Just tried and first time when I clicked to ring my number said it had failed. Tried again and the number to input showed up but no call received on my mobile.
So yes there are definite issues which weren't there the other week.
Have you tried calling telephone banking to inform them?
It has been discussed ad nauseam in more than 1 of the tax threads which makes me question why the topic was posted in the first instance......
Just how many threads do you need on basically the same subject.......
Reads, to me anyway, as a Thai Mutual fund investing abroad - IE based in Thailand but investing outside Thailand. But maybe something got lost in the translation..............
Agreed in the absence of any further qualification.
Where did you get 144 countries from please as at best I can only find 126 signed up to data sharing? (not that it makes much difference......)
Paniad Chang (you see the sign in the video) is the 3rd Road junction half way between Klang and Nua with traffic lights - Mum Aroi on one corner, a small 7/11, Tah Siam and New Season 88 on the other corners.
In that video above you can see the flooding on 3rd Road at the Paniad Chang junction. It was however pretty much all gone when I came through it about 10/10.30 so it is definitely clearing quicker there than it used to.
Thanks for the clarification (and boat detail) as the original map was pretty much unreadable to me.
It has been about 10 years since I was last there and went a couple of times. The crossing from memory is not that long so unless you are taken short (or have had to queue for ages going back) there should be no need to avail yourself of the facilities.....but useful to be aware of.
You's get more of a feel by reading through the various tax threads where innumerable posters have elucidated their views on what they plan to do......
Why are you continuing to to argue about something you have no personal experience of and where one poster has successfully (amazingly to me) managed to pull it off and in the process obviously knows a lot more about the ins and outs than your random internet searches.....
Just to remind you this was specifically about domicile and the UK as opposed to any other country.
If you are really that interested you could create a specific thread for it rather than clutter up yet another tax thread.............
yes thanks I saw that it was being looked at but at this point it hasn't changed. If it does it potentially could make a rather large difference to affected peoples potential IHT bills........
You had to go and spoil it didn't you. I was trying to compliment you but you had to go and be snarky.
I know you are Australian as you have made it very clear on many threads. I gave you a specific example re UK and said
When you have wasted your time looking up the domicile rules for HMRC feel free to come back and in the meantime have a nice time.......
PS - and there have been previous discussions on TV/AN prior to the tax fest on the problems of changing UK domicile.......
Did they really actually say they were going to do that because I don't remember them saying that - was it in one of the organised country specific videos?
Please explain where the 15% figure comes from?
I am also curious why a Brit is suddenly "contributing" to a tax thread when the title is specifically about an "American"...