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Everything posted by topt

  1. Unfortunately nearly always seems to be the case here Thanks for the pics.
  2. Presuming you have watched it are there any specifics that you would pull out that add any clarity to any issues - all be it his view? Interesting disclaimer at the start........
  3. You always used to be able to - parking was either in front or round the back behind it. Was much more compact then the Ang Sila pier selling area. I haven't been for a few years but didn't they also build some white elephant car park there or close to there on what had been a park/sitting area?
  4. You say you will be moving so presumably not Thai tax resident in 2024? As long as not and staying out of Thailand for more than 180 days in 2025 (so no visits in 2025 until you move July 9th would just qualify) you can bring in what you want in 2025 and not be liable for tax in Thailand (under current rules). Potential liability to home country taxes is a different subject.
  5. Well there is definitely a difference of opinion amongst both posters on here and a couple of the "tax"advisory companies. ExpatTax believe it to only be savings in the bank for example.
  6. No it's not doubtful. It has been mentioned many times in all the tax threads and I believe is shown in the table of allowances at the start of the Introduction thread.....
  7. Thanks for that. It is good to see that at least one officer understands it compared to the results from some other offices. Since as you mention there is no space to claim a credit for tax already paid did you ask him how this would work by any chance?
  8. Simple answer is no because if you transfer this year you do not do the return until next year - 2026......... More detail - Depends - if this is "savings" (cash in the bank) from pre Dec 31st 2023 and you can prove that then under the 162 or whatever it was they added after the main change then that is considered exempt or non assessable so no tax. However it is unclear if money in other types of accounts (brokerage etc) are also included as their is currently a difference of opinion over this.
  9. Pretty much what should be expected bearing in mind there is no way to record non assessable income on the official forms. I am however amused that he posted that in the Pub..........very appropriate not.....especially as his basic understanding (other than US SS) appeared flawed.
  10. Are you taking the pish........
  11. Yes I understand that but as you said I am interested in why. Also if you have cash in a brokerage account and can prove it was there as cash pre 2024 (and leave it as cash) why is that not the same as cash in a bank account.......
  12. @sometimewoodworker posted in one/several of the threads about this after getting "advice" from what I recall is a major Bangkok law firm. Either do a search in the tax threads or perhaps pm him? Expattax may have something in their FAQs or in one of their videos - been so many sorry I cannot remember.
  13. Please update us on their reasoning if you can. I think many would be interested.
  14. You need to qualify that as mine have been exposed to the sun - one window all morning and one window/front/door set all afternoon - for more than 10 years......
  15. Not pvc but UPVC is definitely not cheaper and lasts. Well mine has. I have had a couple of installs going on 12 plus years. More recently replaced another of the cheap alu framed large sliding doors with double glazed UPVC. Used ARC for the first time and was very pleased with the job they did. Not the cheapest but seems to have been worth it. I dealt with a guy called Joe - Johannes von Ankershoffen Production Manager ARC Windows & Doors ARC Component Manufacturing Rayong Co. Ltd 56/10-12 Moo 2, Chalyapornvitee Rd. Nongplalai, Banglamung Chonburi 20150 Mobil: +66(0)8 137 749 41 Teleph: +66(0)38 223 893 In the past I used Deku but unfortunately they became less accommodating and hence the change to Arc. That was nearly 4 years ago. However Deku have/had an office on Suk next to where you come off the 7 turning south bound so you can go and see their product.
  16. I can''t really believe that they have known about the issue for that long but seemingly have no solution.......that's criminal in itself......
  17. The north end of Third road used to be all Thai places but now I believe they get quite a few Chinese and possibly Koreans especially as they have been "investing" in some of the newer places. I am guessing Space Club is one such.
  18. Actually there was a report either on this thread or another one in the last couple of days where the guy filed for remitting 454k and paid 7,500 odd baht from memory - initially I thought why as TEDA would have been more but reading again he was only 62/63 so no extra 190k allowance. Just found it - see next post
  19. in the FAQs it appears you have the option to get a new one. https://xpatfone.com/faqs However it is £8.99 a month so a tad pricey if only needed to make the odd call compared even to the Skype fees mentioned above.
  20. the 100k is shown as 50% of Pension Income up to a maximum of 100k. So if you only remit 100k pension income in theory you would only get 50k allowance.
  21. Ignoring my actual query. You made a statement that said that the Thai govt. were going to enforce it but actually you have no idea what they plan on doing - and they haven't announced anything either so how could you. Since a number of posters have basically been told to go away and have no need to file one could argue (not me) that in those cases perhaps they are getting a free pass. Those particular Revenue staff don't appear to be trying to see if they can make every baht they possibly could in those cases......
  22. Playing devils advocate can you show me an example of how they are currently enforcing it for foreigners? (note we are both using present tense and not potential subjective measures possible in the future) If you had said because they changed the interpretation of one rule I wouldn't have asked...........
  23. Simplistically no. However if you only transferred in 400k in a year and you are over 65 then there would be no tax to pay anyhow due to TEDA.
  24. Possibly but depends on what exactly those figures are measuring - as it doesn't really explain how they come by those numbers unfortunately. Also Sweden, even if a decimal place is missing, is in the wrong place......
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