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Everything posted by 2long

  1. Could it be that someone who makes and sells masks sent a brown envelope to someone who makes decisions?
  2. I am NOT saying that Harley riders are gay, but to me they're like gays... In that I'm not 'one of them' but if they want to do their thing in public (be it loud and colourful or whatever) then good luck to them. Ok, if they were revving engines outside my house early in the morning, it would be annoying. But them just cruising through town is not hurting anyone more than a loud truck or a Somchai with his racy exhaust or loud music. Live and let live!
  3. Amazing that the country which is famous for 'mulling' decisions that take forever to be made is the same bunch of Muppets who make it official one way, then officially the other way just hours later! Anyway, I was recently in Phuket and a lot of locals don't wear masks in public anymore.
  4. Interesting that they have already calculated the exact sum of the damage caused. Very efficient!
  5. We really do not need police investigators, do we? Sherlock Holmes, Inespectors Morse & Clouseau & Bergerac are all here on AseanNow! I can bet that not one of those posting their expert opinions were there at the scene. And it seems wrong that specific details of the case have been leaked to the media.
  6. This guy has brains. Many people like him. How long will he last in this place? I hope a long time, but I worry!
  7. The tide is turning... - Hair cuts in school. - Thinking for oneself. - How they view people who stole authority through the use of tanks and the invisible shield. - 56x2 - No longer believing everything that is told to them by 'elders & betters' from a young age. It's not all for the good, but most of it is. ????????????????????????????
  8. Just last night my daughter told me that a girl in her school tried to end it all after being repeatedly raped by her step dad. It's clearly not the same case, but I sincerely hope that the same awful fate befalls both evil pr*cks! Personally, I just cant see the point or fun in having s*x with anyone unless they are enjoying it. This goes for ladies of the night and anyone. I guess it's just a power thing for these scum.
  9. So in the past five years how many of those (fewer) kids are at school yet? Oh, and what about a thing called inflation? This guy is a proper one! ????
  10. Can we still say this, in 2022, especially in Thailand? I mean it's so black and white, isn't it? I identify as a cucumber on every third day.
  11. Many members have already summed it up - there are masks to be sold, and profit to be made - the Muppets in charge like to keep their power - no one bothers with science or common sense here, anyway It's time to let the public and business owners decide for themselves. Many will keep wearing them, and many businesses will tell customers and staff to wear them... but freedom of choice is what's needed.
  12. Imagine how quickly they would have caught him if he had killed someone, like by dragging a policeman to his death... Oh hang on! ????
  13. RIP to that poor lad, but why is the report saying 'the remains' of a person who received one gunshot wound to his chest? Surely the 'remains' would suggest his body had been broken into more than one part or had started to decompose. Can't they just use the word 'body'?
  14. Well, it was one hell of a "mission"! Either they didn't ask many, or they asked loads but only one wanted to keep her mask on!
  15. So the headline to this article suggests that this bike show will happen in the future, but it finished yesterday! ????????????????????
  16. Yep! I agree! BUT... because Thais are not encouraged to think rationally for themselves, it's showing them how they should behave. Crazy I know.. but that's what it's about. Those in charge not only don't credit their citizens with any brains to think for themselves, they also secretly know that plenty of Thais do have brains to think, and that's what scares those in charge. Scare enough sheep, and the flock will follow obediently, or be ostracized for not doing so.
  17. I recently did just that, and the TP wouldn't go to the next page until I provided insurance, so I just bought the cheapest one and entered the policy number and a screenshot. I never did get the email promised to me by the insurance company. It was the 650B policy on the TP page.
  18. Do not get me started on the 'everyone stop' T-junctions! ???????????????? There are loads near me, and you quite rightly point out that if you stop on the line you can't see. Plus lines wear off and it's a recipe for disaster!
  19. I am sure many of us getting annoyed by the lack of warnings for dangerous corners, speed humps or rail crossings. Equally, many of us get frustrated by there being TOO MUCH warning for nothing special. I would like to invite members to post pictures of stupidly-painted roads or road signs, or the lack of them when needed. I will get the ball rolling with some "watch your speed" 'rumble strips' on a brand-new road that comes from nowhere. Just 325 metres before these warning strips the road is a dead end. All that happens there is taxi drivers sleeping and maybe some illegal meetings. This is the location and a screenshot as well I hope. https://goo.gl/maps/eExNmP3wqQdkphgm6
  20. The road through Khao Lak is lethal! Oh, and they're making it even faster and wider! Ok, from Phuket to Khao Lak needed widening, but THROUGH Khao Lak has pedestrians, song taews, local motorcyclists, tourists and more. RIP poor lady! ????
  21. Please don't get me started on road paint! I went out of LOS for 6 weeks and returned to see some more/new POINTLESS paint markings on the road. My pet hate is the rumble strips of about 15 thick lines of paint close together to warn drivers of a corner or other hazard. These can sometimes be on the wrong (both) side of the road or already on the apex. They can be a warning to road users of a corner, or other hazard. Here on Suan Phak Road, rumour has it that the owner of a restaurant was a relative of a high-ranking government official and had them painted approaching the restaurant from both directions! https://goo.gl/maps/9ZfVZKS8CmjHdMTYA It's not helped that I'm a grumpy <deleted> at the best of times, and I drive a small car that until recently needed its suspension bushes replaced. But I feel me and my car being extra sensitive helps to highlight the utter stupidity or lack of thought involved when painting the road here! The trouble is, they give extra warnings (such as paint, road signs, speed limits and lights) when it's not necessary, and no warning when it is! This will only lead drivers to ignore the painted warnings! Look here for example! A fast corner outside the Criminal Court is covered in paint, but you could safely (although illegally) make that turn at 100km/h. https://goo.gl/maps/5pzRXkDZMrFmhFEv6
  22. I've been vaxxed, and had Covid since. I'm sure they have nothing to do with it. So what does? My question is, if not relax mask mandates now, then WHEN?
  23. If we can't stop wearing them now/soon, then WHEN? They've had two years to vaccinate people. The time is NOW!
  24. Quite a dramatic and xenophobic attitude if you ask me. Why are you thinking like this? Are you planning to run away from him and your GF? Did you not think about the commitment when you got him? How would YOU feel if your gf was contemplating ending YOUR life because of her other commitments? I know many people (all around the world, but we see it a lot here) treat animals cruelly, but how could you even think about having him put down when you're asking people on this forum?! If it really came to it, give him to me or another caring member!
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