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Everything posted by topt

  1. I do my own laundry....... Bought a machine 12 years ago and do my own ironing - used to do before I came here so why do I need to get someone else to do it. I have more time now than I did before and not as if it takes a lot of effort.............. Lots of options as you say if you don't want to do but perhaps be careful of overly generalising..........????
  2. Was the money taken before or after this happened - adding the app to your new phone?
  3. Perhaps if you start with your nationality some posters may be able to give you a start point...... Establishing tax residency is quite straight forward (more than 180 or 183 days a year) but many fulfil that requirement but it has zero influence on their taxable liabilities for various reasons.........
  4. Can someone recommend a good value (yes I know it's relative but see last point) mouse/keyboard to use with my new Android box. It has both USB and Bluetooth but I think I would prefer a usb connection.........(however can be persuaded otherwise ) Box is set up satisfactorily (always room for improvement) at the moment but trying to pre-empt looking forward to when having to change repos and type stuff again. Having only spent 1700 on the box I am ideally looking for suggestions from those who currently use with pros and cons. Many Thanks
  5. No I think he means a Residence Certificate from Immigration. Normally you need them to apply for a driving licence. You may need a rental contract or something from a hotel to prove your address - I have no idea how Phuket Immigration works so someone local please correct me if different.
  6. Depending on exactly what you consider the minimum wage to be (300-375?) that could be over a 30% increase. Any examples from anywhere else where that sort of %age increase was given? (And I know the actual cash amounts are relatively low) Diesel is already being capped and mechanism's are in place to theoretically stop some increases - take Mama Noodles as an example. And of course which taxes will be raised to counter the increase - considering how relatively few here actually pay tax............
  7. They can certainly do it but I would suggest being clear on the price first. I was there having some hydraulic struts on my boot lid replaced - ouch. I asked at the end what he would charge just to install a dash cam if I provided it in a standard car - he said 3,500 baht.........I am sure I must have misheard or he meant including the cam but I was very surprised. He had already said to me business was no good in an earlier conversation.
  8. Just to update I was following the discussion on CoreElec and a guy posted a link to Freaktab where someone has been posting the firmware for the box. He updated with latest firmware on 17th which I flashed yesterday - still had to delete installed Kodi but was able to finally install 19.4 and then Diggx. Very happy. Thanks for your advice
  9. Curious do you have to rake up all the clippings or you just leave?
  10. The body language in that first photo does not look good....... Would be good for a caption comp ????
  11. Unfortunately the final sentence from the link sums up everything....
  12. May be worth noting that GSB are not one of the institutions protected by the DPA Thailand insurance up to 1m baht. https://www.dpa.or.th/en/articles/view/list-of-insured-financial-institutions
  13. no. Same as. Stopped working.......message says needs some api or something.... Really needs a new ROM to flash but from what I read they all have some issue - like IR remote doesn't work in a couple of cases I have messaged the Lazada seller and he said he would look at it but I said otherwise I want to return. See what he says.....
  14. Thanks Jai Dee. Must admit I did not think about checking Xda for this....... I will later try to see if 18.9 loads and works with or without the current install they have created. From that link I need to read up on this CoreElec build to see if that will help.......and if it does how to flash it....... My YouTube seems to work ok but not tried it that much yet.
  15. This box - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3332940840-s12371529066.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1 But even though Arm8 it is only Android 11 32 bit according to AnTuTu benchmark. The 64 bit kodi would not even install.
  16. I was mulling this last night after giving up but it is Android 11 so one would hope so........
  17. Already started if what I saw on Second Road in Pattaya yesterday just before 7pm was any indication. Don't know what nationality but perhaps Indian although have seen quite a few more Chinese recently. There were at least 10/12 white MC buses parked in the area just short of the Terminal 21/Big C with seemingly buses coming out non stop on to 2nd Road from sois on the right from Soi 4 as I went along it.
  18. Why? How do you define an expat for a start - means nothing in tax law. Obtaining a Thai TIN has been written about on here regularly for many reasons for at least the last 8/10 years and yet still people make false assumptions. My bet, and willing to put money on it, is that the majority of foreigners staying more than 180 days a year would prefer to have nothing to do with TIN's and Thai taxation in general. Simplistically most who post on here have done so because they can reclaim tax withheld on bank interest. A few, like you, have a specific need to take advantage of a DTA but you are, I suggest, in more limited company.
  19. @Jai Dee (or anybody else) can suggest how to resolve this. I have no issues using Kodi on my laptop with 19.4 On my Android box with what appears to be a copy of genuine Kodi but labelled KDMC version 18.9 it works with the add ons they loaded but I am finding it difficult (no impossible) to get anything I want especially as many online links are for newer 19 Matrix. I cannot even seem to add stuff from the built in Kodi/KDMC repository...... I have not been able to update to 19. Failed to install via apkpure, Google Play or sideloaded from usb. When I deleted the version on the box I could install 19.4 from the usb but after asking for permission with Kodi Version 19.4 showing the screen then just goes black and back to the apps. If I try to reopen same same. Tried deleting cache/storage and rebooting but nothing changes. Anybody have a suggestion - other than factory reset which I did before and will leave me with a functional but not optional KDMC app.......?
  20. Thanks. I have downloaded it. In the settings there is one for Teletext which is enabled whilst watching something. Do you know is there any use for this today or does it have something to do with subtitles?
  21. it's in the Yahoo link.........
  22. Thanks that's where I got it from. And also used to load on a USB for my first abortive attempt with the box. I probably did something wrong and now have a little more understanding after playing around with it on my laptop. I used the Troypoint site to load Diggz and have since added Magic Dragon add on as well. Next step will be to see if I can get it set up on the android box - when the gf isn't watching something......
  23. What is it they say about "opinions"............ Perhaps I am lucky as, living in Pattaya and driving both car or bike, I have not seen or come across these "ever present" checkpoints........
  24. I thought this was put in law for both front and back from some years ago? I remember being stopped at the check point by the Ambassador in Pattaya and one of the passengers in the back was asleep and did not have his seat belt on (of which I was unaware). The policeman wanted to fine me 400 baht (may have been more) but I eventually got him to relent. This would have been 3-4 years ago. I have been telling any passengers ever since to make sure they belt up.
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