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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. Not really. A gay man can be celibate. A straight man can be celibate. It's about sexual orientation or who you are attracted too sexually or romantically, not the actual act.
  2. No relationship produces children. Only sex can do that. Alexander The Great was gay and had a wife and family, so did Oscar Wilde. Plenty of gay parents.
  3. But you stated that you believe that gay people were born that way, so why is that a fault?
  4. It's not the meaning of the words you use but your utilisation of them as perjoratives and the way you repeat them over and over again. No one's falling for your "I'm only quoting the dictionary definition" nonsense. And being gay is not the result of "a fault".
  5. I didn't know about this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Kissed_a_Boy_(TV_series)#:~:text=I Kissed a Boy is,and narrated by Layton Williams. "The series follows ten single gay men who are matched up and meet for the first time "...with a kiss. No small talk. No messages. Just one kiss to test out their chemistry". Prior to the final episode of series 1 airing on 5 June 2023, the BBC announced that a spin-off of I Kissed A Boy for lesbian couples titled I Kissed A Girl, would be commissioned. Dannii Minogue will return as host, with the programme set to film in September 2023." Bet Mango watches it clutching his pearls.
  6. A gay person kissing a gay person is the accepted norm these days in more civilsed cultures so it doesn't work. If you dont like to see it, you don't have to. You just seem to want to be offended by it so you watch it, which is no ones tragedy but your own. You're repearedly calling people "not normal" and "deviants" just to antagonize and insult, no other reason. It's unnecessary but par for the course with any LGBT post on this site. And you seem to have a poor grasp of equality too. It's not something you allow others as long as it conforms to your standards.
  7. No one is forced to watch anything. You do realise that your remote has off and switch channel buttons don't you? And quit with the slurs.
  8. Well, there are a number of terms you could have used; non-LGBT, straight, cisgender :) . Let's get away from this LGBT people aren't normal crap. It does nobody any good.
  9. So all people must be treated equal but you think that LGBT people aren't normal. Lol.
  10. Nice swerve. Debate should be like tennis where you knock ideas back and forth, not golf where you hit an idea down the middle and chase after it. If you state something as fact you must be prepared to provide evidence. The "do your research" argument just doesn't cut it.
  11. "The Total Fertility Rate of a population is the average number of children that are born to a woman over her lifetime." "The Birthrate - the number of live births per thousand of population per year." Not the same but I'm with you. So what's your answer to my questions?
  12. I don't watch these shows, Jensen so can you suggest some examples to verify your claim? I think you mean birth rate not fertility rate. Can you provide data to prove your contention that it is this that's causing the decline in birthrate and not other social factors?
  13. Yes, and I think it depends on the actual depiction of the character too. I don't particularly want to see Sherlock Holmes in S&M gear any more than I want to see him married off, as it just doesn't fit the character.
  14. Explain why you think you're important but people in minorities aren't? Is that not the very definition of bigotry?
  15. Not quite. Although Thais don't always expect you to wai back it's polite to do so. Generally you only initiate a wai to someone older, an official or a monk. You should definitely do it to Thai friends if they initiate it.
  16. I think you mean reincarnated. Resurrection is something else. I'm so unlucky I'd probably come back as myself.
  17. And on top of all that you've got a vivid imagination. :)
  18. So that's roughly 285ml. and 88 bht per 100ml. which would make it £11.43 a pint or £5.72 a half. Not cheap but probably worth it as a treat.
  19. I think it will. Carabao have invested huge sums in a beer production facility with cutting-edge, foreign technology and will produce 200-400 million litres annually. They're really serious about this.
  20. I've managed to pick up cans of the Rosé and Weizen, issued under the Tawandang brand and the Carabao Dunkel and Lager but, like others I still haven't seen the Tawandang IPA. I've only tried the lager so far which was different and interesting but I agree about the strange aftertaste. I'll get to the others soon.
  21. Am I missing something here? I'm by no means an expert on womens menstrual products but the article mentions tampons and pads, presumably from a dispenser. The people that need them will use them and those that don't will ignore them. That's it. From all the pearl clutching and tizziness here you'd think it was the end of western civilization. It might seem strange but it's nothing. No real man would be offended by something so innocuous.
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