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Everything posted by topt

  1. I would be surprised if the receiving entity would know but maybe they do. As mentioned I think the only way to be sure on the costs is to ask the sending bank that if you took all the charges what the cost would be. I do this with my Swifts to Thailand after the first time when the supposedly "free" transfer came with a $50 intermediary bank charge.
  2. However looking at the English translation of the 2023 form it asks for that information under every separate heading under which you could have, even if Thai, more than 1 provider - so what happens then? Previously I had just assumed they wanted you to repeat your own TIN but now even more confused.
  3. Won't this depend, as with any currency,, on the banks relationship or lack of to the receiving bank? I would suggest that there is a very good chance there will be extra fees but you should be able to ask the sending back what routing they would use and/or what they would charge if you take all costs.
  4. If you really want to file........you will need to go and ask for a Thai Tin from the RD office in order to fill in the form. Have you read the introduction in the first page of this thread? If not you may want to consider doing so.
  5. Garage in this instance was dealerships. It would be unusual for many dealerships here to have one of every model of that specific manufacturer to drive - just too many cars. If you have found that to be the case then you have been very lucky.
  6. Was not unusual at garages here in Pattaya some years back. I ended up going to Rayong (about 50kms) by bus to test drive a specific vehicle...........
  7. Pretty much you nailed it. Actual details see Section 2 which starts on page 24 of the attached report in this link- https://www.oecd.org/en/publications/standard-for-automatic-exchange-of-financial-account-information-in-tax-matters-second-edition_9789264267992-en.html
  8. They could but as an "honour" system don't you think it is unlikely unless they have a specific reason to ask? This I would suggest is more likely to happen if you start talking about non assessable income at the time of filing rather than just staying stumm - because of course you have the proof anyway if you are called in for "an audit"....... We are back to complete speculation and round and round the merry go round goes - yet again........
  9. In case you really did not notice it was not my view. I was quoting posters and the article they were quoting..... If you had read from the first page I had already said that this was from the journalist and not from the DG or the RD but most people seem to have glossed over that. Now why don't you go and beat your own dead horse
  10. It's from the first paragraph of the Thai Examiner article - no official attribution whatsoever....... https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2025/01/03/revenue-department-boss-calls-on-tax-residents-in-thailand-to-file-2024-runs-by-the-march-31st-deadline/
  11. SCB specifically - most of the other big banks still allow internet banking as far as I am aware.
  12. I am presuming those numbers are based on tax already paid in the UK (did you show her that?), and she has used 43.9 exchange rate from somewhere - or am I completely off base?
  13. Correct me please if wrong - So therefore all the numbers you put in will go towards assessable income. After taking of TEDA it will spew out a tax amount no. that you are supposed to pay there and then - if filing in person at an RD office? So as you say no way to cancel out non-assessable income be it savings from pre 2023 end or for example US SS payments exempted by DTA. Can somebody who has filed and included US SS payments but in total has filed for more than their TEDA comment on how that was handled?
  14. We are just going round in circles again (quelle surprise...) Gifting has been discussed multiple times over the last year and as far as I know @sometimewoodworker is the only person who went and received paid advice regarding it. As such his views make more sense to me then any other posters in the preceding posts to yours. Thanks for posting this link as I had forgotten it was so recent as other discussions were a while back.
  15. You don''t have any friends you can test this with? Why would you think someone would want to reveal their Skype name and potentially other details to a complete stranger on here.....
  16. Respectfully you have fallen into the KH trap of responding to all his points thus propagating further, often completely off topic, discussion as has happened here...... As used to be said on the old TV forum - "You two should get a room"................
  17. If that is so then matches most of your posts. Perhaps I feel I have a long way to go to catch up.......
  18. Which as usual has F**k all to do with the link I provided. But why am I surprised as that is all you seem to want to do recently is stir the pot seemingly for your own amusement.
  19. Seems to be the latest update on the tax system in general - https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2932181/tax-reforms-being-studied-but-remain-on-the-agenda
  20. Well here is a link to the Siam Rath article in Thai which is credited under his pic in the linked article https://siamrath.co.th/n/591447 Just using a translate option definitely no specific mention there.
  21. From reading the linked article I cannot see anywhere where new TRD DG actually mentions "foreigners" at all......... It appears it was just a general statement about tax residents filing which the publication neatly segued into potential Thai expat requirements and it's own take on the subject.
  22. You can even see the sign saying Free in English in the 3rd picture down in the OP. Initially I wondered why the SUV had been stationary But the video shows it just slowing behind another.
  23. Please correct me if I remember incorrectly but wasn't it you who was one of the first to publicly claim having gone to the TRD and got a TIN and paid 5-7k in tax based on your remittances?
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