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Huge Fines On Arrival

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A group of five friends arrived at the new airport two days ago for their well earned one month holiday in Pattaya. Four of them being smokers, and not liking the brands avialable in Thailand decided to bring a reasonable supply of their own cigs from the duty free in England. O.K. 10 sleeves each might be excessive but they were purely for their own use, plus maybe a few packets for me , hopefully.

After being searched the five lads were dutifully wisked away to some police station approx half an hour away where they had all the cigs taken off them and a fine of 3,000 (Three thousand pounds) deducted from their wallets.

Given the choice of pay or go directly to jail (Whether Bluffing or not ) the lads coughed up and after five hours were let go to continue on their journey to Patters.

Another family of four (Man ,wife and two young kids ) were fined 1,000 pounds and not having enough money to continue their holiday got the next flight home.

Could this be another money making scam from the customs. Surley the duty on fifty sleeves of cigs can't be that high. Don't get me wrong, they new they had exeeded the limit but three grand is not a nice way to start your hols.

TIT the land of smiles

Just be carefull lads

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A group of five friends arrived at the new airport two days ago for their well earned one month holiday in Pattaya. Four of them being smokers, and not liking the brands avialable in Thailand decided to bring a reasonable supply of their own cigs from the duty free in England. O.K. 10 sleeves each might be excessive but they were purely for their own use, plus maybe a few packets for me , hopefully.

After being searched the five lads were dutifully wisked away to some police station approx half an hour away where they had all the cigs taken off them and a fine of 3,000 (Three thousand pounds) deducted from their wallets.

Given the choice of pay or go directly to jail (Whether Bluffing or not ) the lads coughed up and after five hours were let go to continue on their journey to Patters.

Another family of four (Man ,wife and two young kids ) were fined 1,000 pounds and not having enough money to continue their holiday got the next flight home.

Could this be another money making scam from the customs. Surley the duty on fifty sleeves of cigs can't be that high. Don't get me wrong, they new they had exeeded the limit but three grand is not a nice way to start your hols.

TIT the land of smiles

Just be carefull lads

Paid a fine of 210,000 baht for a few fags?

He could pay a fine of 1,000 pounds (70,000 baht) but did not have enough money to continue his holiday?


Edited by PREM-R
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Could this be another money making scam from the customs.

Quite likely, 3,000 pounds is a huge sum for a Thai fine (although maybe not so high considering that five people are involved). Shaking tourists down for fines in excess of the 'official' amount is not uncommon practice and customs is probably the most corrupt institution in Thailand. If they had resisted firmly and very politely and asked to get in touch with a lawyer (although difficult given the circumstances) they may have been able to get a more realistic fine or even get out of it (though probably after a quite lengthy wait). Just curious - did your friends give any 'lip' to the officers involved?

One of my friends got done (by a cop) for not wearing a seatbelt and was asked to hand in his passport. When he explained that he was on his way to catch a plane to Denmark the officer's reply was 'Well, this is going to be expensive then'!

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These 'customs nightmare' stories are coming in thick and fast now, from the new airport.

A friend of mine arrived yeterday from the U.K. via Qatar and had 1 litre of spirits only, purchased in Doha. He was stopped by customs, and gave them a bit of lip because he was within his limits and they emptied his suitcase like a group of mad animals, they were clearly annoyed that there was nothing to gain.

Then one sharp-eyed customs official took the one litre bottle of spirits away for inspection, returned a few minutes later and demanded a fine of 18,750 Baht. The reason given was the proof of the blue-label Smirnoff was 50% which was 10% higher than regulations.

He paid the fine (approx. $U.S. 500), and the litre of spirits was confiscated.

A warning for us all. I often bring a litre of spirits for myself, and a litre of liquor for the Mrs. Thankfully after reading these recent customs reports I shall be extra careful.

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What is the bet that if it was a King Power purchased good then it'd be OK?

Problem here is not that customs are enforcing the rules, rather that the rules are arcane to begin with bearing no reality to the real world.

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For nearly six years coming in and out of Don Muang the customs people never even looked at me.

Sorry to hear all of these reports of Falangs being shaken down. When I was doing visa runs to Burma from Ranong a few years ago one English guy was grabbed by Thai customs coming back . Seems the Burmese had grassed him up . he had quite a few boxes of fags as they were going for around a 100-120 Bt a carton back then . his finme was somewhere around 50 K Bt. and he had quite a bit. They had put up a notice at the immigration about peoiple will be "punished" for too many cigs but don't remember exactly what the fines were.

3000 pounds does seem a bit steep. Just another sad tale of Thailand becoming less user friendly. With so many tourist coming now I can just see theses things getting more and more common.


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As I recall the fine is at least 10x cost and it may be 20x. Don't have any old Customs forms but it was listed and not a secret. As Customs determines cost by market value using a number of additions for tax and transportation expense the number can get up there very quickly. Smuggling is not a good idea at any countries border.

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As I recall the fine is at least 10x cost and it may be 20x. Don't have any old Customs forms but it was listed and not a secret. As Customs determines cost by market value using a number of additions for tax and transportation expense the number can get up there very quickly. Smuggling is not a good idea at any countries border.

10 cartons (sleeves) of cigarettes each, times 5 people . . . . :o 50 cartons of cigs . . . a bit implausible for personal consumption and there are import regulations and restrictions which is nothing new or unique. . .

(Reminder to anyone coming into Singapore = == = you are allowed to being in 0 zero nil cigarettes)

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In addition to the customs duty, could there be official fines, plus bribes?

Just googled a bit and found this:

Failure to declare dutiable, restricted or prohibited items will lead to a fine amounting to four times the value of the goods plus duties and taxes and/or imprisonment for not more than 10 years. Such undeclared articles will be confiscated.


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That is also the number on the Wash DC Embassy web site - don't know why I thought it was at least 10x - just getting old feeble I guess.

Warning : Failure to declare dutiable, restricted or prohibited items will lead to a fine amounting to four times the value of the goods plus duties and taxes and/or imprisonment for not more than 10 years. Such undeclared articles will be confiscated.
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(Reminder to anyone coming into Singapore = == = you are allowed to being in 0 zero nil cigarettes)

Sling, I knew that arriving passengers couldn't buy Smokes duty free at SIN to take in, but are you suggesting that Smokes bought elsewhere are not allowed through customs either?

Edited by jingjoe
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Listen all you guys quoting comments about the law,and implying these vultures are doing their jobs, they are doing it for their own gain, Pattaya is full of BKK officials "police?" walking into falang bars, planting yes planting thai dvd's, and removing the apparatus, the member of staff,and locking them up !! They are negotiating from 80,000bt downwards, Copyright infringment......... try the cable tv operators.( it's ok to have other copies, but not Thai music.

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This doesnt surprise me in the least - a few years ago I had been working in Malaysia for a while and had taken a lot of clothes down over that time since I used to bring a few items on each trip home to BKK. When I came back I shipped the excess clothes in a cardboard box via cargo - when it arrived I had to pay 3000 baht on top of fees for processing - when I asked, they said it was duty - I explained that they were second hand and had come from my home here in Thailand and they ignored me.

Related note - Australian customs aren't much better - I bought a mate some cigarettes duty free when I went to Sydney and as I was over the limit (by one carton) I had to pay full duty rate on ALL, not just the bit that was over, or lose them all - they would not allow me to return the over-allowance amount to the shop directly behind them where I had just made the purchase - take all and pay, or take none!

Customs around the world can be real female genitalia when they feel like it!

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(Reminder to anyone coming into Singapore = == = you are allowed to being in 0 zero nil cigarettes)

Sling, I knew that arriving passengers couldn't buy Smokes duty free at SIN to take in, but are you suggesting that Smokes bought elsewhere are not allowed through customs either?

I have been to SP 4 times now and always take 2 cartons from King Power in a bag..plain to see..I have never had a problem :o

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(Reminder to anyone coming into Singapore = == = you are allowed to being in 0 zero nil cigarettes)

Sling, I knew that arriving passengers couldn't buy Smokes duty free at SIN to take in, but are you suggesting that Smokes bought elsewhere are not allowed through customs either?

I have been to SP 4 times now and always take 2 cartons from King Power in a bag..plain to see..I have never had a problem :o

There is no duty free allowance for cigarettes when entering Singapore checkout


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"Duty Free Allowance

The duty free allowance will be applied to accompanied personal effects up to Bath 10,000 worth if i) the items are intended for your own personal or professional uses; ii) the quantity are reasonable; and iii) the items are not subject to prohibition or restriction.

However, there are limits on the amount of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cigars and smoking tobacco to which you may include in your duty free personal exemption as follows:

· 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of cigars or smoking tobacco

· 1 litre of spirituous liquor.

Personal effects do not include motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts regardless of the length of time used and owned. " Thai Customs.

So the Duty Free allowance is 200 cigarettes per person and they brought in 2000 each. The fine has nothing to do with the duty and tax on the cigarettes and everything to do with trying to smuggle goods into Thailand.

Having established my moral high ground, I am very concerned to learn that Customs are actually stopping and searching people at the new airport. They hardly ever did that at the old one. How many bottles of wines will I risk bringing in on my next trip? Maybe I'll put a bottle of J W Black label on the top of my suitcase contents?

Edited by wowpow
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After being searched the five lads were dutifully wisked away to some police station approx half an hour away where they had all the cigs taken off them and a fine of 3,000 (Three thousand pounds) deducted from their wallets.

The bold above is the most interesting point here.

Taxes....ok! But why did they have to go to a police-station? :o

This case smells.....or............................is stinking a better word?

Also: did they get stamped-receipts for the money paid?


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I am a regular visitor to thailand and i always bring in 1 sleeve of uk cigs... The last two times I arrived at Don Muang I was searched OUTSIDE the arrival terminal. ( whilst having a smoke!!!)

I complied with their instructions, had nothing with me I should not have, was polite to them and they sent me on my way.

10 sleeves per person for a 2 week holiday= approx 150 cigs per day....more if they did not all smoke !!!! I dont think so.

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Shaking tourists down for fines in excess of the 'official' amount is not uncommon practice and customs is probably the most corrupt institution in Thailand. !

Another practice which is not uncommon is the fabrication of urban legends by gossipy farangs.

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That is also the number on the Wash DC Embassy web site - don't know why I thought it was at least 10x - just getting old feeble I guess.
Warning : Failure to declare dutiable, restricted or prohibited items will lead to a fine amounting to four times the value of the goods plus duties and taxes and/or imprisonment for not more than 10 years. Such undeclared articles will be confiscated.

hmm.. simle it is : four times the value .. ok .. few K baht ,, imprisonment for not more than 10 years >> priceless !! now ya all do the maths :o

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The fine does sound about right for the amount which is 10 times the duty free allowance. I think people would expect trouble, if caught with 10 bottles of licquor. As others have pointed Thai customs at the airport have taken a relaxed approach towards foreigners for many years which has probably been a deliberate policy to be tourist friendly. I hope this is not a new policy for a new airport.

Like others I would also like to know if the smugglers were given receipts or whether this was plain old extortion. Taking them to a police station to scare them and out of site of witnesses and the security cameras in the customs area suggests it was latter. Customs officers are legally allowed to impose fines on the spot and only need to have people arrested, if they can't or won't pay.

I have been caught with an extra bottle coming into the UK and let off with a stern warning and confiscation of both bottles, which seems the right way to deal with cases (but perhaps not those with 10 times over the limit). If they are putting the money in their own pocket and sharing it with the local cops, there is obviously no incentive to show any leniency. Naturally wealthy Thais are met by some one in uniform at the gate and whisked through customs without the risk of a search.

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I feel something is missin here. Can't agree with highest fine of Thai Customs. If one were to say TB 3,000 I would agree, but GBP 3,000 that is un believable. Do the persons in questions have an official reciept for the fine?

Please Do Not taint Thailand so bad. There are rules and they do follow. Problem is we farangs don't get it.

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If memory serves me right (it rarely does), we have had at least two similar stories, but from Don Muang in the past one or two years here on TV.

In both cases, the fines were excessive.

It appears they are trying to deter smuggling and making a nice profit for themselves at the same time.

Moral of the story: Do not attempt to smuggle anything into the country.

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Sometime during late 2000 / early 2001, someone I know got caught at Mae Sai

They had 4 sleeves (40 packs or 800 cigarettes) bought in the Tachilek market

The fine was 350 baht per pack of 20 cigarettes - levied ont he total quantity = 14,000 baht

After paying the fine, they were allowed to keep 1 sleeve (200 cigarettes) and the rest was confiscated. An official receipt for both the fine and the cigarettes was given but they had to sign a "confession" in Thai in an official log book, so they now have a police record.

They believe they were tailed through Tachilek market and reported to the customs who were waiting just inside Thailand behind the immigration checkpoint.

It was nearing end of month, but I'm not cynical enough to say that's why they got nabbed :o

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