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Fellow Republicans rebuke Trump over government shutdown threat


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1 hour ago, iReason said:

What about... would...


The tired, hackneyed, ancient last resort of the Trumpeteer acolytes:

But, but, but, Hillary...


Are you one of them?


Apply as "needed":

"Whataboutism is a propaganda technique formerly used by the Soviet Union in its dealings with the Western world,

and subsequently used as a form of propaganda in post-Soviet Russia."

"When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union,

the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world."



bloody hell  i only asked a simple question sorry but im not in your world

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3 hours ago, iReason said:

What about... would...


The tired, hackneyed, ancient last resort of the Trumpeteer acolytes:

But, but, but, Hillary...


Are you one of them?


Apply as "needed":

"Whataboutism is a propaganda technique formerly used by the Soviet Union in its dealings with the Western world,

and subsequently used as a form of propaganda in post-Soviet Russia."

"When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union,

the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world."



Oh, you mean precisely the same way dems harped on Bush ?   LOL   


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17 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Shutting down the Government would cost billions of dollars in lost productivity as well as a shock to the stock market and dollar. As much as I find congress useless and the government agencies a drain on the public- a government shut down is not the answer.  the Congress must raise the debt limit and at least pass a continuing resolution to fund the government. The fight can later be over a complete new budget.


Donald Trump is an incompetent and a fool to even consider spending $30Billion on a border wall that will not stop illegals at all. This money could better be spent providing universal healthcare to the American people who often go bankrupt or die from a lack of healthcare. In addition, America needs a real Immigration policy that legitimizes Mexican and Immigrant labor which is badly needed to keep America agriculture moving; processing plans open and infrastructure construction being built. Americans will not do any of these jobs as they are low pay and hard work.


Te more Trump opens his mouth about the American economy or American culture the more he lets everyone know that he is completely ignorant and a very selfish man. He will never make America great again as he proposes because he hasn't the slightest idea what greatness is.  I am hopeful once the Russia investigation closes in on him- he will resign or he will either be removed by utilizing the 25th Amendment or Impeachment.

Maybe 45 owns a construction business that would get the contract to build his dumb ass wall. lol Would that surprise anyone? He is utterly contemptible. 

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16 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Like Republicans who get gov't hand-outs, .....they talk about cutting funds for everyone else, ....but not their cherished projects.   When (not if) the Federal gov't shuts down, thousands of people will be laid off, but here are some people who will retain their jobs.....


>>>  white house staff, hedge trimmers, flower arrangers, ice cream makers (for Trump Sr's double scoops), door knob polishers (I'm sure Trump changed all the door/window hardware to gold-plated)

>>>   The hundreds of high-paid people who work to make cushy rides to/from WH to Trump's golf resorts

>>>   Secret service for Trump's 81 extended-family members, including always staying at 5-star hotels.


Trump and I both want to cut government spending.  The difference is:  I would cut it in sensible ways, including military waste.  Trump Sr would cut it in all the wrong ways, and increase military spending far beyond what the military brass want.

If 45 wants to cut spending maybe he can stop all his golf trips; pay for his kids trips etc. just sayin. lol 

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I think a lot of it wasn't borrowed. He was just laundering it by having dubious Russians overpay for property.

"According to an analysis by Bloomberg, Trump now owes Deutsche around $300m. He has four large mortgages, all issued by Deutsche’s private bank. The loans are guaranteed against the president’s properties: a new deluxe hotel in Washington DC’s old Post Office building, just round the corner from the White House; his Chicago tower hotel; and the Trump National Doral Miami resort."



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23 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

If 45 wants to cut spending maybe he can stop all his golf trips; pay for his kids trips etc. just sayin. lol 

The sad irony is that in order to pay for the wall design to be done in the current fiscal year (Oct. 1, 2016-Sept. 31, 2017) Homeland Security cut funding for US Customs and Border Protection intended for overtime, training, vetting applicants, critical mission equipment, etc. for the Border Patrol. Weird sense of priorities - Trump's ego vs safety of the nation.

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fellow Lookey Lou's... and folks with an L1 that is not "Pasa Angrit"...

"government shutdown" means... Social Security recipients (as we Americans call them)... and former USA servicemen and servicewomen.. and the active ones too...as we call them.....

get chits instead of monthly pension checks....    

and when they restart it is possible we (yeah, we) may wish we were getting our checks in Yuan and not dollahs..

for former Scouts: Be Prepared.. for the others... get ready to "adapt".


Edited by maewang99
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                                       Republicans historically call for lowering costs for government, yet, just as consistently, they maintain or increase spending - particularly for military, vets, big biz, and lining their own pockets, and shoveling funds to their own pork barrel projects.  Dems aren't quite as decrepit, but at least Dems care a bit for unfortunates among us.  Reps only care about the top 1%.

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One thing that no politician can do:  lessen wasteful federal spending.   


                         They also have no concept of 'pay-as-you-go.'   All their lives, they've been told that BORROWING is the smart way to make ends meet.  That's their mantra:  'Borrow as much as possible, take out loans, and borrow some more.'    


            That's yet another of the 3,000 reasons why having people like Trumps and Kushners making important decisions from the Oval Office is detrimental to the US.  They all worship at the Altar of The God of Borrowing.   J Kushner is in debt over 1 billion $$'s.  Trump is in debt for more (how much of that is owed to Russian and Chinese? We don't know).  And those are the folks rednecks voted to run America's finances!   Sad.


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In 2013 the Reps refused to lift the country's debt ceiling because they mainly didn't want to support „Obama Care“. Now they are not ashamed to ask for a higher government debt because of building a wall. Within the next months they also are not ashamed to reduce the taxes of the rich - the costs for that within the "new" ceiling, too.


Under Obama it specially was intended for the poor people, under Trump it should restrain the refugees on the Mexican border. Although it is very doubtful if this wall can stop the flow of the refugees it should be done only to fulfill a nonsense pee-election promise of the Lotus (Liar Of The ….).


This casts some light on the quality/moral of the Reps. A more appropriate name for this „quality“ would be hypocrisy. As there are exemptions of refusing refugees mainly for the low paid workers in dirty jobs you recognize, the Reps welcome them for economical benefits and nothing else. Being useful, come here, otherwise not!


But when it concerns the poor and underprivileged people in their own US state the Reps are not ashamed to refuse supporting them.

Edited by puck2
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On 8/24/2017 at 8:00 AM, lovelomsak said:

I think he should forget the wall. Be nice to the illegal immigrants.let them register and stay. If they have children let them stay too.

  BUT if they or their children have children the born in America children must go back to the home country.Make it that illegal refuges will be treated very good but well in America cannot have children.If they have children then they must decide go back home with the babies and I mean babies 1 month old or stay in America . Do not allow  children of illegals born in America have access to America in any way.If caught in America immediate deportation with in 24 hours no excuses or questions ask.The children born in America are barred for life.But the parents as illegals can stay.Then see how family orientated they are or if they are selfish and send their kids back home alone.

   The good part about this after one generation that family is basically out of America. 

There are some very odd Americans!

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When I see the phrase 'fellow Republicans' along with their tepid responses to Trump's outlandishness, it makes me think of a group of soccer moms watching their kids playing.  Referee Trump takes out pepper spray and commences to chasing the kids around, spraying them. Meanwhile, the mom's (still lounging on the sidelines) are saying things like, "that doesn't look right" or "maybe the ref shouldn't chase the kids so angrily."

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On 24/08/2017 at 7:00 AM, lovelomsak said:

I think he should forget the wall. Be nice to the illegal immigrants.let them register and stay. If they have children let them stay too.

  BUT if they or their children have children the born in America children must go back to the home country.Make it that illegal refuges will be treated very good but well in America cannot have children.If they have children then they must decide go back home with the babies and I mean babies 1 month old or stay in America . Do not allow  children of illegals born in America have access to America in any way.If caught in America immediate deportation with in 24 hours no excuses or questions ask.The children born in America are barred for life.But the parents as illegals can stay.Then see how family orientated they are or if they are selfish and send their kids back home alone.

   The good part about this after one generation that family is basically out of America. 

Why not bring back prima nocta whilst our thinking is in the dark ages. FML

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14 minutes ago, puck2 said:

In 2013 the Reps refused to lift the country's debt ceiling because they mainly didn't want to support „Obama Care“. Now they are not ashamed to ask for a higher government debt because of building a wall. Within the next months they also are not ashamed to reduce the taxes of the rich - the costs for that within the "new" ceiling, too.


Under Obama it specially was intended for the poor people, under Trump it should restrain the refugees on the Mexican border. Although it is very doubtful if this wall can stop the flow of the refugees it should be done only to fulfill a nonsense pee-election promise of the Lotus (Liar Of The ….).


This casts some light on the quality/moral of the Reps. A more appropriate name for this „quality“ would be hypocrisy. As there are exemptions of refusing refugees mainly for the low paid workers in dirty jobs you recognize, the Reps welcome them for economical benefits and nothing else. Being useful, come here, otherwise not!


But when it concerns the poor and underprivileged people in their own US state the Reps are not ashamed to refuse supporting them.


As I've said before:


No one can take any Republican/ evangelical moralizing seriously when they elected and continue to support a thrice married, self-professed famously philandering pussy-grabber.


No one can take Republican declarations of patriotism seriously after they continue to delay and stymie investigations into Russian interference in US elections.


No one can take Republican glorification of the US constitution seriously as they ignore PRESIDENT Trump's incessant attacks on the Press and Judicial Independence.


No one can take Republican ethics seriously as they support a president flagrantly engaging in ethical violations and self-dealing.


Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

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