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Thailand's former PM Yingluck fled to Dubai - senior party members


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3 hours ago, delphioracle said:

Just a couple or so questions .


How many of you are actually Thai citizens and why are you here as opposed to your country of birth.


I am her because it is my home country and I lived or rather survived the Thaksin  regimes, the drugs war disappearing lawyers  and  court case witnesses hostile to the Thakin's and their regime, press repression Red Shirt urban terrorism, rioting,  arson and pillage etc as well as the disproved  blow my air-plane up  story  which Boeing scotched by explaining the truth of the issue, 


We have had some three years of a peaceful society, even  in Isaan where I and my  family hail from the folks there are not so worried about the current administration.


The current situation may well be to some not ideal.  But it is working in its own unique Asian way.


The road to democracy  especially  Asian style democracy is a slow one.Look how long it has taken Singapore to achieve the  level of democracy it shows to the outside world.


Let me see, England's Magna  Carta, 1000 or so years old  but still learning curves are being  navigated. 



On my way to becoming a Thai citizen.

I'm here for the good weather and cheap living.


Well said.


These PM are pure evil and the current regime is doing a pretty good job.




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17 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Good riddance, this evil Shinawat clan should be banished for good for ripping off the Thai people for their own personal gain.

Indeed! And replace it with a different "clan: that will go on "ripping off the Thai people for their own personal gain". The ones that have been doing all along and now have a "general" who speaks to reptiles to defend them.

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4 hours ago, chopin2 said:

How long before "Oak" accepts to be the next redshirt leader, make a new cycle of chaos, and then join the rest of the family in Dubai?

Prayuth wont allow it.  The entire Shin family including children are a personal thing for him.

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1 minute ago, MrPatrickThai said:

Keeping peace. Have you any idea the current feeling among the Thai people these days?

Many members on TV claim to know the current sentiment of the Thai people on the political conflict here, and it never ceases to astonish me how all those who support the junta (and have a weird and disturbing , pathological hatred of the junta's political opponents) seem to know that "all Thais I know" approve of the junta.  Admittedly, there are also die-hard red-shirt supporters here on TV that do the same thing.  But it is a stupid, pathetic argument (and I use the term loosely) because neither side can back it up with any statistical evidence.   

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2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Many members on TV claim to know the current sentiment of the Thai people on the political conflict here, and it never ceases to astonish me how all those who support the junta (and have a weird and disturbing , pathological hatred of the junta's political opponents) seem to know that "all Thais I know" approve of the junta.  Admittedly, there are also die-hard red-shirt supporters here on TV that do the same thing.  But it is a stupid, pathetic argument (and I use the term loosely) because neither side can back it up with any statistical evidence.   

Some of us integrate in Thai society and have done for decades. Some retire here and think they know it all, despite being even able to understand the language. statistics my arse, Thais are scared to say what they mean lol

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5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Good for her!


All through history people have fled when confronted with unfair persecution.


The interesting question is whether she will be activating her FB account...

She was not confronted with "unfair persecution" as you say. How can she be persecuted when the court has not yet issued a verdict?

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4 hours ago, Lemonltr said:

They can look all they want for new faces but the new faces will be obliterated.

The Elite/Military have won.  No turning back I'm afraid to say.

Agree. Notice how the New Democracy movement has been quickly and harshly hit. They will surely not allow a movement which may attract voters outside the North/North-East region.

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11 minutes ago, thongplay said:

She was not confronted with "unfair persecution" as you say. How can she be persecuted when the court has not yet issued a verdict?


It was a 'case book' persecution and even the few Junta supporters that I know laugh and admit that. Sideline her before any election, silence the people, ban meetings and all of these things are tools of a  (  snip  ). It astonishes me that anyone of even a rudimentary grasp of things here cannot see that (not aimed at you particularly). This will be looked back on with horror in years to come. Interpol won't respond to any requests for extradition (if any are asked) as they don't extradite political prisoners.

Edited by LannaGuy
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5 hours ago, seajae said:

the only ones that flee are the criminal elements that are guilty and do not want to be locked up, has nothing to do with being innocent. This was all about money and jail time, she is the same as thaksin, think they are above the law and will never accept any guilt for what they have done, can only hope karma gets both of them

I am not sure but I suspect former LEGALLY ELECTED members fled persecution by a junta that was never elected, conveniently changed the constitution to meet their desires continually postpones elections. Persecutes the former leader for a rice plan that failed as her crystal ball didn't forsee the price of rice falling, perhaps falling due to manipulation by the opposing party (representing the elite) when is the next election oh now in 5 years hmmm... one is curious to whom your loyalties lie. Oh and most anyone should be above a post dated law created by their political opposition. 

Edited by Grumpy Duck
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5 hours ago, Daryle said:

You wounded why we have to report to immigration, when they can't stop a person on the no fly list.

Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

Wounded? Your post makes no sense. 

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Reported was assisted to leave country by Gov't, to avoid possible problems if found guilty & jailed...


Despite Gov't trying to seize assets....will be mostly empty property, as all other assets were liquidated & proceeds 'spirited' O/S in past mths!! 

Now both Thaksin & Yingluck done a runner, doubt will ever be brought to justice!!


Would seem the Shinawatra rein in Thailand has finished & Pheu Thai party will struggle to survive, as supporters will feel cheated & let down by this criminal pair they trusted!!


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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:


"We heard that she went to Cambodia and then Singapore from where she flew to Dubai. She has arrived safely and is there now," said a senior member of the Puea Thai Party who declined to be named because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

Didn't Prayut say he'd asked Singapore? They said no. Repercussions?

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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Yingluck in Dubai, says Pheu Thai source

By The Nation



File photo from Yingluck Shinawatra Facebook page.


Former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fled Thailand for Dubai two days before a verdict was due to be delivered in a trial over the rice-pledging scheme, a highly placed source in her Pheu Thai party told CNN on Friday.


Yingluck left Thailand on Wednesday and is now "safe and sound" in Dubai, the source told the US broadcaster.


An arrest warrant was issued for Yingluck by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions on Friday after she failed to turn up for the verdict reading in the negligence case against her. The case was related to her former government’s controversial rice-pledging scheme.


The court postponed the verdict reading to September 27 and ordered the seizure of Yingluck’s Bt30-million bail.


Yingluck's brother Thaksin, who is also a former prime minister and also toppled by a military coup, lives in Dubai and London in self-imposed exile to avoid abuse-of-power charges.


The deputy national police chief told CNN that there was no official record of Yingluck leaving the country, which would suggest she first slipped into a neighbouring nation by crossing through a land border.


Asked if it was possible she fled via a natural land border, Pol General Srivara Rangsibhramanakul would only say: “That is possible.”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30324957


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-08-26

Not really. All what needs to be done is take a private jet flight from Bkk to Chiang Mai and then change the route to Cambodia. No immigration clearance and only flight clearance is needed and permission to enter airspace of a neighboring country such as Cambodia is very simple.


I think YS made a big mistake in doing a runner.

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6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Good for her!


All through history people have fled when confronted with unfair persecution.


The interesting question is whether she will be activating her FB account...

Like the Red Bull heir you mean. It is awful being persecuted just for killing a cop by mowing him down in a Ferrari while under the influence..

Yingluck is also in the privileged group who has 'acquired' enough cash that they can do whatever they want, no matter how illegal and then run away when found out.


You may support the murder of an innocent and robbing the country of billions but I find that repugnant.

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7 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

Of course it was, and the fleeing the country was stage-managed from the very top.

Wow, I never would have suspected that... (sarc) To what advantage? Oh yea a leader loved by the overwhelming majority of the population thrown in prison for 42 years on a max ten year sentence would make a great scapegoat. I wonder if the  ancient Chinese made submarine was used to aid her escape? 55555 perhaps the law and order poster is just a misanthrope. 

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6 hours ago, z42 said:

So many detractors of the current regime seem to think their blatant corruption and outright criminal behaviour makes Tingluck some kind of heroine.

It simply doesn't stack up imho, she was negligent in performing the role of PM and was little more than a puppet for her criminal brother Thaksin.

The fact she ran says a lot about her moral courage. On more than 1 occasion she claimed she would be ready to die for democracy, yet at the first sign of a major hurdle she bolted off to join her criminal brother.


The disgusting nature of Prayuth's govt is undeniable. However YS has shown her true colours here. 

Thailand has some wonderful young figures such as Netiwit, Ja new, Pai Dao Din and others.. What potential Thailand could meet if people like that got a real platform to make a difference. The shin rein is over, but a whole population will now be looking for new faces. I would prefer to be hopeful than cynical for the next chapter

Thank you for the excellent commentary. With an impartial view. 

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Lots of information and disinformation flying around. Is she in Dubai, or is that just a smokescreen? Right now it is just the word of some of her supporters.

Does her actual location matter? She didn't appear which benefitted the junta. I suspect she may have departed by submarine. (555 read into that one)

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6 hours ago, ignis said:

Maybe flown out via Thai Military/aircraft ?   No need to pass immigration ?  

Her usual form of transport is private jet.  But let's not forget this is Thailand and any criminal can buy their way out of the country for a fistful of Baht.


Actually she didn't run on day one as many expected.  Maybe she thought she could ride it out with brown envelopes but she will have had an escape route planned for some time.  Good riddance but unfortunately the cancer remains and the corruption continues unabated.

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The establishment achieved, finally, its goal. The days of Shinawatra are over. It took longer than expected as many assumed she would flee the scene much earlier. 

The rest of the crowd got hanged out to dry, so Chalerm, Newin, Chavalit and all the other cronies are moving continuously into the dark corners of Thailand's historic past ............ 

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