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Gorka, a Trump adviser and Bannon ally, is out - White House


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Gorka, a Trump adviser and Bannon ally, is out - White House


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House adviser Sebastian Gorka, who was closely aligned with a nationalist faction led by ousted senior strategist Steve Bannon, no longer works for President Donald Trump, the White House said on Friday.


"Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House," a White House official said in a statement.

The official did not elaborate, but the statement suggested that Gorka had been fired.


Gorka had reportedly feuded with national security adviser General H.R. McMaster and was unhappy with the decision Trump announced this week - backed by McMaster and the U.S. military - to reorient U.S. policy in Afghanistan.


Gorka, who frequently appeared on cable news shows to tout Trump’s policies, was a divisive figure within the administration, seen by veteran intelligence professionals and diplomats as an ideologue with little real-world experience.


He is the latest in a string of hawkish or nationalist advisers to leave the National Security Council and other parts of the White House in recent weeks, suggesting that in the battle among Trump's foreign policy advisers, internationalist voices such as those of McMaster, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are prevailing.


Earlier, the conservative Federalist news outlet, citing multiple sources familiar with the situation, said Gorka, a counterterrorism expert, had quit. In a letter of resignation, Gorka expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration, the Federalist said.


"As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People's House," Gorka was quoted as saying in the letter.


Trump fired Bannon a week ago in the latest White House shake-up, removing a far-right architect of his 2016 election victory and a driving force behind his nationalist and anti-globalization agenda.


"Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week," he said in the letter.


A U.S. citizen born in Britain with Hungarian parents, Gorka worked as national security editor at Bannon's Breitbart news website, where he often warned of Islamic terrorism.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-26
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That 'thing' was one of the most repulsive entities in the White House.


I truly hope that Kelly continues the purge of the most loathsome elements around Trump.


I would prefer that it was Trump himself that was on the way out, but in the meantime, keep purging the 'hate-whisperers'.


Go Kelly go!


Edited by Samui Bodoh
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White House aide Sebastian Gorka resigns


"In a resignation letter, published Friday night by The Federalist and confirmed by POLITICO, Gorka cited “forces” that do not support President Donald Trump’s “MAGA promise” as those that drove him out of the White House."


“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months,” Gorka wrote."


"Confirmation of the resignation came one week to the day after Bannon was fired from his White House position."



I suspect those "Gorka cited “forces” are the generals that the inept one inadvertently brought in.

Clueless as to their integrity and patriotism.

He foolishly assumed they would lock-step to his alt-right, InfoWars influenced "agenda".


But they are far dissimilar to these alt-right, neo-con bums that have been dropping like flies.


The stage is being set for when the occupier resigns in disgrace.



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Gorka out.  YAY!   If I described Gorka here on T.Visa, there would be a bunch of <deleted> in the post.


The nicest thing I can say about Gorka, is he makes the Swamp Thing smell pretty.


Who's next?  Here's my list of who should have gone long ago, in descending order:

Trump Sr

Miller (lap dog yelper)

Cohen (lap dog lawyer)

J Kushner (who couldn't get a security clearance trimming hedges at the DMV)

Ivanka (nexus for all the corrupt people in the Oval Office)

Pence (has several deep ugly secrets)


More about Pence: I know more about goings on in the WH than Pence does. The proof: I knew about Flynn, Manafort, Trump Sr's, Trump Jr's, Jared's treasonous activities for months during which Pence claims he didn't know anything about any of that. 

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8 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Lame guy with his horrible fake uk accent.Just another Russian in team Trump

Not Russian actually. He's a Hungarian Nazi (literally) with worthless credentials in security. That he's out is good news, but how such fascist scum ever got in is another indicator of how bad trump really is. The rot is at the top. It is trump itself. 






EXCLUSIVE: Nazi-Allied Group Claims Top Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka As Sworn Member



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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Not Russian actually. He's a Hungarian Nazi (literally) with worthless credentials in security. That he's out is good news, but how such fascist scum ever got in is another indicator of how bad trump really is. The rot is at the top. It is trump itself. 


As the Mooch so eloquently said, 3 weeks ago, "The fish rots from the head on down."

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A NAZI (!) in THE WHITEHOUSE (!!) has resigned. Not fired, resigned.


The sequence of events it took to have this happen is nothing short of astonishing: An ineffectul press sec had to quit. His replacement had to display astonishing idiocy and lack of media savvy, a chief of staff had to be fired, a strong-willed general had to be hired on condition of being allowed extensive authority...two whole weeks pass...the nazi's protector, Bannon, a white Supremacist, had to be forced out...a whole week passes...THEN the Nazi is out. In the EIGHT month of Trump's presidency.


THIS is NOT normal, folks. Don't ever let it seem normal.

Edited by Thakkar
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He might have been fired but if so, it was from Kelly, not the clown. 

Word is Kelly had asked what it is he actually did there, and all he find was that he appeared on Fox News spouting his hate speech filth. 

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He might have been fired but if so, it was from Kelly, not the clown. 

Word is Kelly had asked what it is he actually did there, and all he find was that he appeared on Fox News spouting his hate speech filth. 

Yea, but he got paid (just like his kids are on the payroll - with perks). 45 doesn't care how he spends America's money. 

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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Gorka out.  YAY!   If I described Gorka here on T.Visa, there would be a bunch of <deleted> in the post.


The nicest thing I can say about Gorka, is he makes the Swamp Thing smell pretty.


Who's next?  Here's my list of who should have gone long ago, in descending order:

Trump Sr

Miller (lap dog yelper)

Cohen (lap dog lawyer)

J Kushner (who couldn't get a security clearance trimming hedges at the DMV)

Ivanka (nexus for all the corrupt people in the Oval Office)

Pence (has several deep ugly secrets)


More about Pence: I know more about goings on in the WH than Pence does. The proof: I knew about Flynn, Manafort, Trump Sr's, Trump Jr's, Jared's treasonous activities for months during which Pence claims he didn't know anything about any of that. 

Agreed but if you just take out D. Trump then the rest will fall anyway.  It must be the number one priority to stop the rot.

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Gorka was one of the more obnoxious West Wing advisors. Hard to say this but I actually liked Bannon more that this slime ball.


As for the accent. Nope not fake, he was born in London, it's just over the years he developed that mid Atlantic accent, which tends to be neither one or the other

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News dump from hell.



" This isn't your average sleepy Friday news dump — a trick newsmakers use to bury unpopular news by releasing it when most people aren't reading news. This is a flagrant attempt to hide a series of politically fraught (but base-pleasing) moves under the cover of an August Friday night hurricane.



This hurricane-Friday-night news dump is bold, even for Trump. And if he hoped to keep backlash to a minimum, his plan is already backfiring."







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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

News dump from hell.



" This isn't your average sleepy Friday news dump — a trick newsmakers use to bury unpopular news by releasing it when most people aren't reading news. This is a flagrant attempt to hide a series of politically fraught (but base-pleasing) moves under the cover of an August Friday night hurricane.



This hurricane-Friday-night news dump is bold, even for Trump. And if he hoped to keep backlash to a minimum, his plan is already backfiring."







Well, he sort of succeeded. An actual Nazi quitting The United States Whitehouse is only like, the fourth biggest story of the weekend.


If a Black Panther medal winner had even stepped foot in the Obama WH, it would've been the biggest story of his eight years.

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Trump under fire over epic Friday news dump


"But the White House quickly disputed that he resigned,

even sending a note to surrogates so they would spread the message that the exit was not voluntary."


"Hopefully no one remembers Seb Gorka by this time next week," one White House official said Saturday morning."


"But others close to the White House noted that Gorka was well-liked by the president and is popular among the nationalists who propelled his victory."



They threw ol' Seb to the wolves. :laugh:


Imploding. :thumbsup:



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