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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Are you using Apple or Windows PC? I know on a Mac you can access the internet by using your phone's data connection through a USB cable. Then you can share your internet access from the Mac over it's WiFi interface. It may be possible to also share the Mac's internet connection over the hardwired LAN interface. What functionality do you want to add to your current internet setup using your phone's mobile data connection? Do you want an alternative path to the internet when your normal internet connection is down?
  2. You don't have any savings that were earned prior to 01/01/2024? Those funds will never be taxed by Thailand regardless of tax residency or remittance.
  3. The answer would be just more very predictable MAGA nonsense.
  4. That question is easily answered by looking at the authors of said drivel. If Michelin awarded stars for the world's finest drivel we know who'd get them.
  5. Most posters missed that part of the press release that stated: "The carbon tax will be included in the current oil tax framework, guaranteeing a revenue-neutral shift." That means there will be no increase in the governments net revenue. Typically carbon taxes are offset by some type of subsidy/tax credit/refund scheme that pays out what was taken in by the carbon tax. I studied the implementation of Canada's carbon tax and the end result of its implementation is that entities consuming more carbon based fuels end up paying a higher total price for those resources. Those entities that use less carbon based fuels end up paying less for them. As I see it, it's the easiest method to implement a multi-tiered price schedule that is meant to encourage reduced consumption of carbon based fuel. Multi-tiered pricing schemes are both common and effective. Water and power utilities often use them.
  6. Keep it all. A nuclear winter could be just around the corner.
  7. To give a correct answer I would have to know if other forms of income are given special deductions or exemptions. What I know about Thai tax rates isn't exactly zero, but zero would be a very good approximation.
  8. If instead of that deduction they just increased the tax threshold then the tax reduction would be applied to ALL income instead of just employment income.
  9. The google results return several references that agree with your opinion, but those results are not recent. I have also read several more recent claims by Thai law firms that differ from your opinion. Reporting of the Thai government's updating the law to allow private trusts stops around 2019. I can only search in English so google's results are somewhat suspect. Thus, my question. https://www.bakermckenzie.com/-/media/files/insight/publications/2018/08/al_thailand_privatetrustactapproved_aug18.pdf?la=en#:~:text=According to the current draft,a beneficiary of the trust. https://pdf.hubbis.com/pdf/article/thailand-recent-developments-in-wealth-management.pdf (last page) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/benefits-beneficiary-trust-thailand-expats-dave-mills/
  10. I hope you realize that the species with higher levels of brain function, and mammalian are much more likely to have characteristics in common with homo sapiens than lower order life forms. To me that means that observations of same sex relationships in higher functioning animals implies that such relationships are based on physical characteristics. Since these similar actions occur in animals that are "closer" to humans on the tree of evolution I think it's rather slipshod logic to say it's irrelevant.
  11. In many species there is a very strong mother-offspring bond. I suppose you also consider that irrelevant. I have no idea what these emojis/characters mean, but they all were displayed when I searched for "odd". ౸౻𑢱౺
  12. Last time I checked... there is no constitutional right to outrage over something irrelevant to your life.
  13. That's our bob... a real stanchion for the status quo.
  14. When such information enters a mind with extremely regimented thought and a strong resistance to change, the results are unfortunately predictable.
  15. It looks like Wise will work for sending money from Spain to Thailand. 12,667€ will yield 500,032 ฿ and will cost you about 95 € in fees, not including the fee to get the money to Wise.
  16. Where are the funds coming from? Outside Thailand? Inside Thailand? What two web agencies are you referring to? Providing more information will yield better answers.
  17. I have read a couple of articles by Thai legal firms that indicate that Thailand was about to legalize the creation of Trust accounts. The last update on the status of the Private Trust Account Bill that I read was dated 2018. Does anyone know if it is now possible to set up trust accounts in Thailand?
  18. The last exchange rate quote available for KBank and for BBL bank are: 47.247 and 47.145 which is about .22% difference. Perhaps the difference you're seeing is due to higher fees.
  19. There seems to be an imbalance in the penalties for participating in land title violations.
  20. fabrications, rumors, coincidences, conspiracy theories .... the lowest rung on the ladder to enlightenment
  21. I assume the pegman is from Winterpeg (Winnipeg). The winters there are on par with Siberia's and the extreme cold seems to cause severe degradation of logic.
  22. So is not having any biological children.... but so far I don't see any uproar over people making that choice.
  23. Don't worry, be happy https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/opinion/national-debt-us-taxes.html?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.IHjG.opEps-X4Gkpn&smid=url-share
  24. Run your UltraMobile phone number through this phone number checking website: https://www.phonevalidator.com/ Here's what it says about my UltraMobile number:
  25. I have a US based UltraMobile physical sim with a US number in my iPhone XR. It allows me to make/receive phone calls/messages via WiFi. I cannot use it with any local cellular network unless I want to buy a roaming plan, so I don't. My local service is from True and is enabled using an e-sim capability. I specify for each of my contacts which sim is to be used when I call them.
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