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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. So far... this is the best answer to OP's question. A couple of years ago I used a spreadsheet to calculate the best method to send varying amounts to Thailand from my US based bank. For amounts greater than 21K US$, SWIFT transfers resulted in more ฿ in my Thai account. WISE was better for smaller amounts. I think since I did that comparison WISE has increased their fees somewhat. The OP can do all the calculations for his specific situation. It's not higher maths.
  2. I'm pretty sure none of my 4 tickets was issued in CM province. That is the most logical reason that I've had no issue at DLT with insurance and registration.
  3. Perhaps, as is so common in Thailand, processes, procedures and interpretation of regulations varies tremendously from office to office. One round trip to BKK and back to CM netted me 4 speeding tickets from cameras. Those unpaid tickets ended up in a landfill somewhere. I've renewed car insurance and registration three times since the tickets were issued. No difficulty encountered yet. YMMV.
  4. I got my Thai tax ID in CM at the revenue office in Nong Hoi in '21. I am on retirement extensions so I don't have a work permit. I tried to open an SCB high interest savings account and the bank staff got hung up while opening the account. I asked them "if I get a tax ID can you open the account?". They said yes. The next day I took a residence certificate (I think I used an expired one!), a Bangkok bank passbook and my passport to TRD and got my tax ID in under 30 minutes. The staff didn't raise any issue at all.
  5. Don't forget that the standard of living is now much higher than when your father was working age. Housing is generally much better, cars are much better, health care is much better...etc. Most people seem to forget that living standards have increased dramatically. It's hard to say how much of the increase in cost of living can be accounted for by higher standards.
  6. I've been coming to Thailand for 20 years before moving here almost 4 years ago. Like you I gave up trying baked goods in Thailand.... they would look great but had no taste. When I moved here, we happened to end up renting very close to Nana bakery. I went in one day just before closing and remaining bakery products were 50% off so I bought some. I was very satisfied with the quality so I've become a regular customer. I've bought bread at other bakeries and been very impressed with the quality available now. You might want to reconsider your decision.
  7. I believe that you will only be subject to Thai tax on the capital gain since Dec. 31, 2023.... not the entirety of your gain.
  8. To find out your true APR, use an online mortgage calculator. If you enter the number and size of payments, the initial amount borrowed, it will calculate the APR.
  9. I think it was '86 and I had made a big score playing on a blackjack team (3 friends and I) so I bought an Amiga 1000. The clerk was surprised when I paid for it using a couple of 'pink cards' that I retrieved from my shoe. Only other Canucks will know what those were.
  10. I don't really use Windows except on a virtual machine for those programs that I use rarely that are only available as a Windows executable. I came across this article and it may be of use to some AN members. https://lifehacker.com/tech/how-to-upgrade-your-unsupported-pc-to-windows-11
  11. I had one in USA for years. It stood up very well to the intense heat/sun in the South West desert. I checked Lazada and Global House with no luck. Anyone know if and where they're sold?
  12. The following discussion assumes the funds transferred are not considered a gift. I have no understanding of how remittances declared to be gifts are going to be treated by the TRD. The answer depends upon the exact nature of the monthly distribution. If it is comprised of only current income from the mutual fund it will be classified as assessable income. If a portion of the funds are proceeds from sales of the mutual fund shares, then that portion may not be classified as assessable and may not be subject to Thai tax. Also relevant is your choice of using FIFO (first in, first out) or LIFO (last in, first out) classification of withdrawals. If you want to make the source of the remittances very clear, I suggest you don't co-mingle your funds before sending them to Thailand.
  13. I tend to use the phrase "may be able to" for your first interpretation. My intent was to say expats deserve to be able to use FIFO as it is preferable and so far TRD has not issued guidance on the matter.
  14. It is definitely possible to track every $'s pedigree ... but I've completely lost interest in solving Gordian Knot type problems. It would probably be harder to explain to TRD than it would be to track the funds.
  15. I know how that feels! We share our solar setup with the stepson and his wife...... they use enough A/C to operate an indoor snow ski slope. 😆😆
  16. I think the most logical assumption is that TRD does and will not care about the US tax status of any funds/assets in an expat's possession at the end of 2023. All those funds will be treated as accumulated savings or investment capital and will not ever be subject to Thai tax (barring further law/regulation changes). In other words your Roth/IRA/401K accounts in the eyes of TRD would be the same as regular savings accounts. I agree with @JimGant 's position that expats should be able to use FIFO ordering of funds that are remitted to Thailand. FIFO also seems like the easiest from an accessability tracking standpoint.
  17. Thankfully, I've forgotten how to use Windoze. Is there a Windoze app that will let you record the LINE chat window as you scroll through the conversation you want to save? You can probably use an arrow key to scroll the LINE chat window as you record it. I find LINE is not very flexible when it comes to saving or exporting its content. Users aren't able to easily manage the data that accumulates in LINE.
  18. I had a Bangkok bank fixed deposit account for three terms. At the end of every term the interest was added to that same account. I don't remember if the bank initially offered me the option to put the interest in a different account.
  19. Every Expat that falls into the "trap" you describe is solely responsible for their predicament. Competent help is available for reasonable remuneration. Ask the professional to explain every step. Pay for such help once, then learn from the professional's filing and file on your own if needed. I'm trapped for life now having chosen to live and work in USA and defer taxation through pre-tax retirement accounts. I have to file every year despite having no taxable income..... Thanks, but don't worry.... I'm fine!
  20. What do you mean by "continual image"? A digital image file like .jpg? Do you mean a very tall image that is the width of a smartphone? If it is a long conversation it will be hard to view with normal image apps. How are you planning to view the image? On your laptop, you can take multiple screen shots of the LINE chat window and then view them in order like a slide show.
  21. They don't provide the TIN lookup function for Thailand. They do the lookup only for 7 countries, mostly in EU.
  22. The web site you gave does nothing more than verify that the format of the entered TIN is valid. Here is text from their description of the TIN check: As long as the request itself is properly formatted, the response will always be returned with a 200 status code, even if the TIN number is not valid. If there is an issue with the request itself (for example, a missing country code) a 4XX or 5XX status code will be returned. Response status codes: 200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
  23. No matter where your money sits.... unfortunately you will always be subject to exchange rate risk.
  24. In searching the LH Bank site, I noticed that they now allow foreigners to open a Pro-Fit account that pays 1.5% for the first 3M฿ and then 1.75% on the next 47M฿.
  25. A couple of years ago LH Bank offered their Pro-Fit account paying 1.5% per year. The terms and conditions on that account state that it's for Thai individuals only. I probably shouldn't have assumed it is the same for this latest offer. It seems the advertised FCD's are also available to foreigners who temporarily (annual extension?) live in Thailand. https://www.lhbank.co.th/getattachment/567406c2-f5ff-4d99-9474-98090b9747d9/personal-เงินฝาก-deposit-interest-rates-Document-Foreign-Currency-Interest-Rates-and-Deposit-Fees-Current-Foreign-Currency-Deposit-Interest-Rates
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