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The week that was in Thailand news: Yingluck may be one lucky ying!


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7 hours ago, Artisi said:

I've been a very naughty boy by not paying complete attention to punctuation and capitalisation (in your opinion) which of course is so important in a casual chat room. But please teacher can you please give me at least 7/10 for spelling and effort. 

Your a bad boy, because for some grammer is more important than content. 

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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

She is a politician you know, and a smart one at that, the fact of the matter is, they are all above us, they all have their escape plans, and they all assist each other when the S hit the fan, and its the needy and poor that miss out.


Never met anyone wanting to get into politics for the people, its all about themselves, you know, deals here, deals there, kick backs, the rich get richer, and the poor get the picture, but you have to admit, Yingluck and her brother did a lot more for the poorer areas of Thailand than any other politician that I can think of, off the top of my head.

What did they for the poor? Did they ever donate one baht, of their own money. To poor people? Tell me please!

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21 hours ago, Artisi said:

I've been a very naughty boy by not paying complete attention to punctuation and capitalisation (in your opinion) which of course is so important in a casual chat room. But please teacher can you please give me at least 7/10 for spelling and effort. 

Your comment could be summed up with: "He can dish it out, but he can't take it." However, I am afraid that I will have to demonstrate.


Here is a quote: " [...] they take great pains to devalue or invalidate the person criticizing them. To achieve such dismissal of the threatening other, they'll do everything possible to negate their viewpoint. And this can include much more than blaming or indignantly challenging them. For narcissists, when their position has been exposed as false, arbitrary, or untenable, will suddenly become evasive, articulate half-truths, lie (actually, as much to themselves as others), flat-out contradict themselves (and to a degree that can leave the other person gaping!), and freely rewrite history (literally--and audaciously--making things up as they go along). This is why at such times they don't seem adults so much as six-year-olds."


First, do not question my ability to assess your inability to punctuate and capitalize without showing that I have erred. I haven't and this is not just my opinion. (Nice try!) I have all the degrees and experience required to do so. Beside, I demonstrate in my writing that I have those credentials. But, do I really have to spell it out for you? I mean, it is so obvious. (Do not even try to tell me that I should not be asking others to prove something when I did not do it in the first place. I suspect that you will attempt to highlight this apparent double standard. However, there is no double standard. You did not prove that you did NOT err.  The burden is on you. If you are going to force me to prove it to you, be prepared. I will be a mean teacher.) However, let's set the situation properly. You do suggest that you did err when you started to claim that it is not necessary that one must adhere to standard punctuation and capitalization rules in forums. Isn't it funny how you set the rules to disculpate yourself when you have erred so as to win the argument? "Officer, it is my opinion that drivers of red cars, which happen to be the colour of my car, can go over the speed limit! Don't you know? [...] Oh! You don't know. I could be wrong, but those coloured shades that you are wearing might not reflect the reality as we know it." "Okay! Here is the rule, Jim! Tomorrow is our duel. We both are allowed guns. Yours MUST be loaded with blanks and mine does not have to." Sorry! You cannot make the rules as you go like that. Others need to adhere to YOUR formal spelling and grammatical rules in forums, but you don't have to because you have just deemed that punctuation and capitalization obey a different set of rules in forums. You cannot be serious!


But, there is more. Now, you are accusing me of being a mean teacher. Excuse me! Has it not dawned on you that you started it? As predictable as it is, we can see the way you are trying to make yourself look like a victim. I am sorry that youn have been damaged, but isn't it time to fix yourself?



Edited by EnlightenedAtheist
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17 hours ago, SE23inPhuket said:

Or  'au contraire' perhaps? French spelling not your strong suit either...

First, we are in an English forum. Since when is French required? Logic is not your strong suit? That Commonwealth countries do not have an organization that sets the spelling of foreign words is not our problem. These graphemes belong to the French and their spelling system. Henceforth, there is absolutely nothing wrong with "Oh contraire!" In fact, we should spell it "kontrer"! Don't you know the most basic of ENGLISH spelling rules? Don't you know that languages evolve? Evolve!

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22 minutes ago, ovi1kanobi said:

What did they for the poor? Did they ever donate one baht, of their own money. To poor people? Tell me please!

Read up, can't say I know any politicians donating their own money to the people, taking perhaps 555

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Us Aussies are well known for our bad spelling, I get pissed off when some smart ass corrects me. As for Yingluck flying out through Trat, I live under the flight path used by both private and army and there have not been any flights for awhile just saying.

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15 minutes ago, johnarth said:

Us Aussies are well known for our bad spelling, I get pissed off when some smart ass corrects me. 

It is ignorance and/or low self esteem that make(s) those that correct others do this. Some also try to use this way to somehow devalue someone's thesis. That's where I step in. I also get pissed off.

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53 minutes ago, EnlightenedAtheist said:

It is ignorance and/or low self esteem that make(s) those that correct others do this. Some also try to use this way to somehow devalue someone's thesis. That's where I step in. I also get pissed off.

What do you expect from of a bunch of convicts.

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1 hour ago, ovi1kanobi said:

What do you expect from of a bunch of convicts.

Not sure if I can ascertain who is doing the finger pointing by nationality and who is prone to making spelling errors. I am just saying that the system is such a mess that no wonder someone will "misspell". What irks me the most is the misspelling is usually more logical (more phonetic)! The ones who are calling others crazy are! The asylum is run by spelling and grammar nazis! No wonder we have problems!

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Another good one Rooster, always enjoy your articles. I am glad that the brother and sister

had their reunion, and now are free of Thai politics. I am also glad that Thailand is free

of them.  Well I am sure they will support some of the surviving politicians, and try to sway

their future somehow.


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On 27/08/2017 at 0:26 AM, darksidedog said:

The "what passes for justice" that hooked me in, but I have to say I enjoyed reading your very pertinent and humorous observations across the board.

Right down to the highly concomitant Scrabble one with a great sense of irony in the 28 points.

I think your post scores a fair few points too. A Shin in jail in Thailand? When is that going to happen?:cheesy:

Those who took the piss in the ranks below don't seem to have the protection they thought they had.:sad:

Oh, and Law in Thailand? Yeah, Wake me up when that one comes along please, unless I am already dead and then I probably won't care any more.


For me I would love to have read won 44 points with the word junta.

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On 27/08/2017 at 1:36 PM, Maejo Man said:

As a self professed " Ausie" if you are going to use Australian rhyming slang, please spell Khyber Pass correctly :sleep:

At least Khyber is harder than Aussie or colloquially if ya want to be proper true blue Ozzy

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In my country of civilized educated political leaders simply call a election  to eliminate any short falls. In Thailand she was being setup by the small big men waiting to feast. A wanting and waiting on the sidelines. Yingluck was robbed and she won'tbe the last. Like the Australian gold mine they stole and would not answer international protocol. Invited to foreign nation ?  LOL

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