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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Agree. When I was looking at Chiang Mai as a possible retirement, I was offered to be taken around in a Tik Tuk. No scam the driver took meo a gem factory, to Big C, to Taylor shop, etc. He was quite open about his getting a tip at each shop for brining a potential customer by. I got almost a full day being taken around in a city with which I not familiar. On another trip in Bangkok, I was taken to the Manhattan Taylor Shop where I bought 3 shirts and two suits. I counted neither experience as negative as I was fully aware of what to expect on both our parts.
  2. The reason for the confesión is tied to a reduced penalty. Wonder if these two know this?well, doesn’t matter … they declared that they are innocent.
  3. I am thinking, more than anything else, his financial empire collapsing thus utterly destroying his ego may well result in a mental challenge for him. Of course, there is a real chance he will hold on to his delusions until his demise.
  4. Agreed, except it was 2009. I was a fat boy in a candy shop, quite literally. Thailand ... "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." from what I was familiar with in Western Kentucky.
  5. Certainly caution is advised. As to financial catastrophe, I limit the funds here in Thailand which mitigates the risk. Thus my use of the monthly income method into one bank account for monthly expenses. Another bank account for savings (also limited amount). I guess I took it to heart when upon retiring here that one should put at risk only what one could afford to lose.
  6. Recommend Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) signup on the State Department/ Embassy website. Up to you how much info to list but you do have the ability to list next of kin, etc. which will aid the US Embassy in contacting family upon notification of your death. A Thai Will certainly is recommended.
  7. Thank you for telling me that Australia provides school transportation for all students, truly, I did not know as I have not studied nor visited Australia. As to the mandatory stopping to allow the students safe time to cross the road upon entering or exiting the school bus and crossing the road safely? I will continue to support. But then to each country and their population … their sovereign choice without others condemnation … my valued Allie.
  8. Damn those Americans. Question, how many other countries provide school bus transportation for their students? Not in Thailand, not in Mexico last time I was there, hmm, if fact I have not recall witnessing this in any of the countries I have visited (certainly not the majority of the world's countries).
  9. Here, the Thai Police could invite in American Police ... as they have the most mass shooting incidents in the world (don't jump before considering that I am speaking of my own country ... and in condemnation).
  10. I could not be opposed to Chinese national expats (nor Russsians for that matter) volunteering with the Tourist Police on the same basis but I do not think that is what is being proposed.
  11. The pRC has already established offices in global cities to "assist Chinese nationals" ... tentacles.
  12. With due recognition of the immediate results of the military coup, as I recall. Is the three finger "Scout" sign still banned?
  13. As has been pointed out, there is a contest between the authoritarian government model and the more democratic government model. I recognize that it is certainly not black and white for some claiming "democracy" are not addressing the needs of their working middle class but ... I certainly cannot embrace the PRC model ... too much control demanded in return for surrendering individual freedoms for this American. Can get into deeper subject matter but I'll spare all.
  14. Tourists assume they are in a country where Pedestrians have the Right of Way. It takes a bit of time to realize that here in Thailand, traffic law/regulations are more "suggestions" and enforcement varies.
  15. Nice, tent right on the water ... a cold chill just went up my back remembering my Scouting days the the requirement not to be so close to the water (sanitation concerns are part of this). - old American Eagle Scout who now enjoys a glass or two of red wine while staring into a campfire and listening to a burbling stream ...
  16. So, why not bring in the Chinese under the same Tourist Police organization conditions? I get the feeling this is to be a "horse of a different color" (or in Thai context, "Says, same but different").
  17. While I agree in general, Mike ... I have found the "right" side of the road depends on which of the 7 countries I have driven in ...
  18. Agreed. Switching which side to drive on and having the steering wheel on the other side was just natural for me but ... after 12 years, I still sometimes hit the wrong lever for turn signal/wipers!
  19. Agreed. I spent six weeks once I focused on Chiang Mai. A month condo rental one place, two weeks at another in different parts of town. One week only allows a tourist statement of having visited the city. A week in different locations to get a feel for local area services (food, shopping, costs, general services, transport, etc.) before deciding on where to stay for the first 6 - 12 months of living in Chiang Mai.
  20. Immediately, this came to mind. "Candiru is a tiny Amazonian parasitic catfish reported to swim into urethral and other body openings of unprotected bathers". I think I'll pass on the trekking and Amazon swimming!
  21. Yes, it is an ACH transfer and the cost is less than $20.00 USD on a transfer of $2200.00. I am not concerned about instant delivery so I order the transfer at my convenience, sometimes ordering it on a Friday afternoon and arrival on the following business day afternoon. No, “medallion” signature guarantee needed. I did it all online with Wise and Fidelity but long ago so I do not remember the exact order of steps taken. Once a month, I open the Wise App on my iPhone and send the order … as the accounts are already linked, I do not enter username, password, etc. Has worked for for over a decade without any “glitches”.
  22. I was recently told of a Thai acquaintance of my Wife who called to tell her the good news that she and her Daughter, after using an agency were successful in getting US Tourist Visas. The Daughter plans to remain and work. And thus Thais are costing other Thais by their planned overstays and illegal working … Like it or not Thai females, especially have an earned reputation.
  23. I had been here some years before I witnessed a Thai guy dragging a Thai girl out of his vehicle and start hitting her. Before retiring to Thailand I had read books on Thai History, Politics, Society … I kept driving. This is not a culture built on the Western concept of Chivalry … here Loss of Face takes precedent.
  24. I fell afoul of this with my Fidelity Account where SS and RMD deposits are made automatically. I used to do an EFT to Bangkok Bank, NYC. Fidelity does not use the required form and so a change. Ever since, I have Wise set up so that on my Wise App, I tell them, once a month to take a stated amount (usually $2200.00 USD) from my Fidelity Bank Account and transfer the equivalent Baht into my Bangkok Bank here in Thailand. I always check the “long Stay living expense” reason for the transfer. Always comes in as FTT without issue for my annual Extension of Stay.
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