is making it impossible for him to do further damage to the country via legislation. Eight months and he's gotten almost nothing accomplished.

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2 hours ago, JCauto said:

Which would be in who's interest exactly? Not an American's...

Of course not


But it's a democracy. We must follow democratic decisions no matter how inane, damaging and embarrassing. Same in the U.K. The turnips rule because there are more of them! Universal suffrage? Great idea!

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Over at CNN the spinbois are having a field day….no one can get a word in in defence of trump.  black woman got shouted down. A lot of these pundits have no idea why the voters have rejected  politicians. The spinbois still don't get it. Most people are sick of cnn too.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Over at CNN the spinbois are having a field day….no one can get a word in in defence of trump. 

black woman got shouted down. A lot of these pundits have no idea why the voters have rejected 

politicians. The spinbois still don't get it. Most people are sick of cnn too.

You should really avoid making statements that can be fact checked. Reality is not your strong suit

July 2017 Ratings: CNN Is a Top 10 Cable Network

Year to date, 2017 is on pace to be CNN’s best year on record in total day viewers, and its best year in the total day demo since 2003 during the Iraq War.

The ratings for July 2016:

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Over at CNN the spinbois are having a field day….no one can get a word in in defence of trump.

You misspelled 'Fox News'. From a few posts ago:

Fox News’ Shepard Smith Couldn’t Book Any Republicans to Back Trump on Charlottesville
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18 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Over at CNN the spinbois are having a field day….no one can get a word in in defence of trump. 

black woman got shouted down. A lot of these pundits have no idea why the voters have rejected 

politicians. The spinbois still don't get it. Most people are sick of cnn too.

What are you defending exactly?  Most of America has abandoned Trump.  Here's a partial list:



Intel community

Business CEOs




Top athletes

Tech community



Congress, Dems and courageous Reps

and lastly...

decent Americans everywhere


What's left?  White supremacists, Nazis, rednecks, coal miners...who else?

Edited by Berkshire
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