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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. The feature is usually referred to as Dual Sim capability. There are a couple of different methods the phone manufacturers use to implement the feature. I did some research when I wanted to use a US based sim for 2FA's from US banks. I had to retire an older iPhone and buy a used iPhone XR so that the US sim would be active and useable anytime.
  2. US citizens and corporations can own 100% of a Thailand corporation under the Treaty of Amity between US-Thailand.
  3. Determine the model/version of your smartphone Google search for model esim. If you find that your smartphone is capable go visit your carrier's office True converted my service from sim card to esim in a few minutes with no charge. After conversion your sim slot will be empty and you can add a local sim easily. After you add a foreign sim, you may need to configure your phone to make sure you use the correct number for future outbound calls.
  4. I really hope you don't need that question answered.
  5. As a US taxpayer the way I think about the changed Thai tax interpretation is like this: all the funds in my possession at 11:59:59 of Dec. 31,2023 are defined to be non assessable savings in the eyes of the Thai RD. as of 01/01/2024 all interest/dividends/capital gains arising from those savings would now be assessable if subsequently brought into Thailand in my name non of the special accounts such as 401k, IRA, Roth, etc will have any special status in the eyes of the Thai RD so all post 2023 income from the funds in these accounts is assessable if subsequently brought into Thailand in my name My accounting strategy will be to move all income after 01/01/2024 from non tax-advantaged accounts to new separate accounts that will contain only funds that the Thai RD may consider assessable. The balances in my original accounts will remain 100% non assessable. Things are more complicated for the special tax-advantaged accounts because transfers are much more cumbersome than for regular accounts. I may just keep all my subsequent year end statements from these accounts and keep track of the balance that is assessable. Any amounts withdrawn from these accounts will be designated as first-in first-out so that the assessable funds will be the last withdrawn. If I die suddenly without sufficiently educating my heirs about what is and what isn't assessable..... at least those left behind can just spend it all and claim plausible deniability. In reality I would assume upon my death all my potentially assessable (but foreign held) funds would become non-assessable. I was thinking that for 2024 and later, potentially assessable funds held outside Thailand behave much like a pre-tax retirement account. I will defer subjecting those funds to Thai tax by not remitting them until after I have spent as much of the non assessable funds as is practical. That way I can continue to invest the portion that may ultimately end up in the Thai government coffers.
  6. This YouTube guy is one of my favorites... I think he has a high ratio of information to fluff. https://www.youtube.com/@NutritionMadeSimple He only covers and explains in lay terms the research results on diet and nutrition. He dissects the research results and explains the strengths and weaknesses in the studies.
  7. Don't you think most people's opinions on the media's political affiliations or slants are also very biased? I perceive that the most egregious politically slanted media are at the extreme right, followed by the extreme left. Most mainstream media are only slightly biased.
  8. Check out FreeTube. They claim that Google won't get any of your data if you use their viewer. Plus, super simple to download compete video or video only or audio only.
  9. If you haven't already done so go to your bank(s), give them your Thai tax ID card and ask them to stop withholding tax from your interest payments. Some posters (including me) have successfully stopped that withholding and some have not. If you have no other income then you won't have to bother filing a tax form to get a refund of those withholdings.
  10. I most agree with you on that. Putin is a cornered carnivore whereas Xi has more room to maneuver with less serious consequences.
  11. Is that the same Carlson described in this quote from a Trump appointed judge? "Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way. Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye
  12. You may be right if you're looking an ordinary fixed deposit account. The subject at hand is the FCD (Foreign Currency Deposit) accounts which use a different set of rates than the Thai currency fixed deposits.
  13. I am certainly willing to admit error if I am wrong because I only quote the bank's document that is dated almost 3 years ago. But based on the opinions of other posters and the Bangkok customer service line ..... it seems you will be dining on crow soon.
  14. Are you sure you have the decimal place in the right spot? The Bangkok bank website shows FCD for an individual pays .05% for a 1 month term and only .6% for a 12 month term. The interest rate PDF is only available in Thai and it doesn't have the '%' sign, instead it just shows .05. I really doubt that it means 5%... much more likely it is .05%
  15. They provide enough revenue to tide the polling companies over the dry spell before the campaigns heat up.
  16. Good that you have had the comment taken down. Now, go take good quality "before" photos that cover every area of every unit you rent out.
  17. Your understanding of the applicability of a DTA is far too narrow. The stipulations in a DTA are not restricted to those citizens of the foreign country that collect no Thai income.
  18. I also switched banks between extensions. The "new" account is from SCB and comes with no bank book. I made the switch during the months when only 400K was required. There was a 2 month period where I had 400K in each bank to make it easy for IO to see that I was always in compliance with minimum deposit. I got an account affirming letter from both banks and a 12 month statement from "old" bank and a 4 month statement from "new" bank.
  19. Trump is appealing the verdict in the first trial. I don't think he is appealing just the compensatory damages assessed. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/11/trump-appeals-verdict-liable-for-sexual-assault-00096568
  20. Because you can't/won't/don't think deeply enough to justify the stationing of troops in Jordan, your opinion bears a greater resemblance to flatulence than fact.
  21. Perhaps the author will turn out to be a one-hit wonder. I recommend collecting a few more samples before leaping to a conclusion.
  22. It sounds like the funds you intend to use for building your house have been earned before 2024. If that is true it should be easy to prove that the funds are NOT taxable by Thailand. Many AN posters seem to believe that any remittance will be taxable. I think that is a very unlikely outcome. The "new" tax rules have already been clarified that any income from any year before 2024 will not be taxed even if remitted to Thailand. I don't think you should worry about paying Thai tax on the money you remit to be used for building your house. Personally I would spend a lot less money on the house and much more money on hiring excellent gardeners, and cooks to preserve my health. In Thailand the pesticide residues are a serious problem that will takes years to manifest. After all, your health is your most precious asset.
  23. That's why they often install two (or more!)ceiling units in large rooms.
  24. I've done it many times when entering Thailand with my wife. It didn't seem to matter what my Immigration status was at the time of entry, although I have not yet travelled out of Thailand while on an extension.
  25. The point of his request is that he is not buying sheets to fit a bed here in Thailand. He wants to buy for his bed in the EU. It seems he was hoping that buying sheets labeled Queen (for example only) size would fit a standard Queen size in his homeland.
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