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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Agreed. Always told the girls … 1 drink and I get relaxed 2 drinks and I get affectionate 3 drinks and they are safe again as I get sleepy. Always encouraged to keep drinking, wonder why that was. Self deprecation hoping it brings a smile to others …
  2. Damn that FDR liberal … no, wait maybe it was that damned liberal idea of freeing slaves … no, wait that, I am told was a Republican?
  3. I do hope all are observant enough to note the many newcomers on this forum commenting of US politics/elections. One might be tempted to dismiss those attacking … encouraging anger … as foreign or domestic enemies of the USA whose sole purpose is to convince folks that the USA is headed toward its demise very soon. Even if Trump is installed again … it will be some time into his term that the US falls apart with him in control. It should be a vital concern for all that so much military power is in the hands of a country with a popular democracy where the average reading ability is at the 7th-8th grade level.
  4. OK, it is just my take on things but if I had been rejected by 3 million of my fellow citizens in 2016, and 7 million in 2020, I do believe I would have taken the more than a hint. Not predicting but hoping to see a popular American citizen vote defeat of over 10 million in 2024.
  5. Why would you be banned for saying that? After all, there were those who supported Adolf, and still others supporting authoritarian leaders in our day. Actually, I heard The Donald praise Orban the other day.
  6. Trump … they are killing babies after they are born. We stay neutral in the face of blatant lies? It is not “equal” when one participant is a known and documented liar. An I bias against his lies … yep.
  7. Sitting and having a coffee at Amazon with the iPad and time available so, my apologies … for those in the back row (meaning those not American … or American but ignorant of voting in the USA. So, I am old and have thus grown into my field of study and teaching … history. Oh, I am aware of the passing out of bottles of booze by the ward bosses in the big cities of yesteryear gaining votes but … Hello? It is 2024 and for all the years I have voted as an American citizen, accusations that anyone can just show up and vote and have that vote count before ID is validated is patently BS. While in the US, the first time I got ready to vote I had to register and show that I was a citizen. You do this through your local voting district. Show up to vote your name is already on the books. I sign in next to my name and my signatures need to match.Truth is most Americans are known to the neighbors who are working as poll officials. So, I was not asked repeatedly for proof of being a citizen, showing an ID. We vote in our local districts overwhelmingly and are known to folks. Now I vote by Absentee Ballot still registered at my last US address (where I have not lived for over a decade). I used the federal form to request my Absentee Ballot, that was forwarded to my state election officials who matched my already being on the books with my voting record (no, not who I voted for but my established pattern of voting). On September 21 I can electronically request my Absentee Ballot, print it out here, fill it in, use the directed means of mailing (fortunately I live where we have a Consulate). I will take my ballot, in the envelope and the Consulate will put it in the “diplomatic pouch” meaning diplomatic mail going to the U.S. Once there, we have to depend on the US Postal Service to deliver the US Mail. As I am known in my local voting district I can check directly to confirm my ballot has been delivered and will be counted. I will save my ire for those who want to stop mail in ballots, or who would make it harder for me to vote … there should be no one who does not know which party is trying to restrict the number of voters … you might ask why. The answer is not immigrants but rather the WASP founding culture in the USA losing their hold on power to the population in a nation of immigrants. You can read it … they are not happy campers! Ask The Donald, or read some of those foreign or domestic enemies posting on this forum.
  8. 555 That was my first reaction … “the sky is falling, the sky is falling cried Chicken Little.”
  9. It is mildly amusing for me to see there are those who view the world as yes/no, right/wrong and hold to absolutes regardless of circumstance. Ah, well … as long as they do not try to demand the same of me. Yes, I was taught basic values as a child, then as I grew into a man, I pursued higher education in my own country and in seven other countries, as well. Yep, views, accepted values were changed by my education and global experiences making me ... wait for it … more liberal. Feel free to launch attacks as “flip flopping, allowing for changes as new evidence, new circumstances make themselves known.
  10. We may have some room to agree, although I would modify it a bit as stating”we don’t need old duffers bumbling their way through the most important jobs on the planet”, thus applicable to those in Congress and SCOTUS, as well.
  11. You mean, like Trump lost the 2020 election by 7 million citizen votes?
  12. I have seen a few travel trailers and mini motorhomes here in Chiang Mai but not many. Great opportunity for someone to both further develop Thai Nat’l Parks to include camping “hookups” and develop a private system of caravan/ motorhome parks near many of the already established Thai tourist sites. Perhaps in partnership with a Thai rental company of the caravans/mini motorhomes. But until then … I think you are the bleeding edge for such travel figuring it out as you go. Does GPS have camping sites like they mark gas stations, etc.?
  13. OK, you troll on a nerve as I am a retired history Professor with documented genealogy dating back before the founding of the USA. You don’t want this pissing contest for you would clearly be shown a fraud in challenging me being an American. The only benefit you have as my realization that you are not worth it. Attack me personally again and I simply block. Stick to the issue under discussion.
  14. Ha! Cite your evidence!!! My profile is online for all to see, unlike the foreign and domestic attackers who list no verifiable profile.
  15. I do not mind any oversight investigation, however, fraud took place when? By whom (charges and guilt findings already on file). Yep, Republican attempt to damage Walz for political ends … that is the clear motivation currently.
  16. “Sure hopes it puts a dent in Harris’s campaign”? Really? I never would have guessed. You and the rest of Trump supporting ilk, I hope … will be sorely disappointed if the vast majority of Americans vote. Why do I think this? Because you all are clearly a minority of the citizens in your thinking.
  17. Funny although I confess my thought reflected on a Republican Party nominee for President who encouraged an overthrow of the U.S. government by both trying to change the vote, challenge the vote validity and causing an insurrection.
  18. Ivana held up pretty good. At least twice a year for 20 years to the Czech Republic to our Sister City in Moravia. And a special friend there but … have to agree even Czech beauty fades. Ha! But now married to a Thai girl 26 years younger than I. All need to keep in mind, not a 26 year old as I am ancient.
  19. You are on a roll! Both your photo observation of a family having 4 fingers rather than 5 and the misplaced comma indicate negative foreign or domestic attempt gone wrong … of course there is the outside chance of an inherited genetic hand disorder and the hillbilly comma thingy.
  20. Typical of what I would expect from a foreign or domestic attempt to have Americans tear at each other. Oh, I am not stating that you are … I do not have the factual evidence. What evidence I have is only what is provided by you … I judge you thus and it certainly is not a conclusion that any American family could be proud.
  21. I do not want Trump to step aside. He and Vance are very effective Allie’s supporting my desire to have a Democrat sweep in November. Both of them, open mouth, insert foot.
  22. As much as any other American citizen. I have only my vote in reality.
  23. Point taken. So, in consultation with those more closely potentially understanding the ramifications.
  24. This is why the idea of his being locked up is not a concern of mine. I want to see him sentenced for his wrongdoing by citizen Trial Juries after already being indicted by the separate five citizen Grand Juries. And the financial costs ruining his financial well being. That should do the trick for a penalty … Oh, and an overwhelming election defeat in 2024, of course, with the added benefit of the loss of the down ballot Republicans being rejected resulting in a centralist, conservative Republican Party (but not until after the Democrat House, Senate and President take concrete steps to address the income/wealth gap having caused the underlying justified frustration/anger within the working middle class).
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