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Everything posted by retarius

  1. You used to need a special account (which has no debit card) AND a regular savings account at the same institution. But that was 2015 and may have changed now. You have to do transactions and withdrawals in person.....so your wife or g/f cannot make withdrawals if you die. I keep a very low balance in this account so that my wife will not be in a position of try to get the cash out.
  2. Very silly. Flood insurance in the US is a boon for mega rich. It is subsidised by the Federal Government because private insurers will not accept properties in flood plains. A hidden untaxed BS subsidy for mega rich.
  3. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be cool again.
  4. Usual US accusations and smears. Where is the evidence? Show us the evidence like you did with Putin's election interference....which reminds me why isn't Hillary or any of those folks who begged this up, in jail?
  5. You don't say? But will people and businesses obey the new laws? I think not. As long as it costs money to dispose of hazardous waste Thais will fly tip it.
  6. Yup, nerve gas persursors from the US and El Al, yes it figures.
  7. All these Putin dunnit's are stupid. Why would Putin potentially sabotage his own election right before it when Navalny would have been silenced at any time before or later? The election interference was disproved long ago but Hillary never went to jail. The Skripal's is also nonsense....right before the World Cup in Russia and all the western leaders pulled out? Only a fool would do that and Putin isn't a fool. And now the Skripal's a well and truly silenced, the UK daren't let them out as they will spill the beans to the UK press. Maybe, Starmer will free them and blame it on the Tories.
  8. It is about time we had some common sense and some push back on the nuttiness from Washington. People have always been picked on and name called and it helps you in life as you get a tougher skin and learn to roll with the punctures. Looking back to my schooldays, it was kids with angry pustular acne that got the most abuse. We didn't have gays to abuse in those days, or at least I didn't know any? Yes people got called h@m@, but they weren't homosexual.....it was a general term of abuse. My advice to those living in such states that don't want wokeism a ) grow a thicker skin or b) move if you are a snowflake.
  9. How many people did they kill, maim or rape?
  10. Rubbish. These kids have morals, people who support genocide have no morals worth talking about. Anecdotes are not evidence.
  11. You need to start looking at things from a per capita basis. I don't see Russia complaining it has no men to fight at the front.
  12. There are laws against killing civilians. Look at the civilian body count in Ukraine/Russia.....precision munitions exist, but the IDF prefer the 2000lb American bomb in the middle of civilian housing.
  13. Typical justification for atrocity: Reds under the bed. Grow up and open your eyes, fool. You will never get into heaven condoning the actions of these Jewish murderers.
  14. Before Iraq a million people marched in London. In many other countries too. The students protested Vietnam as well......and they were RIGHT to do so. Today's protesters are against more Israeli and Jewish violence. Jews are killing innocent children and women, unarmed, they are invading hospitals and dumping the results of their violence there into mass graves. They are doing evil things. I support these protesting kids, they have decent morals that is clear and hopefully can pull the US and Israel out of the path of darkness and evil. It is not anti-semitic to protest these vile murders....but personally I loathe people who try to justify Israel's stand. You ask why they protest Myanmar.....well the US isn't selling arms in Myanmar to do the killing. It is complicit in Gaza and has vast amounts of blood on its hands.
  15. Arresting people for wanted the murder of innocents by the IDF to stop in Gaza, will not stop because of arrests and heavy handed treatment by the police. The movement will grow if you try to suppress it. Biden and the establishment are on the wrong side of history, the same as in the Vietnam era, and history will laud the brave stand of idealistic children over the brutality of the establishment and police. Let's hope it doesn't escalate to Ohio like protests with National Guard gunning down the state's student body.
  16. I looked for that, also searched them out. I couldn't see anything buy Hollywood smiles, dazzlingly white. Perhaps the authorities should be putting pictures of these poor old women with sunken faces and blackened teeth on all packs of betel nuts.
  17. Bit like the prosecutor in the OJ trial....Marcia Someone....spent two weeks trying to establish that he was a serial wife beater, and as one of the jurors said afterwards, 'even if he was a wife beater, it don't make him no murderer'.
  18. Looks nice when the sunshines. Bit bleak in winter I imagine.
  19. Boeing's reputation is in tatters. As a kid I remember it was sky high with the 747. Superb engineering and safety. Now they don't give a funk about safety.
  20. I read yesterday that the CEO of TikTok US said no way will they sell, and that no way will they part with the algorithm. But perhaps he's lying. Has Biden got the fortitude to ban the application when so many people (79 million) use it daily before the election. If you took my wife's TikTok away, she might punch you in the eye, and certainly wouldn't vote for you.
  21. I tend to think that the jury has been picked with an eye to conviction. Let's face it, it is simply a political trial, and evidence doesn't matter. We then come to sentencing and then several state and federal appeals. Something tells me that the democrats will live to regret destroying the credibility of the whole legal system dragging these years old issues into partisan courts......two can play at that game.
  22. If the US is able to sell products to its allies like Ukraine, then so is China. If the US wants to make an issue of it, they can. But how do they police trade between countries that have a land border? But in this time of war and weaponised illegal sanctions, China would be a fool to isolate itself from Russia by becoming a US vassals and toeing the line on sanctions. China is next on the chopping block and will be the next major war unless Iran plays up too badly. I'm sure the US is dreaming up sanctions for China but Russia has shown the world how to avoid sanctions and such sanctions will only advance de-dollarisation, that can't come fast enough for me. The other thing is the rollover of US debt. If China doesn't turn up at the auctions the US will find debt more expensive and harder to come by.
  23. Revolting. An indictment of US cops who are always too ready to use violence.
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