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Red-shirt crackdown: Supreme Court agrees no grounds for suing Abhisit, Suthep


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45 minutes ago, seajae said:

everyone seems to be missing the point that these charges were dropped because the dsi(on orders from  guess who) instigated the charges when they were not legally able to, they simply were not legal so the judges had no course but to drop them. The stuff up was with the ptp telling the dsi to organize the charges, this has nothing to do with anything else or who did what, if they had of used the correct department to lay the charges they would be legal and still ongoing


The Shin lovers only complain when something isn't in the Shin's interest. If it happened the other way around they'd be squealing like stuck pigs that proper procedure wasn't followed.


Tharit was instructed to do this to put pressure on S and A to support the whitewash amnesty bill. 


Thaksin doesn't give a fig about justice or the lives of the sheeple.

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It's all just a game Suthep should have been locked up a long time ago and the key thrown away but it's never going to happen.


While there is a tiny minority that control the armed forces and judiciary feel they have a god given right to govern Thailand and are prepared to use any means available to them to achieve it there will never be any real peace or reconciliation.


In Thailand everything changes yet everything stays the same.



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9 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yeah right. And it was Thaksin who instructed Tharit to act outside his remit and authority to bring these charges in the first place.

If you have prove that Thaksin instructed Tharit, spit it out. At least DSI had the fortitude to investigate and bring charges for those innocent killed. I don't expect the crony corruption agencies like the NACC to bring charges. Now that the court has spoken, it really reinforced the fact tweeted by Thaksin. 

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16 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So you have no issue with Tharit acting outside his remit and authority?


Or dismiss the strange coincidence that Tharit, having switch his allegiance and serving the Shins, brought these charges. which he wasn't empowered to, just when Thaksin and his cronies were trying to push through a whitewash amnesty, which they wanted A and S to go along with. Pure coincidence.

What you write has absolutely zero relevance on my remark. My remark was I did not miss the point that the DSI was not authorized. I made no claims whatsoever about the actions of Tharit. 


Why do you keep complaining about a amnesty that never came to be, start complaining about the one that did make it through, as that one is far far worse. 

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

If you have prove that Thaksin instructed Tharit, spit it out. At least DSI had the fortitude to investigate and bring charges for those innocent killed. I don't expect the crony corruption agencies like the NACC to bring charges. Now that the court has spoken, it really reinforced the fact tweeted by Thaksin. 


Ok Eric. You want to believe Tharit was acting out of a love of justice? Yeah sure. Just like when he refused to investigate Yingluck for perjury as it was ok to lie on oath as long as your're only a witness not the defendant.


And you don't think he's the Shins crony and turned to DSI into a Shin attack dog?


Guess Thaksin's real beef is that he couldn't bribe or intimidate the judges to get himself and his little sister off.



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1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

What you write has absolutely zero relevance on my remark. My remark was I did not miss the point that the DSI was not authorized. I made no claims whatsoever about the actions of Tharit. 


Why do you keep complaining about a amnesty that never came to be, start complaining about the one that did make it through, as that one is far far worse. 


So what is your opinion of why Tharit was motivated to act beyond his remit and authority?

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1 hour ago, seajae said:

everyone seems to be missing the point that these charges were dropped because the dsi(on orders from  guess who) instigated the charges when they were not legally able to, they simply were not legal so the judges had no course but to drop them. The stuff up was with the ptp telling the dsi to organize the charges, this has nothing to do with anything else or who did what, if they had of used the correct department to lay the charges they would be legal and still ongoing

Did the NACC not drop the case in 2015

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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


The Shin lovers only complain when something isn't in the Shin's interest. If it happened the other way around they'd be squealing like stuck pigs that proper procedure wasn't followed.


Tharit was instructed to do this to put pressure on S and A to support the whitewash amnesty bill. 


Thaksin doesn't give a fig about justice or the lives of the sheeple.

Thaksin might not, many others do. Surely you are not suggesting Suthep and Abhisit should not be held accountable for the mess they are largely responsible for ? Did you not claim you were not biased, well you can't fool me, what an utter ridiculous post. They employed the army to handle a demonstration, that was a gross error, and they should be held accountable. Regardless of the things you are trying to point out, those are all irrelevant when it concerns the actual foolish decision they took.

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So what is your opinion of why Tharit was motivated to act beyond his remit and authority?

I don't care about Tharit, I want the people that are partly responsbile for the dead of over 90 Thai civilians to be accountable. Now surely that is not too much to ask.

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3 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

Did the NACC not drop the case in 2015

They did ? On what grounds, they sure as hell haven't dropped the case for the by comparison minor incident in 2008, alltough magically the case against Prawit brother will not be appealed. 

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I know this will wind up a few of the posters on tvf but if a certain person who after having a large amount of money confiscated by the courts did not bankroll and wind up a large rent a mob to go to Bangkok to protest and riot and if need be burn Bangkok and kill anybody that tried to stop them non of this would have happened. To use Thai thinking if they were not there non of this would have happened .

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3 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

I don't care about Tharit, I want the people that are partly responsbile for the dead of over 90 Thai civilians to be accountable. Now surely that is not too much to ask.

No that is not too much to ask, to have them investigated and to see how much they are accountable and how much others are accountable and then get judged. Seems fair and reasonable. They will surely bring everything in such an investigation.. arms of the protesters, blackshirts ect. But there were  mistakes made that is for sure now a court case into that is the least they can do. 

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2 minutes ago, Gudge said:

I know this will wind up a few of the posters on tvf but if a certain person who after having a large amount of money confiscated by the courts did not bankroll and wind up a large rent a mob to go to Bangkok to protest and riot and if need be burn Bangkok and kill anybody that tried to stop them non of this would have happened. To use Thai thinking if they were not there non of this would have happened .

Correct, the one who financed the mob and the armed protesters should not go free either. If someone hits me and I hit back (too hard) I am responsible.. but without that first hit it would never have happened. Judges take things like that into account. 

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21 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So you think the black shirts were nothing to do with Thaksin?


Perhaps Chalerm was right - they never existed. All the photos just photo shopped!

Of course they existed.To be honest I initially assumed they were connected with Thaksin.Subsequently it slowly appeared it was not so straightforward and that inter military conflicts could be involved.The lack of any follow through (shades of the drugs war) rather confirms this likelihood.Even those who hated Thaksin couldn't find a link which presumably would have been easy to uncover in interrogation.

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2 minutes ago, jayboy said:

Of course they existed.To be honest I initially assumed they were connected with Thaksin.Subsequently it slowly appeared it was not so straightforward and that inter military conflicts could be involved.The lack of any follow through (shades of the drugs war) rather confirms this likelihood.Even those who hated Thaksin couldn't find a link which presumably would have been easy to uncover in interrogation.

Lies, blackshirts were convicted that were redshirts.. they could prove they were there ones at the scene but could not prove about who did what that is why some went free (masks you know). But the ones caught were redshirts and identified to be at the scene. 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

the Appeals Court upheld the Criminal Court’s decision to dismiss the suit on the grounds that the defendants did not order the crackdowns as private individuals, but rather as the government leaders.

interesting logic; guess govt officials get a free pass; and , please, why dont these judges just wear their yellow shirts 

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Referees in boxing matches and football games do that. Judges work to a different paradigm.


...and then there are Thai judges.

Not the judges I know, they do take into account what made certain things happen.


If you hit me and I hit you back and you go down and I do significant damage, I would be punished... but I would be far harder punished if i had hit you without you hitting me first. 


Same applies to the red shirts and their armed Blackshirt terrorists, had they not been there the army would not have hit as hard. It will be taken into account. 

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Class struggle: elite and upper middle class VS the rest. The first has a privileged position, do not want to spread the loot, feel the others deserve their conditions (and have colluded with religious leaders to brainwash everyone that karma exists), and, henceforth, they will do anything to keep the status quo because they believe Buddha wants it. Game, set, and match. It will take many paradigm shifts or a revolution to make this situation change.

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2 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

So they overstepped their authority. Isn't that the same charge the ministers and Mrs T were charged with.


At the end of the day someone gave the order to shoot. 


This is not a red or yellow bashing tweet, but questions as to who gave the order need to be answered. There are 80 families out there that will never have a loved one come home. If the General is to be fair, both sides of politics need to be accountable.

People are easily taken in by the fake news that surrounded these events. Fact is many of the people who died were not shot by police or military; that armed forces' guns were used can be easily explained by the raids that certain red shirt supporters carried out on military and police stores. You only have to look at the various speeches, evidence (such as u-tube) and so on to see that making martyrs of innocent people was part of the overall Red Shirt strategy. Not a new idea but one that was used here to try and label Abhisit and his cabinet 'murders', whilst avoiding the issue of Thaksin's extra-judicial killings of more than 3000 people during his term in office. Indeed when you organise such a mass occupation and encourage your supporters to violence (of which there is much evidence) then people will die or get hurt as a natural consequence. Only die-hard ideologues supporting the reds refuse to see this and continue to spread the lie about 80 or 90 innocents "being killed on Abhisit's orders" when in fact any dispassionate view would question the truth in such a statement. In these situations it's always best to look behind the headlines. Personally I get fed up of the right-wing myopic farangs who continue to spread these lies on behalf of that would be dictator now resident in Dubai.

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13 minutes ago, robblok said:

Not the judges I know, they do take into account what made certain things happen.


If you hit me and I hit you back and you go down and I do significant damage, I would be punished... but I would be far harder punished if i had hit you without you hitting me first. 


Same applies to the red shirts and their armed Blackshirt terrorists, had they not been there the army would not have hit as hard. It will be taken into account. 

So the judges you know subscribe to Hammurabi's Code?


I know of no respected legal principle that will condone or otherwise mitigate any ultimately illegal act just because it was in response to another party's action, illegal or otherwise. Proportionate or disproportionate doesn't even get a look in.


OK, now how about the Thai judges that you know?

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