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Everything posted by topt

  1. OP IMHO your best chance is to do a lot of research into what's available using specialist sites like Freaktab for example and then ordering online from Lazada or similar.
  2. Any idea of cost of the latest models as a brief search suggests pricing generally north of $150 outside of Asia?
  3. Perhaps you would like to dispute this. As the OP has pointed out it may be true for you and others so far in practice. However, in theory they could be taxed depending on relevant Thai Revenue threshold's. Those are the facts. One of the issues the Thai Revenue would have is sorting out what is income and what is savings so currently about the only way you are liable to be taxed is if you bring their attention to it in some way as referenced by the OP in a later post. This has been discussed multiple times over the last few years on here especially when referenced to Thailand fully implementing the CRS regulations which has still yet to happen. So currently nothing should change but you may want to be aware that at some point it probably will.
  4. Do you mean scissors?
  5. That was Candy Shop. I haven't been along there for a long time but I am sure a WS regular will confirm either way. Rolling Live - still going as far as I know.
  6. What behaviour and challenged how? From the story all he was going to do was investigate the claims Chuwit was making which is supposed to be his job.........unusual though that may be here...........
  7. If you, or someone you know, speaks Thai you can try this guy - Toom 081 399 3630 I have used him in the past for various jobs and been happy with the result but not in the last year or so.
  8. So she is educated but how much actual police experience does she have? It doesn't say how old she is but how likely is someone of her age and experience is going to get to the rank of (acting) Lt Col ................
  9. In this day and age I am surprised - no mention of breaking in for any of the thefts mentioned.
  10. Can I ask where you get that from? My understanding is that unless what you are calling a state pension is a "civil service" or similar pension, then it does not fall under the DTA. This has been discussed a few times before. See for the DTA - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/710099/DT_Digest_April_2018.pdf Page 34 see note 4 on the right hand side. Personally I certainly wouldn't be declaring any Pension payments to the Thai Revenue service.
  11. I have an almost identical safe not quite as old and no it didn't. Has one key for main door as the OP says and then another key for a cheap lock for a bottom drawer in the safe. No master.
  12. The real point IMHO is that although you can enable unlocking in the developer options that is only one step in what can be a labyrinth process to root ones phone. Having done it a few times to replace with custom roms I have actually done this to remove bloatware and tracking - as per the OP's original request. On Xiaomi phones you used to have to wait 168 hours for it be unlocked and then only after jumping through hoops on the settings to be able to do so. I never used any of the supposed one root software items you mentioned partly because of the reasons mentioned by @fdsa The best resource I found to achieve this and other advice was on the XDA forums for specific phones.
  13. You consider the OP's question as that....... IMHO it is exactly the sort of question ideally suited to TV/AseanNow - but what do I know.......
  14. Considering how many questions you have asked on the forum that view seems a little jaundiced............
  15. No fixed charge at all? Or waived because below some minimum amount?
  16. What reason is that, that has anything to do with the story........?
  17. How come "administrative workers" were doing this and not the police?
  18. Was my first thought on seeing the headline...........
  19. No it wasn't. They stopped charging some years before Covid became a "thing"
  20. Interesting to get different viewpoints. I know 2 people who live there. One owns and one is a very long time rental. Different blocks. neither have mentioned the issues you raised.
  21. It's not bad (in fact I like it a lot) but not directly comparable.
  22. Unless you are talking of changing more than just the beneficiary/s, changing the name shouldn't cost you anything, if you set it up well in the first instance. But yes up to the individual how they want to do it.
  23. It can but why not make it easier and less costly to the beneficiary before you go.......
  24. Sorry but that is incorrect. A witness cannot be a beneficiary either in the UK or Thailand.
  25. Personally when I wanted to get new fitted clubs I went back to the UK to have them done. Generally golf equipment here is much more expensive than UK/US/Europe/Oz and availability of qualified fitters probably less. I believe the guy who runs the Golf Hub in Pattaya (2nd Floor Soi Buakhow food market) may do fittings. He has the necessary measuring kit. I think there was even an article on here about him with a video of his store some months ago. However I have no view on his competence either way.
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