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Everything posted by topt

  1. Never really thought about that stretch being prone to flooding. Currently not an issue and very little rain since yesterday early am.
  2. Yes not disputing the overall numbers. However there are a lot of sheep in the world........????
  3. Nope. Another Brave user. No "Google" on either my PC or phone.
  4. I thought pretty much all UK financial institutions now used 2 FA even when you just want to sign in - or at least online? OTPs needed for bank, share trading sites, CC cos etc just to sign in. With Lloyds if I try to set up a new payee I have to take a call on a registered number and then input a code that appears on my screen. No idea about UK phone bank apps however.
  5. 120%? What was the difference in opinion...........
  6. I wear a mask in the car if I am going through a toll booth - just for that reason. And remove after going through. The toll booth staff seem to wear them so I do it out of respect. It may not be necessary but otherwise I am not sure what the irony is in that........
  7. Note not all DLT's are able to provide the service. For example if you reside in Pattaya the one near Regents does not and you have to go to the main Chonburi city DLT.
  8. Not supposed to be able to do. Correct as @userabcd mentioned in an earlier post.
  9. They seem to like doing this here. I see no reason why you cannot have one clause as you say (nobody disputed this in a thread some years ago) as long as your executor knows where they all are and the details. I would have thought same with the car....... However I stress this is just my view. Not a problem as long as the witnesses who signed the will are not beneficiaries you are ok. Executor/Administrator and beneficiary can be the same person.
  10. Was in the news the other day. A suggestion to create a freshwater lake or something to change the ecology........Start of the climate change argument discussion.........
  11. Thanks for posting this issue as I have similar and looks like same electronics although not quite as old. Makes me a little concerned about how to get in if the same problem happens to me. Can you keep us informed about the success or otherwise of your efforts? Thanks
  12. Please explain what this is? Quick search reveals it as a slang term for copulation or similar so not sure how it applies to the software?
  13. I will check that out but has an interesting fairly recent history if this is correct....... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMovies
  14. So contact admin/mod directly if you are not happy. Discussion of moderation is not allowed as has been mentioned so your post has been wasted........ Plus it takes the focus away from my question.........
  15. or you could take the opportunity to learn some new words.............
  16. Example - This was closed many hours before the newsletter was sent out and not because it was something solved but considered by the moderator to be - This issue has been going on for years and seems irrational to me. Can someone please explain how the "featured topics" are selected?
  17. Ahh, but are they PEA cables...........????
  18. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ivan-Pavlov
  19. Witherspoons has good back (IMV) but they also use fresh tomatoes.
  20. OK, sorry forgot to ask what was wrong with the bacon at Nicky's - are you looking for streaky or back?
  21. You prefer tinned over fresh?
  22. A little unfair don't you think My understanding is that Google removed a setting in Chrome which fed through to the others. However with my settings on the Clipboard in Win 10 and the Brave settings I have it does not seem to apply. But thanks for pointing it out as it was interesting to read the comments in the Ghacks article
  23. I was actually wondering if the 15 years overlapped the period I have been coming here. Presumably that was your top 20 because it was never on my list of must visit bars.
  24. Out of curiosity which 15 year period was that?
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