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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Most posters on here are 'long termers' who are staying on a different visa, such as Non B/O. The government wants TOURIST money, from TOURISTS. The sexpat cheap charlies that drink the cheapest beer night after night and never stay in a proper hotel are not their target. As much as I would like this stamp/visa to be 90 days, how many 'real tourists' actually stay that long? And when I say 'real tourists' I'm excluding retired men who get a long-term accommodation rental and have friends here and don't move around the country.
  2. And there was me thinking that a cardiologist was a heart doctor, not a lung expert. Well, you live and learn! I'm off to see my pulmonologist, to get my ingrown toenail sorted out.
  3. There's certainly more overtaking in the cycle race, and a lot fewer spoilt pr*cks!
  4. For those who are unable to find English commentary... just look below the game and choose your feed.
  5. I replied to your message anyway, but take a look under each game that's playing and see the choice of feeds.
  6. Yes. Just follow that link and enjoy.
  7. VietJet isn't the best airline, but you get what you pay for. Maybe these Thais thought that they were more special than other passengers. It seems a bit unfair for the whole group to be kicked off if only a few were being bad... but maybe they booked the flight together and that was the only resolution.
  8. It may spell doom for Thailand's economy, but things like this are good for the planet and the environment.
  9. It works fine in Thailand. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to past this link here or not but.... https://www.ufa1913.com/ดูบอลสด/#player
  10. ufa1913.com The home page is annoyingly covered by ads and noise, but once you've chosen your match and clicked on FULL SCREEN it's awesome.
  11. I'm insinuating nothing other than they haven't been found guilty in a court of law yet, so the wording should should reflect that appropriately.
  12. the full first paragraph of this thread (not the linked article) reads as follows... "Police arrested a teenage couple after they murdered a Thai man on a road along an irrigation canal in the northern province of Chiang Mai." Therefore I still can't see the word allegedly that you're referring to. I believe that the Burmese boys were encouraged to admit to murdering the British couple on Koh Tao, but there are a lot of people who don't believe that makes it true.
  13. So, they haven't been convicted in a court of law yet, but the sub-heading reads 'a teenage couple after they murdered a Thai man'
  14. I would rather have my freedom other dignity.
  15. It's true about the underwear. My wife goes mad if I try to go anywhere in the car with no shirt, which might suggest that it could be (another daft) law. I would never drive topless unless just dropping someone off and not getting out of the car.. but alas it didn't happen. As for walking around topless, on an island or Pattaya, I guess it's ok. In a city, no.. just don't do it.
  16. That's a cup AND saucer! Why do you have to leave the saucer out? Are you sauceraphobic? Did you used to be a saucer? Did a saucer abuse you once? Why do you have it in for all saucers?
  17. Why do you claim that it's half empty? Please read in a Scouse accent.
  18. Not sure why this is NEWS, because in any civilised country it would be expected. "demonstrated a shining example of accountability within the police force." ????????????????????????????
  19. Goodness me, this has escalated somewhat, hasn't it? Can people not just agree to disagree? No one is happy that this poor innocent lady has been murdered in cold blood.
  20. But road users - shouldn't drive drunk - shouldn't drive over the speed limit - shouldn't drive the wrong way - should wear seat belts and crash helmets - should drive with a valid licence None of these seem to be adhered to, so why would anyone put a kid in a seat? And how about toddlers and babies on motorbikes?
  21. Could you make this up...? "online criminality linked to foreigners in Thailand which was damaging the image of the kingdom and which posed a nuisance to the public."
  22. What does unervingly mean?
  23. ANYthing from Simply Ginger, especially the Stars album. The only reason I haven't had killed 'taken care of' is because then the radio stations would play his 'hits' for a week or more afterwards!
  24. Proof read the first line. 'in in' Don't shoot the messenger, btw.
  25. I agree, but only in certain countries and Thailand's not one of them, in my opinion.
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