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Everything posted by topt

  1. Major banks here offer Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts and generally those 2 currencies are offered. However you need to be clear on the costs. Just do your research online before you go and ask in a branch - and often only the bigger branches in a location will be able to do. https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/branch-services/international-branches/fcd_expat.pdf?la=en&hash=1B0B689C0A49EEFBB89232262CF1DAF23FC55920
  2. You need to find a way of recording that fact from account statements dated prior to 1/01/24. Could be just screen shots or similar I guess. Unfortunately no-one knows and RD have not issued any guidance on what they may specifically want to see. It is all conjecture at this point. However if you believe it is non-assessable and you have no other tax to pay then you could consider not completing a tax return but be prepared to show your "proof" if ever asked. Your issue may then only be if you comingled that account with income subsequently.
  3. I have been doing paper returns for quite a few years but following a recent thread I think I will be filing online this year using commercial software - probably Andica. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/self-assessment-commercial-software-suppliers/self-assessment-online-commercial-software-suppliers With the increased mail prices it is almost as cheap as posting. Many of the other offerings on that link are however more expensive.
  4. If so why hasn't the AN holiday calendar been updated.......it has been added on the link shown but not there @george ?
  5. Pattaya Sports Club membership offers discounts at some establishments - https://pattayasports.org/members-discounts/ But not a book of coupons
  6. Care to reference where the 7% comes from? Also the tax rates are progressive so you don't pay a flat rate depending on amount. So on @KhunLA 's 6m after allowances etc his average tax rate may have only been say 22%
  7. Got any examples of that.............other then where some expats have gone and volunteered.........
  8. Respectfully Mike you seem to reversed your opinion on this back to your original view. I queried this with you when appeared to revise your view a month or 2 ago and I think you said you could see no reason it would be different as income was income even for a property purchase (I can't remember the exact phraseology but I hope you know what I mean). I tended to agree with you. We had both originally been of the opinion that with Srettha's background it would be surprising if there was not some measure to mitigate the potential impact. Nothing has thus far been forthcoming from the government or RD yet you now appear to believe it will happen at some point? If you take @Dogmatix 's view on focusing on LTR holders then they won't of course need to do anything.......
  9. You may be unlucky and some may start Friday 12th but as @dddave said more likely to be Saturday 13th - all it takes is one though to be caught out. The only certain thing is that it will finish late on the 19th in Pattaya.
  10. Yes I know about the DLT app but as mentioned my bank app stays at home.
  11. SCB shut their web access portal last July so app only. That is why I had to get a second phone as my daily is rooted and it was becoming harder and harder to get the app to work.
  12. Funnily enough just read this. The last sentence is particularly concerning although the data is over a year old. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/06/the-taylor-swift-gig-economy-is-so-big-its-even-causing-geopolitical-tensions
  13. Too many extreme examples on both sides and mainly same arguments that came up in the last one of these threads as you indicated......... Although I am more in the cash camp, as reported before due to SCB, I now have 2 phones. 1 is my daily driver but no financial stuff on it. I have left it at home a couple of times recently and not bothered to go and get it.... 2nd phone does not leave the house and used almost exclusively for convenience in paying monthly bills and money to my gf................... , oh and now has my UK sim in it for OTPs thus reducing the risk of losing that if in my other phone as it was. Wallet also contains driving licences, ATM card and a a few other cards I use regularly so yes I would have to go back and get it if I forgot.
  14. Do you want to specifically include the word "pension" in c somewhere to ensure those of all abilities understand that income includes pensions?
  15. So why can't you say which area this is and the immigration office(s) that would be asking this. Then we could see if other posters potentially have relevant experience to clarify either way?
  16. Which Immigration office would this be at? Currently in full agreement with @Mike Lister
  17. I am surprised no one else has pulled you up on this as, unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying, potentially you are completely wrong...... Private pensions are taxable in the UK for a non resident irrespective of filing a P85. The only way you avoid tax on a private pension paid in the UK is if you take it offshore or the combined amount is less than the personal allowance. The state pension may be zero rated but is added to the total of income so effectively counts for your total tax base. Any property rental amounts are also taxable and again a P85 has nothing to do with it. You could start here - https://www.gov.uk/tax-uk-income-live-abroad P85 detail - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/get-your-income-tax-right-if-youre-leaving-the-uk-p85 Please show me I am wrong........
  18. Is good advice but potentially, for many, it may not be that easy. If resident here and not going back "home" opening different accounts can be problematic and off-shore accounts possibly overly costly. Agreed however on the paperwork.
  19. At least one of the Big C Extra Pattaya 10 items till used to be cash only.....I think they had so many Thais trying to pay by scan they dropped that option or maybe it was during Covid.
  20. You are having a larf aren't you..........(I hope so )
  21. Seems like this is either old or plain wrong - even in the guide you authored it was confirmed at 35% was it not? https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html
  22. topt


    That last pic is a big fu**ing squirrel!................
  23. @Barnet1900 Naklua big day 18th Pattaya 19th - and Sukumvhit normally gridlocked as well as everywhere else. Jomtien -? Bang Saray 20th I believe
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