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Yingluck escape ‘well planned, with Thaksin’s help’


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14 hours ago, scorecard said:


So you absolutely disagree that it could be true?

It could be true. It could be false. We get to enjoy the freedom of debating it on a web forum. As for officials saying this is what happened - evidence, please. Otherwise, it's merely conjecture. 


However you look at it, whoever helped her, the people in power are responsible. And they're army folks too. God forbid anyone ever invades this country again. 

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57 minutes ago, steven100 said:

So now there is aiding and abetting a criminal to add to the list.

These Shinawatras don't give a damn about the Thai people or the Thai economy that they ripped off for billions.

But I think the Thais have woken up to their thieving and cheating.

Keep going after them Khun Prayuth, you are worthy as the Thailand PM. 

"aiding and abetting a criminal"


Is YL a criminal yet, when the verdict hasn't been delivered, and sentence  (possibly suspended)  passed down ?:whistling:

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1 minute ago, steven100 said:

I think doing a runner is a criminal offence.


Perhaps, but would 'having a sore throat & going for treatment' be, if she were found innocent (unlikely)  or her sentence were to be merely a suspended or minor-financial one (more likely IMO) ?


Obviously there was some planning overseas, in order to pre-position the private-jet to the right place, and if she has crossed the border informally, then she probably broke immigration-laws.  But she doesn't have a long list of other cases outstanding, unlike her brother.


And will the government wish to pursue this line-of-thinking, or are they happy to let the situation cool, having avoided any large public-demonstrations ahead of the big event due in October ?  Will they actually want to find any senior-official who might have escorted her to the border ?  What would that usefully achieve ?


Ideally I'd like to see pictures of her eating-out/shopping-in-Dubai with family, but not stirring things up, we're told by anonymous PTP-sources that she's there, but it might be nice to see independent-confirmation, to reassure her admirers.  Then we can be more sure that some deal was negotiated, in the Thai way.  Meanwhile the reassurances from her nieces, and the silence from Dubai, are probably indicative of that.


Despite the mocking-laughter from the wings, this isn't actually a bad out-turn, in many ways.


Meanwhile the junta, both unaware & those in-the-know, will huff-and-puff as their roles/duties would expect.

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12 hours ago, andersonat said:

Like many of the top military- and police-officers in Thailand, the General seems to be incapable of keeping his speculations to his private-office, until he actually *knows* what actually happened.

The man is the Army Commander-in-Chief  -  does he run the Army on "speculation", or does he wait, and make "Army"-decisions based on facts and evidence ?

 [For example, he doesn't currently *know* whether Yingluck is still in Thailand, or not, but that doesn't stop him from giving a press-conference and talking about Thaksin's private-plane.]



"She also has a close aide who is a police officer with skills and experience in making escape."


And if I were that police officer I would be contacting a lawyer concerning a (possible) defamation case.

Where other than Thailand does a police officer have skills and expereience in making escape :smile:

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12 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

This whole thing is a political show  The only crime she committed was being Prime Minister in a country that has little stability 

I am not replying to the above poster but it keeps coming up when I want to post. Anyway what I want to say is that someone you never hear about is her husband. Surely he knows what happened. Has the Govt talked to him? He is likely the one looking after their son. For all you that YL just left the son alone.



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17 hours ago, scorecard said:


So you absolutely disagree that it could be true?

Of course he doesn't disagree that it could be true, you dope.Why are you people so thick? Is it because that in any subject connected with Shinawatra you lose all power of rational thought. Of course Thaksin's support is possible even probable.However the point being made is that since Chalermchai is obviously clueless on every aspect of Yingluck's escape, how can he possibly make a definitive statement that Thaksin assisted.Moreover he is only guessing that Yingluck's exit was "well planned".Even Prayuth (see separate thread) has conceded security officials haven't the foggiest - probably a lie but at least intellectually consistent.

Edited by jayboy
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What a transparent bull shit story. Yes, blow it all in the face of another enemy of state. But if so why not show the flight plan of that airplane at the same time. Or does it just show the current power of Taksin in Thailand? if so, it says something of those currently in charge.

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2 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

"Anyone"?? Do you know the cost of hiring a private jet? Now who's the moron?

having flown many times on a private jet, yes i do.

my family would spend $16,000 USD flying from Los Angeles to Napa Valley just for lunch.


and to Sun Valley to go skiing which cost about $30,000 at the time.


and please don't call me a moron, it is not nice.


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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It could be true. It could be false. We get to enjoy the freedom of debating it on a web forum. As for officials saying this is what happened - evidence, please. Otherwise, it's merely conjecture. 


However you look at it, whoever helped her, the people in power are responsible. And they're army folks too. God forbid anyone ever invades this country again. 

At least no worries about invasion after billions better spent on submarines instead of rice.  

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Even a private jet can't take off without giving full disclosure of passengers on board to civil aviation authorities and take clearance unless she used land border with her supporters or like minded duty officer and flew from another soil again where money can do wonders. 

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5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It could be true. It could be false. We get to enjoy the freedom of debating it on a web forum. As for officials saying this is what happened - evidence, please. Otherwise, it's merely conjecture. 


However you look at it, whoever helped her, the people in power are responsible. And they're army folks too. God forbid anyone ever invades this country again. 


"God forbid anyone ever invades this country again"


You have not read the Thai press or educated in Thailand, Thailand has NEVER been invaded


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1 hour ago, Nemesis7 said:

Even a private jet can't take off without giving full disclosure of passengers on board to civil aviation authorities and take clearance unless she used land border with her supporters or like minded duty officer and flew from another soil again where money can do wonders. 


However, is there a final check of who is on the aircraft against a previously lodge list of those to travel, and at same time a complete / final passport check conducted immediately before the a/c doors are closed?


Do the regulation state the above or similar or is it not really checked? If someone wanted to / was determined to get on a pvt jet then seems to me they could easily bypass immigration at an airport.


If there are lackies involved they could easily do some observations to find out which airport is very lax with these things.  


Sure there are regulations, compliance with everything in this country is very poor and unprofessional.  

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They should be able to find her escape route because they helped her plan it As for the photo i hope her supporters look at that and think what a low down grub she is just like the backside standing beside her. Stole millions from Thai and yes i really hope they catch her and her brother but they wont

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4 hours ago, jayboy said:

Of course he doesn't disagree that it could be true, you dope.Why are you people so thick? Is it because that in any subject connected with Shinawatra you lose all power of rational thought. Of course Thaksin's support is possible even probable.However the point being made is that since Chalermchai is obviously clueless on every aspect of Yingluck's escape, how can he possibly make a definitive statement that Thaksin assisted.Moreover he is only guessing that Yingluck's exit was "well planned".Even Prayuth (see separate thread) has conceded security officials haven't the foggiest - probably a lie but at least intellectually consistent.


Indeed. Just as some people are so thick, or choose to be, they keep pretending Thaksin and his family are socialists who actually care about any but themselves!

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1 hour ago, Dave67 said:

You have not read the Thai press or educated in Thailand, Thailand has NEVER been invaded



Which perhaps explains why Thais prefer to say, Thailand has never been colonised by another country, but don't mention/know-about certain other events ?


Apart from wars with Burma, Laos & Cambodia, there was also a little-known British episode, at the end of WW2  ...


" The Japanese surrendered on 15 August 1945. Immediately, Allied military responsibility for Thailand fell to the British. As soon as practicable, British and Indian troops were flown in and rapidly secured the release of surviving POWs. The British were surprised to find that the Japanese soldiers had already been largely disarmed by the Thais. "




and  "The main effect of the peace treaty was to undo the Thai annexation of the Shan States and four of the Unfederated Malay States.[2] The British achieved less than they had hoped, largely because the United States opposed any punitive action against Thailand. They were unable, for instance, to reduce the size of Thai armed forces.[3] The treaty did require the free delivery of up to 1.5 million tons rice, which was in surplus in Thailand, to British Malaya, where there was a shortage.[4] It also forbade the Thais from building a canal across the Kra peninsula, which clause undercut the authority of Pridi Banomyong's government."




The rice helped alleviate the widespread-starvation which had resulted during WW2, across the British South-East Asian Empire, as a result of the interruption of the normal shipping of rice from Thailand/Burma (who grew most of it) to Singapore/Malaya/India (where it was consumed).


But I digress.




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16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Your're making assumptions to suit your agenda as usual. If you've got your tin hat on might as well think outside the box.


Could it be the verdict was likely to be guilty but little sis didn't want jail time and was threatening to rat out on big bro and the clan?


And by the way, he likes his martyrs. More than one way to skin a cat.


But as one erstwhile poster said on another connected thread, some posters are drifting into Alice in Wonderland. 


The chances of even the Junta being dumb enough to abduct her are small enough to be laughable; about the same as her brother abducting her.


But if wrong, I shall apologize and be sincerely shocked and disgusted. And I trust you will do like wise as other posters have pledged to do.



I think claims of abduction are bizarre , im pretty certain she skipped the country and quite frankly who would blame her. Who knows if she got a helping hand from the current regime , its certainly plausible , lets face it they are hardly likely to admit to it.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Indeed. Just as some people are so thick, or choose to be, they keep pretending Thaksin and his family are socialists who actually care about any but themselves!

"I have no window to look into another man's conscience"

Thomas More


Who knows what Thaksin really cares about in his inner most soul.Same applies to Prayuth,Suthep,Abhisit, you, me and Uncle Tom Cobley.If you have access to those secret stirrings, well done you.As for me I judge mostly by words spoken and action taken.


I can't really be bothered with your nonsense I'm afraid.I would just identify a particular silliness of yours.If there were a thousand ways to describe Thaksin, the very last thing I would suggest was "socialist."

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