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Everything posted by topt

  1. Depending on the amount and any DTA with the country you are from then you could well not owe any tax so there would really be no issue in ignoring the form. Many countries DTAs with Thailand give sole taxation rights on "Govt" pensions to the home country - UK and US being 2. However for the UK this does not mean the state pension. Have you looked at this - Depending on your age the allowances shown may mean you owe nothing even if your not covered under the DTA.
  2. I have had this happen a few times in the past with HMRC. Worth checking before each call by using the free test function in settings and making sure you can hear what you said. Secondly I have noticed twice recently that my mic was showing as being on mute in the Skype app when I went to make a call...... The other possibility is that the Voip service at that point in time was flaky and or some internal issue at that moment as you mention.
  3. Depends if, based on your inward remittances, you actually owe them any tax..... Pre Covid I had the same and the first time I received it I went to the local revenue office to check what I was supposed to do. At that time I was told it was fine to ignore but that was before the recent change in the regulations.
  4. It's relative and some also don't - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14398989/Moment-brazen-shoplifter-empties-shelves-Boots-female-security-guard.html Apparently this is now the "norm" in the UK
  5. Depends on his phone package I guess.........
  6. Thanks for the real world report. So they still gave you a modem/router even though on a BYOD package and didn't put in bridge mode from the start?
  7. This was his full quote. If he meant paying university costs in Thailand then I don't necessarily agree except it seems very unlikely that it would be picked up at the moment. If paying for goods/services in other countries then nothing to do with remitting money into Thailand. You assume wring about TRD addressing it. It was the subject of much debate in the long tax thread with diametrically opposing views. The other point is that there is very little "fine print" from the TRD relative to what many are used to from their home countries. Saying that, from a practical perspective it would be, I believe, very difficult and time consuming for the TRD to pick up individual foreign credit card spend here unless auditing to a very high degree.
  8. You have truncated the quote and in doing so giving it a meaning that was not intended by the poster - I wonder why.........
  9. Was this from the agency involved or........?
  10. I don't think it is saying what you think it is. Entity accounts are things like company/corporation accounts. The stuff you quoted on individual accounts is to do with the due diligence or know your customer information. The flow chart on I think page 44 of the Thai CRS link shows when stuff potentially is or is not reported and has nothing to do with the size of the balance. That is my understanding but happy to be proved wrong.
  11. Ok thanks. Very different to Lloyds International using browser based access then.
  12. If there are any they would normally be taken at the time of the transfer. IE you would receive less money at the receiving bank end. How did you call the charges to be made - split or payer pay all?
  13. Unless you are hiding money from being taxed (evasion) what are you worried about....... Your details will be mixed in presumably to all your other countrypeople's details and those details as defined (depending on latest requirements of CRS) sent to your country's tax office who then may or may not do something with it....... Suggest you read up on CRS if you are that concerned - https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/user_upload/FATCA_File/crs/Thailand_CRS_Guidance_280823.pdf https://web-archive.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/common-reporting-standard-and-related-commentaries/index.htm
  14. I don't know for sure but could guess that it is required on the form they give you to give to the TRD to prove that you have paid the premium. What is your worry - what else could a big insurance company use it for........and presumably they will have all the rest of your personal info anyway.
  15. topt

    Pattaya. Where?

    From what I was told by others you may struggle with that budget - @scubascuba3 can you comment?
  16. It is possible he has no CGT liability but without him giving more detail it is impossible to say. Hence my caveat.......
  17. is that the one with a deck out over water on the left as you walk into the restaurant?
  18. This appears basically to only be that posters view based on However as challenged before that may only be applicable to Thai based SS payment. Certainly all the tax advisory services seem to think the UK state pension is taxable but that doesn't necessarily mean they are right.....
  19. I wonder if the matching suits and ties were bought especially for the trial - and if so who suggested they do that......
  20. I just don't understand why, especially since Brexit, no-one has stepped forward and seized the opportunity to completely rewrite the immigration laws which just seem completely unfit for purpose. Not suggesting it is a small job but unless someone starts soon it will be a lost cause - if it isn't already.......
  21. It would not surprise me at all. However it should be noted that the focus of the Minister's statements was more on Thai people repatriating money. I am also surprised that it has taken this long before there was any evidence of any push-back from those it probably affects most - and that is not foreign retirees.
  22. I am getting old - never heard of this before........
  23. I think that may be optimistic. From the link above However it is certainly more positive than any other news that it may actually be considered. Thanks
  24. This one has no firewall - https://www.nationthailand.com/business/banking-finance/40046276
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