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Everything posted by topt

  1. Not to individual homes - or certainly not the ones I have seen and experienced. However the installer didn't make a very good job on my current set up and ended up with 2 connectors in the space of a meter or so to tidy up the cable. Was not impressed ????
  2. Many thanks for that. I would never have guessed that Estuary was the standard Kodi skin...... As you say I don't find it intuitive at all
  3. Thanks. Seems more expensive then it used to be.
  4. I had not used Kodi before. I bought an Android box which had a version of Kodi (KDMC) already loaded and on the home screen. I tried to change this to load genuine Kodi but couldn't and ended up having to do a factory reset. So to try and understand Kodi a bit better first I decided to load Kodi on to my Win 10 laptop. That was reasonably straightforward and then added Diggz Xenon and Chefs Wizard (eventually) which seem to be working (Ie I have watched segments of films, a film and some live golf)..... However I was going to try and load another build/add on but I seem to be stuck on the Xenon pages. There seems no way to get back to the standard Kodi program interface. The Xenon page has File Mgr, Install from Repo/Zip buttons but I wanted to check if this is what I should use to add or am I missing something or someway to get back to the standard Kodi interface? PS - if it makes any difference I am not using Play Store/Google for anything.
  5. It's his own topic..........why would he need the search tool to find it Plus it's less than 10 days old and took me all of 30 seconds to find......
  6. Op already asked this question - one wonders why he didn't just carry on his initial thread.......
  7. Anybody have any details on the reduced prices - I am presuming reduced as that used to be the point of the Golf Festival for those travelling to take advantage? Particularly rates for Springfield, Majestic and Lake View? With neither Banyan or Black Mountain involved it has lost a bit of its attraction to me.
  8. if you are only claiming a refund on withheld interest tax I don't think you need to even fill in the PND 90. I have only ever filled in a one page document for the last half a dozen or more years to get my refund.
  9. Thanks for that - can you post the link it is from please?
  10. Agreed. I live literally round the corner from the works pictured and since they started (more than 3 months) I have marvelled at how often there has been no one there.
  11. Not disputing that and I think that is what the page I referenced to for BKK bank also says. I previously held one with SCB and had the same. However the OP was specifically talking about paying in $US notes which is what @EricTh referred to (fees) and which you responded to.
  12. Have a look here for foreign banknotes - 1% at Bangkok bank for $US (min 500 baht) https://www.bangkokbank.com/-/media/files/personal/other-services/view-rates/table5/feesfcd_table5_1feb2022_en.pdf?la=en&hash=2E5AA1DFFA37F8B63B97D492A84E5DF4E9FEBC6A
  13. Here is a list of the companies covered - https://www.dpa.or.th/en/articles/view/list-of-insured-financial-institutions I don't see the GSB on there for example?
  14. Thanks - I didn't notice the "link"........
  15. Perhaps they could have shown that.........
  16. Witherspoons on Soi Buakhow have a number of British "ales" in cans/bottles available including Abbott Ale which I personally prefer to OSH. Unfortunately no draught at this time. They are however hidden in one of the fridges and you need to ask for the specific menu........
  17. Yes I tried that at the time but was never that impressed - especially as they often had cans of Abbott or similar available.
  18. Where and how long ago was this as I don't think I ever came across it when I was looking?
  19. As always depends where but doubt you will get much if any change from a fiver in the south east.
  20. Well I think the statement he made has been proven wrong as far as it goes. So in his case either he moved his pensions offshore at some point, they fall below the tax threshold or somehow he/his pension payments have fallen through the cracks..........
  21. If you read all the replies I think you will find that the majority disagree with you. I have already posted a link to the DTA digest so not sure where you get your erroneous justification from...........
  22. Depends on your overall level of income after taking the Personal Allowance and any other things into account. If your only income is the UK State Pension you may not be due to pay any tax but it will go towards your total income.
  23. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/710099/DT_Digest_April_2018.pdf Thailand page 34 look at Note 4 on the right.
  24. Absolute nonsense in general terms. Not sure what pensions the OP will receive but I the information he has been given appears strange unless the amounts fall below the tax threshold......... There is no DTA available for most pensions including the State Pension. The only pensions that qualify for the DTA are certain govt. (civil service/forces). All others (unless removed from the UK under a recognised scheme) are taxable in the UK.
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