I go through periods where I monitor the electricity usage on the meter and sometimes check the bill vs the meter reading.
The last few months where I have done this there appears to be a larger differential then there ever used to be between the bill reading and the meter itself. Always lower and today significantly so.
So on the bill below it gives a meter reading date and time of 14/04, at I presume midnight, and a printing date of 15/04 at 06.41. I had always presumed the "Recent reading" figure was taken at the printing date?
It being a holiday I hadn't expected the bill for a few days so did not realise it was in the box until 11am. When I checked the actual meter reading it was 12316 - 26 units more than on the bill. For context recent usage over 24 hours has been between 17 and 21 units. A week ago usage overnight until 11 the next morning was only 9 units.
So my question is when was the 12290 reading actually taken?